Kristian Andersen 12:13 Supersec too Bat Wuhan.geneious Bat_Wuhan_SARS.geneiousZip Zip February 1st2020 Pinned by you Kris Kristian Andersen 12 31 Post I Ideas for analyses Post Structural analysis comparing nCoV/SARS/bat binding to bat/human ACE2 SRA searchturin site + neighbor Likelihood o of gaining furin site Likelihoodof gaining restriction site Conservation iin bbat viruses around restriction site General conservation a across RBD Is RBO hyper mutated or is this what we would expect? Examples of bywhich viruses pick uo furin sites of mechanisms by ¥ Andrew Rambaut12.47 What are the coordinate of the RBD Kristbn Andersen 12:48 22553 ¥ 23140 inHu¥l (might bbe aslight jitter in 3' -needto doublecheck) Ideasfor analyses Private post shared in 1 place Done editing I ¥¥¥ Share Ideas for analyses Structural analyses comparing nCoV/SARS/batbinding to bat/human ACE2 SRAsearch furin site neighbor likelihood of gaining furin site Likelihoodof gainingrestriction site Conservation in tint vires around restriction site Generalconservationacross RBO Is RBO hyper mutated or or is this what we would expect? Examples of mechanisms bywhich viruses pick up furin sites Structural modeling ACE2 inghumanACE2 vs Bat A Ts/Tvf k-mer usageunusualin any way? February 11st, 2020 Andrew Rambaut 12:50 Thanks Kristian Andersen 13:17 The RBD is definitely heavily mutated,but I'mnot sure that's unexpected Ineed to compareacross the batviruses, Screen Shot 2020-02-01 at 10.16.33.png I (this is protein) And1'tiV Rambaut 13.U ¥¥ Eddieis awjke. Send flim an invite to this sljck. This is SARS and its dose rdatives: REV0002899 Tile two bat ones areabout as far away as RaTG13 is from Wuhan February1st, 2020 image Krlstian Andersen 13:28 I Just invited Eddie Eddie Holmes 13:30 joined joined paper-2020-nature_medicine-proximal_origin. Eddie Holmes 13:30 Morning Andrew Rambaut 13:30 nCov vs RaTG13 Kris 13:30 February 1st, 2020 Kristian Andersen The two bat ones .re about as far ;,,vay as RaTGt3 isfrom Wuhan Help me interpret. so dis.tal\Ce betvteen SARS anti bat SARS--likeiSabout the same as between RaTG13 and Wuhan? Morning £ddia. Gright:ind~:irly. Do vou have those comparisons;.ist in protein swce? ¥ Andrew Rambaut 1H3 ¥¥ Wlage.1>ng ¥ I ,,. Yes hold on a tick r,I; EddieHolmM 13:33 ,....._ That's a great comparison! ¥ Andrew R.ambaut 13'.33 februa-y ht. 2020 ., ᥠ.SARS: nCov: lroge.png ¥ I So not wrtcolarly hewily mutated. t1f!i1 Krlstlin Andcrs~n 13;3, f.n Good!Theseareve,y simil.r-.What"st~ difference between SARS and that bat virus? e Andrew Rambaut 13.36 ¥¥ 92.86% identity icross spike for nCoVvs ~t. 92.03" tor SAAS vs bat So I do1'l't thillk the 'hypermutatfon¥ in R8S is a goer . .'IJ Kri¨n Andersen 13á37 J'cbtva,v 1,.t, 2020 ., f:£1 Agreed It's hyper mut.atod, however, region in general is 1-Yipcr mutated ¥ in other words. tflis is what we'd expect. ¥ Andrew Rom bout 13.37 ᥠYes. 11!1 Kristian Andersen 13:38 e Andrew Rambaut !H8 ¥¥ 50 Clt";JvJge Site .}1)(1 ft:,ltiCtiOoking at cle:tvage site right oow ¥ lemme sh.ue alignment ¥ ~teinaligrrncnt.gcnci:ous For this I took -30 A.Asflanking th~ h.Jrin si:c in nCoVand proteii1blasted it ¥ th('n downloaded (!V'Crythingthat omc tJP and aligr.ed everything. A lot of divecsity around that site in general ¥ Andrew ttamNut 13.~2 ¥¥ RaTG13 is identi~I except tor the 4 resicfuei11:Sertion. REV0002900 a.wKristian Andersen 13:43 februa-y lSt. 2020 ., ~Yup Wh~t does the regtOn .-round that site k)ok like in your previous atignments? liflllill Krlstun Andersen 13:49 fl8 As tor the 8JmHI site. 1rs .t single syncnymous tr.m5't1on. Ti.e conse,vnloo downstre(ffl ot It ls tYPlc.JI tor other sequences hefe, so also not unexpected. r, Eddi~ Holmos U.$1 ~ Wh.1ttver hJPPened here, the virus bec.ame very quickly loaded for hurriln transmission. ~Û).:>!:) tiilllilKristun Andersen 13:St mi9 so I U'liJlk we cansay tl' (1) hyper' mvtatk>J\ aod(2) r'~tr'l 10á3(5.10 x 10-4, 128 x 10-2) for S, 1.69 x 10-3(3.94 x 10-4,3.60x 10á 3) for P. l.65 x 10á3 (4.47 x 10-4, 324., 10á3) for the whole genome respectively. At this nucleotide substitution rate, the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) of 2019¥,~oVs appeared about 0.2S3¥0.59"1year b<:foret~ epidemic. Co,-.clusio.'l: Our analysis suggests that at least two different viral strains ol 2019-nCoV are invo\ted in this outbreak n:ight OCQ.Jr a few months e.irlte, before it wasofficially reported. Show less Jan 30th, 2020 Robert Garry 13:18 Thls new sequence EPI_ISLISL.403928 esssentially rnutal'lons., 1,vtlatwewould say ls tht fuskm pe:pTIOC.althcugh rus three ccnsecut1ve mars ~controverSlat." Just ~ying¥ if I w.'lls goi,,g to do i;;.-,i.-. fu,~c-tionr'ese.:'llr'C:h -3t the YCr'y le.>st Sofn& 10 pour' g:isoo the ol fund.On or' Joss of I misht mutotelhe fu5io,, peptid'e (d!,ht :.f-tet :.ddio,s the f11ln s.lte). So this 6 fire, Jeremy is absolutc,ly right this needs to be discussed in the light of day. And, ASAP. I e Andrew Rambaut t~l25 ¥¥ EPI_ISL_403928 w~ one of the ones which orlgloolly had 50 SNPs werest!quenclng rrrors. The lab then updated It (silently} and It Is now onty 1 SNP different from o:her Wuhan onn. This mrxir i!>entirety .i,, i'rtiefact of th;(. Robert Garry 13-:30 . In thebioR.xiv pdf they say: "WN;n compared with the other 2019-nCtG13" nCoV .pd! POF LALIG~ ..,,,...,..cfwWllt.'>, .. '-'T.-nJ IUl--l,,,-l¡"""loo-1?1_.._.,!l,!CI :=,i::::'!.;~q.r..:,;.;.;:-...... ~ ~4¥&¥ ¥I-¥¥-¥¥ ............. _.¥,..¥¥¥¥¥¥"¥Èáá I Tt~ arevery similarSpike prottins except for Ule RBD th~ looks like it was human adapted :md the hsetdon of the PRRA. com:erts ~ site to M optirnal furináflke cleavage silt aod iiotentfaJlvn of two .:,rgi.ninc:i; ¥ Own 2001. 2hles ¥ Alexander and Brown.pelf a 0Uan2007 LPAI vs HPAl.pdl ¥ POF PDF Aleanderand Brown ttach ;hat: ~All the current evidence indicates that HPAI viruses arise by mutation after LPAI'Iiiruses of the HS or H7 subtype have been intl'Oducedinto poultry. Sewral m~nism~ maybe tl!'SJ)()(ISible ror lflis mutation. Fo1 mos1 HPAI vin.6es. men;~ appears to have been spontaneous duplication of purine triplets. resulls il U~ insert-ioo of basic:am'no adds at the HAOdcavacc thiisccms tooccurdoo toa tranwiption enor by the polyma--:i$e complex (76)."' This is what Andrew stated last night ¥it can happen in poullJy. Ek.Itits ~nd insertion of two amino acids not four at once. I H9 Ou viruses o~imitt a rnhirnal furin cleavage site to an optimal one . ¥H9 and forin site.pdf POF A NlJ'ld MÇh.ani.-n of lallut-nn, \'ioo H Outbreak, Chile -.. -¥¥-..._,.,,.-..........___ Cl.__ '-9_...,. -1.-.,0..-.. --..-----c.-., .. _.....,"""'1 ... _....,,lt'-'-................. 4_, A very go0<1 review bY DrOS1eo. I REV0002904 ¥ORosten ¥ sou,ce ofCdls.pdf POI' Hosts and Sources of Endemic Human Coronaviruses YlclorM.CorYN~,Ooiffft~¥¥>"'¥¥ CMiMi.iOroa"''"'' ,_, ________ .._____ '""::.~...;::-.;.~~':.:!':;.."'.'_.. y,....__ á. Robert Carry 1as1 . Ne,w :inal~: SQme strains of mtJri1W:hepatitis viruses h3vÛ!a su, fura11-likedeav.a_gesite (wilh pttdicted 0-liked glyca,1s).some just have-an optimal site and somt havt ,,o site at all. Just b~sed oo tl-.espike ph..Ç>8efly thlsseenis lO have evolvedwith Ulespik.(> l)(Olein mofc Ç Jess but this ls out or my wheeOOust. No1 sufe if spite evoluUoo io MHV fOllows evctut'iOf'l,tMCRA c.-1c I of other proteins but all .ue relevilnt questions gi'len the current issves beingdiscussed IMO Wotd Oocurrent ¥ II FtbrW,Y 2nd. 2020 .,MHV spike evolution.doc:x W~tdDocun,ent And a nrst t>okac tne HKUá1 spik.e -1.saclose re1.at1vcor MHV. Word Docurrent ... And a first bok at the HKUá 1 spike -isa close rel.ative of MHV. Febrtt.'lry2nd. 2020 ., \Void oÇutn;ánt ¥ II HKU¥lSpike.docx w,,,J~'¢M Rokrt Carry 1:J.SO a Two pattens seen he~ (i think there isa third variant as wel~. There is an insert of three serines right next to the alreadysuper optimill flJrin ,ke cle.av;isebet-weeSl and $2. And, this cre(ltes Jl(edicted o-tinkedglyainswhy the.1uthors we~ unsuccessful in determining the structure of the too of the trimer. but thev didn't kno.vwhv. Robert Garry 1407 . Bottom line on aI this analysis ¥ mechanisms exist in flu as Arldre-H staied to make insertiom at the junction where the two ~ubunits are clea,.,ed ¥ enh´Kingvirutence and human infectivitv. CoV .ip,Èrtntlydo this .1$ wc-ll01 potcnNlly c:im do ttli$. Thi$ i$ .in imporbnt mc-.$.:a.gC#,om thi: di$Cu.s$ion :ind f"¢Cd to be t.1lkcd .ibout in light of the furin l1k¢ dc-.iv:igc $itc-being noticc-d. Robert C.arry toll 10 f:'cb,u.;,,y 2nd, 2020 ., . I still don't know if the nCoVwas the r'tSultsor a defibtral~ ,nanipulalfo,1 orá nol. 11 riCo-, wasnol oogineered then RatG13 ¡'a very do~y related Sat virus ~nehow er,ded up ina situation in 11arurclike the poultrytanns for HS etc. as Andrew stated. That's very scary and perhaps e,WneÇcd \\Ot.Jldbe-better¥ at le~st that can be r~gulated so it doesn't happen again. Robert Garry l. "l:it . So. Of nCoV deve-lo~ that optimal furin cleavage site with the o¥liri (wh'ch I now suspect are important because they are prcscnt etsewhcre} then: 1. THe insertion mech.ani1msisdifferent tan flu HS in that it's loogee<:.luse Ule 1nsert1on is a pertect 12 t1Jcteot1des. not a rather nofl¥Speclhc recorrblnat1on. Robert Carty 1. ~ . It would beimDCl'tant IMOtogei a estimate on the timing on how long ago the MHC mutations .lfld the HKU-1 SSS insertion todc place. ifMIKristian Andersen 1s04 fa Tl\ankS Bob. t11esc are really gOOd points. can you please sh.lre tfle sequcncts fretn y0ur analysis or the alig.rtment? I'llmet, take a clOsÇ over au diverg,ence. etác.11001.edat these yesterday, but I wasn't getting meanin.gful alignments. As for the recent bioRliv paper ¥ as Ardrev, stated, th.rt can be ignored ¥ the S<:quenccis wroog Md that's where they're getting their sgnal. Robert Garry 15 20 e KHUál I REV0002905 ~~(6).txt¥ l >lcllDQ437619.1_prot_A3096198.l_l (gene¥S) [protein .. spike (l)'coprotdn) [protein_td.,;.a096J98.l) [location"l .4071] (gbkey.,CDSJ 2 HLLllrllPT1LAVIGDFP,CTNFAINDKt:T7VPRIS£V'VVCW'SYGLGTWILOft.VVUITTILFlGYFPKS GANFRDLSU:GtTVlS TUA'(it:lÈF LSm~át.001F Sk'VKN1'Kl YVNXTl YSE.FS T IVIGSVf INNS YT IWQ .4 PtNGVLE 10:.SKGSSRtfES\.ttFOKSEP\.C TQ,IL RGTF IT ACQYfHCE't'PHl L FÇ kN TYNVS VF HfVQE Y MHV >lcllttF618lS2.1_prot_ATNl7888.1_) (prot¥in&$-pik.i ilycoprouin] (prohin_id1ATN37888.1) ( locatiOl'la-22720 . '26694] [&:bk¥y&COS] 'I HLfVFlt.flPSCLGYIGDFRCIQlVHS.t.JGNNSAPSISTEMVSQC.ilGTYYVLORVVlNATLLl l(iYYP .a VDGSKfRNlALTGTHSYSlSWFQPPYLSQftflGIFAKVQNll(lSTPSG.AUYFPTIVIGSLFGVNSYTW Here are the dustal 3lignments for t~ entire spike proteins. ,...,. a MHVclostalo-£20200202-150710 ... a HKU-1 clustalo-£20200202-1705 ... PbinTcxt Plain Text I ~ Kristian Andersen 1S:33 Febr\.l.l,Y 21'1d.2020 ... ei\'!IThanks Bob -111t.ike a look e And,ew Rambaut t3á1t ¥¥ If you want to look here is a bunch of cleavage sites in highápath .wlJn influenza HS and H7. Zip¥ 2 documents from H5Nl cleavage sites..geneiOU$ ¥ z .. llr.WKristian Andersen 18;34 ~ Do we haw any location information on lhc bat SARS-likc viruses? I'm reading through papers and I foul'ld this particular sentence from one of Shi's papers interesting -¥intcrcsringty, all the SARSr¥CoVsthat are capable of using human A.CE2 were found in R. sinicus in Yunnan Province¥. t bclic\lc RaTG13 is from Yunnan. which is about as far away from Wuhan as you can be and still be in China. What arc the chances of finding a viruses that arc 96% Identical given thatdlstarK:c? Seems stromge given how m.1nv SARS-lik.e viruses we have in b.lts {which is what Eddie has been telling us tor ,1 while ... ). f.t6rtcd) ¥ Andrew Rambaut t8'.37 ¥¥ Ebola got from Middle Africa to West Africa in 10á20years. ~ Kri$lian Andersen 18.37 I !B Yup. that's true a:I Yup. that's tve to go drnvn the natural selÇtion rabbit hole ~' And yes. all of thi'S is highly useful and .absolutely required ¥ taking a very close look at the dfffcrent scenarios. Gives some really good ammo to shoot do-..vnall the fringe theories .aod bad studies going on as well. I REV0002906 ifillll Kristian Andersen 20-31 F-ebruary 2nd, 2020 v In @Andrew RJmb3ut and @iRobert Garry take a k>ok al this alignment wMe reading these three papers: https:N\w1W.l'\;irtides/s41S79¥018-0J 18á9 (section on "SARSáVNmutations that affec;.t human and civet receptor binding1. S/ 227 4 This is very intere5ting ¥ nCoV is loodedf0< binding human ACE2 receptor. Compared to the bats, 5/6 of the most critical contact residues are mutated in nCoV. Very interesting. (key residues arc marked "mutated'" in Gc-ncious for lack of a better category, .. ) :rc1,ted 2""' ¥ a spike_alignmentfastJ spike_alig:nment..geneiou.s Plilintc:w.t ¥ Zip a..lilKristian Andersen 2046 fa One additional point to this¥ rC;>Sidue 472 in SARS (Ll converts from l > Fin tiswe culture incr'easing binding and infection (last papctj. It's an Fin nCoV, but an Lin the dos.cly rdatcd Mt viruses. including RaTG13. HowNtcd) February 2nd, 2020 " a modoll.pdb a modcl2.pdb PlamT~xt Plain Text ....aKristian Andersen 22:35 lrJ One thing I 600 kind,cl funny hereá all of this w096.5% similar to 2019-nCoV ANO that there:must be an intermediate host that is even closer $till". Again, may all be natural. ButI .am struck by how differently this virus is be-1\aving fromSARS. ¥ And.-ew R.ambaut 04-3:;, ¥¥ I just heard there are two papers coming out in Nature today that use the nC,oV sequence lo predict host. I guess one is Daniel Strieke-l¡'s one uslng a machine lea ming nonsense. Not sure what the other is (presumably not the snakes paper). I wonder if they both say bat or do they have something better? PerhapS this stuff is something we should wr'ite-a paper about to addn?$$ this not¥aábat thing..(ed1~e-d, e Andrew Ramb.ilut (K43 ¥¥ Ha. Just got setit them (by media centre). One is yours Eddie. So not Daniels. And not really about hosts. I REV0002907 ... Eddie Holme5 0-Ul F-dH'\l.ry 3rd. 2020 ... ,-..; No, it's our5 and the Wuhan Institute one. Ours is now em~rrassingly out of date. No way Daniel can ect a p;!per into Natu,e saying that a bat-relc1ted corooavtrus has a bat host. Surety? e Andrew Rambaut 0451 ¥¥ No. It was jun the way (he media person said it -she said one of them was about the host species and had been on biorxiv. I only agreed to k>ok at it because I was worried it was Daniels nonsense. Anyway. I don't think I will comrnem on these. They are fine. Well done. F'li EddieHolmM 04:56 ~ Wcifeng, who hctps George. is writing a paper on these 2 new bat CoVs he has sequencing. Hugely keen to knowá how close these arc to 2019-nCoV but he has yet to tell me. Or wha:t mutations they have. e Andrew fbm~ut 04:S9 ¥¥ Do vou think we could write a paper on the ápre¥adiiptationá of nCoV to humans. Coold be(In inttrC1:ting e~mple of how the Predkt proje<:t is so flawed. I guess they 'HOU Id just say we need to do even more sequencing to find these viruses. r,i Eddie HolmH 05:0S ~ When the dust has settled a bit yes. Jon Cohen tssniffing,amund. Not about the I.Jbstuff but about all the cover-ups and 'Who knowwfl.JtW'hen. Very vexed thal the market was cleared. Soam I .that just smells bloody weird. ... Eddie Holmes OS:SS ,....._ Confidentially. just got this from Weifeng. Ones in red. Also Yunnan. H;;iven't got seqs bot can assume they have bat motifs . ¥Simplot4 0203.pdf RAxML .. bip.artitions.c1In.S001 .. BGI ... POf PDF ¥ Robert Carry 08c39 . https://\w.w,ncbi.nlm.nih,gov/pmc/articles/PMC6070550/ ¥>PubMed Central (PMC) Evolution of high pathogenic.ity of HS avian influenza virus: hiiemagglutinin cleavage site selection of ff!Vers.e¥genetics mutants during passage in chickens low pathogenic-ity avian influenza viruse-.;: {LPAIVs) are generally asymptomatic in their narural avian hosts. LPAIVs can evolve into highl:y pathogenic forms. which c;in affect avian and human populations with devastating conse<:iuence-s. The switch to highly ... The major hangup I have is the polybasic cleavahe sile. Oearly it can arise in Flu v Ha, but it's not really a .. natural~ process. HS, which is the one with the insertof the arginines required transmission from w;iterfowl to commercial poultry. In other words it dis not occur in nature but only in a situation where intC.>tlse uansmission. '"Thestability of the short motif suggests that p.:1thogf!nic:ity5Witc:hing may require specific conditions of intense selection pressure (svch as with high host den:;:ity) to boost se~on of the initial mid-leogth HACS forms.¥ e Andrew Rarnbaut 09.01 ¥¥ I agree, But for selection to work it needs variation. I.e., it needs the mutation to be thrown up occa~onally so that it can be selected for. Robert Garry 09'.11 . Yes indeed. Conttibuting to my l\angop. lb not two b.Jsic amino acids it's three plus the proline. :.nd it's a perfect 12 base insertion -no mutations at all in lhc rest of 52 \. So this n,ajor va,icition occurred without any other c.l\anges anywhere close til you go upstteam to the RBO ¥ (nice wol'k K on the modcfing!). For this to h.lve occurred in nature you have to posit the of a Bat virus that is exactly like R.ltG13 .lnd nCov in all of S2 except that it has some variant of the polybasic cleavage domain. Robert Garry ot.:z-s . Of course the hypothetic.JI virus wit~ the optimal furin-like site ,a;lso had to evolve a near perfect ROB that was a,s I( put it w.iis ¥Jock and loaded¥ to bind to hum.iin ACE. ~ Kristbn Andersen 11>13 !.r!IIII have some more analyses to look at late, today. Going to take a look at what happened to SARS.u it spread in humans vs what happened to it before. Preliminary, it seems like all cont.act residues arc alraady mutated in nCoV, but rn.any/most of the oth<'rs that changed in humans during the SARS Cl)tdemic arc not. Not totally sure what to make of it. but that's both consistent with passage and selectioná but it probably tells us that we didn't have a bunch of missing chains in human:swhere it could haw picked up theACE2 mul.ations. As to Trevor's al\31ysis. I looked at similar things a fow days .ago and saw the same¥ and got to the s.amc conclusion as this:'Vfb/status/1224208100590096384?s .. 21 But the I realized . .actually no. not necesSJrily ¥ unless it's highly obvious engineering those tYPes of analyses are no way near powered to detect a signal. Same for just looking at trees. Robert Garry 10c1s . The full-length genome sequences had 99.8% homology to the human SCoV. which indicates that the human and animal SCoVálike viruses were closely related. https:l/scief"Ke.s.ciel\Cet'l"!'nl/302/5643/276 ~ Science Isolation and Characterization of Viruses Related to the SARS Coronavirus from Animals in Southern Chil\3 A novel coronaviros (SCoV) Is the etiological agent of sC\lcrc acme respiratory syndrome {SARSJ. SCoVálike viruses were isolated from Himalayan palm civets foulld in a live-animal market in Guangdong, China. Evidence of virus infection was also deteclOO in other a11imat.s (ioduding a raccooo dog. Nyctereutes procyonoides) and in humans working at the s.Jme market. All the ,1nimal isolates retain a 29-mxleotide seQuence tllat is not found in most human isolates. The detection of SCoV¥like viruses in small. live wikl mammals in a retail market indicates a route of interspecies tra1lSmission.although the natural rC'Servoir is not known. Oct 10tl\ 2003 I I I I REV0002908 FeblU3JY3td, 2020 .,. Robert Garry 1022 ¥ Intilt ca,se of s.:1rs the isotation Ç aveC progenitorvi1us from three pafl'n civt'ts. a raccoon d08;. and a O,inoe fe,ret badger happeoed quid:ly. Asimilarvirus wets circulating amongst sevctal animJlsin the wild ¥ Of they 311 got infected <,1tthe m3rkeL Robert Garry 102, . fittps:K;our,¥10.13711jour11Jl,ppJll006698 i thi1k this is ttie ~perycu want ~ jourM-l~.pbS.04'S Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS¥relatedcoronaviruses provides new iMig:htsinto th~ origin of SARS coronavirus Author summ´Y lnlocks of SARS¥CoV genome, induding the highly v,1ri,ble Sgene. ORJ8 :.nd ORf:3. cwld be found in the genomu of difftrent SARSráCoVstrain,s from this single kxatior\ Based on the analysis of fullá length genome sequences of the newly identified bJt SARSr-CoVs. Yle specu13teth.-lt the dire-ctancititor of SA~¥CoV m.rv ha\ll"ari~ ... Show more lwllJIII tc>.:J1 FebruaryJ,d,2020vKrfstianAndorstn Bf! Ye.ih, SARS seemed to ht1ve;, sign,iflcaitly more widespreJd reservoir ¥ lateroo in the epidemic, 3dditional spillovers also OCk al coml).)\ibility of the ACE2 inte,Jclins mutd¨os with J set 01 l)Otc,lti.ll ome, ,neOi..K.e) ciut, and probably bats too. Ferrers is a maybe. I think it might be HeI4 though/ Robert Garry 10,40 . "I'm pretty >Ureby now they thinl I'm -11complete crad.pol." Iihinle wQ'r¥ di~proving this hy1) l.o,t of ,.d R;igs; .and no i1wont bo poÇ.itio to j)f'OY\IJ"M'tur:11" tt:1n,:rni11dot1 u,,til yo.1 find (QWr:il cfo999Q. f 1>l'ttty suro w0<0 not going to find theprogtnitorin ht.mans.!y not possiblit to prove e-scape. Robert Garry 1oso . Transmittinz a bat virus lik~ RatC13in Hela c:ellsand then asking your graduate studetlt to in~rt a fuM sit<' (she would havt-had to be taken literally not chanee 4 amino aicds but literaltv insert 4) would get you there. IIás not crackpot to suagest this coukl have happened given the Gof research we know Is happening. Robert Garry 1058 ¥ for me proving ¥t1{1tur.,I" ev<>lution of the f-..-insite -.vouktrequi,e fin.ding sotl'le :inimot CoV "ith :i highly siniitior (identie.,I} S2:ind ~ever,i~I\ of the f\M'in site iMert ¥ prefemlty .alle3S! o minim,11 deavage site RáXáXáR. 11WKristianAndersen 1t:St !8 Yeah, !lgl'ecd on a.Uaccou,,u. I think we ca,,'t pl'OVe eithel' w&y, we Ol'lOnJy lav out whet we have learned alÈut the virus a,)d its cvolutbo. Makin& the de.ccm/site:s/vkt0r\l.;iry 3rd. 2020 ... la It's amazing that we actually have to counter the complete crackpot theory of HIV / SARS mutant virusC"S ... Rob4!!rtGarry 13:59 . Shi Zhcngli. a rC"Searcher from the institute. said on her social media oo Sunday the virus was the result of "nature punishing the uncivilized habits and customs of humans¥, and she is willing to ~bet my life that [the outbre;ik) has nothins to do with the l;ib.* Herc's a quote from inside the WIV. I infor from thi'ii that ZhCilgli belieVC'ii that humans eating wild beasts is what lead to the current outb~ak.. Troe that the oCoV¥HIV paper is just ¥complete crKkpot.¥ Howruary3rd. 2020 "' . Aocf, precluding the Question whether or not the market the type of environment were YoU cookl h.1veh.ld the intense selective p,essure required to generate .an optimal furin cleavage site, Robert Garry 14A8 . Note to self: coronavirus.cs $2 have one or two zinc binding dom.ains following the TM domain just like arenaVlrus.cs (except rcptareAavirv'i who stole their GP from filovirusesj. r'II Eddie Holme:s !.S:35 ,-; No way the selection could occur in lhc market. Too low a density of mammals: realty just small groups of 3á4 in cases.. Robert Garry 16:.18 . That is what Ithought as weU. which begs the question where woukl you get intense enough transmission (like the pouHry farms for HS)to generate and pass on the furin site insertion? ¥ Andrew R.ambaut 17:09 ¥¥ That is the million dollar que5tion. Although it may not be the $.Jme dynamic as poultry. It may just be an animal where the virus behaves very similarly to how it does in humans. Ferrets? Kristian Andersen 17:26 1.19I could believe ferrets. Baric's pape< atso suggest that the ACE2 mutations might be compatible with ferrets Robert Garry 11::n . tfl)l'Uil,Y ->ro.,lV,lU ... \YI Wikipedia Chinese ferret-badger The Chinese ferrel-badger {Metog.c,te moschata). also known ~s the sm<1IHoothed ferret-badger is a n"M!mber of the Mustelidae, and widely distributed in Southeast Asia, It is listed as Least Concern on (he IUCN Red List and considered tolerant of modified habitat.The Chinese ferretábadger is densely distributed mainly .:ic::ross areas of Central to Southem China. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 17:33 I 4111. \YI W1kipedla Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market The Huanan Seafood Wholesale M;irket (Chinese: ~$ffll1iP.~m'$). also known as the Huanan SeMood Marktt is a live animal and seafood market in Jianghan Disttict. Wuhan. Hutx,,; province. China. The market gained media attenlioo after the Workl Health Organization was notified on 31 December 2019 of .an outb.-eak or pneumonia in Wuhan. Of the initial 41 people hospitalised with p~monia who we1 .. ... ,_ I('''~ :.__::!~! _.., KIO" 0111( Robert G.ariy 1&1t . This is what that jnter.ction with s.ars v rbd looks like. I Fd>ruafY3rd. 2020 " THe vellow sf)lieres are ACE 31. ;3, 38, 82 ¥nd 353. THc red sphcresaroSARS V 472.479and 487 the pdb is 2AJF. I Possitic tomodd in nCoV¥worth doing . .1581::´1@ .,. Kri,-Nn Andernn 1&.20 ra Yeah, I'd ht interested in seting nCoVand RaTG13 binding toAC£2 from e.g., humans and bats. Night get toit later in lhcweck ¥definitely a fair bit of work to do ... ... EddieHolmes 18:28 ~ The wiki into is wrong I bel~. According to the official newsagency re-port in EngliSh& Cl'incsc it 33 samplesthat tested PoSitivt, not anim~ls.An were from OM partitular part of the market. Hard to kt1ow QJltc what this rreans. Robert Garry 1&32 . tilt~:Vse:.ience.stieneenag,o,g/conte"t/scii309/S742/18o4.full.()df QG.t Robert Garry t840 . Not testing tM animals is definitety a crime against sdtnc:e, if not humanity. REV0002911 llf'!lilKristian Andersen 00-01 FttM'uary4th. 2020 " f!a Alright, first attempt at creating the new summary. Please take a look and edit away. I closed access to the document. so @Eddie Holmes do VOtJhave a (new) gm.ail address I could share it with? I suspect you mig:ht have a few opinions on this document .: r,i Eddie Holmes 01-:N ,-.; Mygmail , I've edited the goog.le doc. Looks great. I think vou did right thing to makeit completely neutral scientiflcally. Good idea oot to mention all the other anomalies .as this will rn.ake us look like loon$.. As it standsit is excellent basic science. which is a service in itself. e Andrew Ramb.iut OLSO .41111111 . I agree. Excellent. Should Vff: add something .:ibout the possibility of these being adaptation to humans that have arisen post¥zoonosis? r'li Eddie Holmes 03'!,7 ,-.; Y~. voocoukl potentially -:ldd a line saying that...although these ca-.;es ;;1r-eobvioosly missing. One other thing that I've noticed I think. No more genomes coming out of \IVUhan. Correct? r..¥ A A n I e Andrew R.arnb.aut 04.15 F"ebru.uy4th. 2020 ... .41111111. Yes. None since 4th Jan. ~ing0.Jl!M4)1"\8;"' áááááᥥ¥¥¥¥ ij I lj r'lil Eddie Holmes 04:28 ,-... E"itherGeorge is sitting on all the seq~ces because the CCOC are now completely in control. Of they've been told to stop generating the data. Either way, weird. e Andrew Ramb.lut 04.59 .41111111. Agreed. Interestingly Guangdong is happily sequencing away but t guessthe regions have autonomy. e Andrew Rarnbaut 07.48 .41111111. Hi all. I did a t>.tmore editing on the document to include a human .-dapution scenario that I think is important to raise (to coonter the 'OMG it is mutating' arguments). I also re-jigged it -so the engineeringisnot one of the scenarios but is ru~ out explicitly. ~ Kristian Andersen 10, 12 f8 Excellent. Will go through again this morning. Andrew, IN usknow if you need lcners of-support for this:áncov-rapid-respon-sc-call/2019-ncov-rapid-rc-sponse-call/ {l!ditectl e Andrew R.ambaut 11 26 ¥¥ Everyone ~stalking about this but quite frankly I don't know what I would -spend the money on. ~ KrlstianAndersen 11:51 la Brer and pizza for the kmg nights in front of rhc computer? r'li Eddie Holmes 15:37 ,-.; Just think of how many spurious BLAST analyses you could do. ~ KristlanAndersen 15:59 ~ To be fair. I just bought the man beer. so if he got the rÈor'tl'y then maybe-he: could tcturn the favor and buy rne some beer for my blast ar..alyscs. Some very intctesting fCSults fr¥otr1 blasting all the nCoV ba-se-s individuallyá might be my best work to date. Ffflrw,v 5th. 2020 " e Andrew R.ambaut 02;28 41111. I bet some of them match Ebola! lr.!ilKristian Andersen 12:1S la Hi @channel -had a Jock at the Pangolins and got excited about it. but docsnát realty seem to change much In my It's true that one of the key residues (505) arc shared between rtCoV and pan.go (and not bats). but the others are not. There are several other not-so-key residue-s that changed in SARS that are also marked in the alignment ifvoo want to take a Sook (the key ones .1re labeled "Mut.ation¥ and the other not¥so¥key¥but¥changing on4;:s are labeled ¥stte:1. The not ~o key ones arc interesting bc<:ause they changed during the SARS epidemic and were involved in various things. including immuoo selectioná in nCoV these are very distinctly bat (and pango) but not Screenshots and alignments attachedá SARS Ubani is selected as the reference !.O you'll see changes relative to that. Eddie (and defmitely Bob .) I know you guys are Old Skool. but Gcneious realty is quite nice for viewing and annoial'ion (and creating!) alignments. Try it :: . 61\ies. Alignment.png ¥S proteins AA.g::eneious I 1;; PNC -PNG z., ¥S prot~ins NT.geneious S proteins AA.fast4'.gz S proteins NT.~st-11.gz T,> Glit;> G,ip m m REV0002912 Febrmiy Sth. 2020 ,., ¥ Andrew Rambaut 12'19 ¥¥ Thisbid o1 looks like oonvcrgence to me (r(.oV shares with RaT13 as mvc:h as with the pangolins.\. ~ KrlHtan Andenen 12 2e ~ Agreed. Dowe know inyttfng about these P<1ngo sequene(S?Arri cell culture imolved-'? I w-s really hoping these guys'NOVld disprove the c:ell hypothesis by being (a) to nCoV.ancl (b) 11ot from ct.ltu~. Robert Garry 1218 . A2rtt. It's interestint that the Panaolh sewences were detected (and in dead arim3kl. Shows that there is a reStrvoirof ore-viouslyundetect~ drculation of Bat-like CoVs in mammals. But no moV goes ¥ not dose enough to be the progenitor nor locally dose enough to make a strong osc that it m~t SCfVt as a substrate toreviou$.ly alluded to cell culture data showing cell culture pas~ produces a I furin site in a CfromiOS POf I e Andrew Rambaut 18..-gou~ to part of the pShJttleáSN vec;tor, given that spike gtyc;oproteins. .. Feb ?tld, 2020(2781<8)¥ I Sec if you work oot what he has done ~re. .l'iMl::I \ES REV0002913 F'II Eddie Holmes 19:0S ,--; Kristian. 1 confused here. In the figure that I sent youá which is from the paper that Tommy Lam is writfng ¥ the pango and nCoV seem to sh.arc a lot of the key sites.. But lhi.s ls not \Nhat you, alignment shows, Correct? Does this include the pango sequence I sent you the other day? I don't think we are comparing the same things here. No cetl culture involved. r,i Eddie Holmes 19:21 ,-; I h.:ive Geoeious but I'm too old to deal with things that go out frame. tl9iil Kristbn Andersen 19 S.l lil!!I Let me look into this a little closer lomorrow. The online p.1ngo sequence hcls a tot of missing b.1ses, hence it w.lSn't included in the previous alignment. But JS I'm eyeballing it at the moment. I can s~ it lining up better. I'll take a look tomOf'row . ... Eddie Holm~ 20:11 ,...... Thanks. I'll get word more info from Tommy shortly¥ try andWQl'k out which $CC!ucncclO relate-$ to which virus in the tre-e. It ~ems that Pll and P2S werhaps @Eddie Holmes can pe-r'Suadc them to $,C(lucnce full genomes with some urgcney? ¨~ Wlil Kristian Andersen 13.0S ~ I can't for the life of me get ,1 good alignment with those .additional pengos included ... They seem vc-ry low quality. I'll cootinuc ... For now. here are spike protein aligrvTicnts containing the bat. pcngo. and some select human vin.ises. Changed the annotations to be more logi,cal too. ,..... ~ ali~nmcnt_spike_nt.fasta.gz laGz:4p ¥ alignment_spike_nt.geneious Zip r'lil ,-; Eddie Holmes 1s:16 There are whole genomes. I just sem vou S to make it eas ier, which clearly failed. I'll see if I get all the seQuence data. I Tr;mslat~ this $.ele<:ted_ROO-whole.fas .., >2e 19á nCoV _E PI 482124 ISetacov /WUha.n/WI V04/ 2019( 2) 2 AAT TTTGGTGAAGTTTT'TAACGCCACCAGAftTG T1 TA TGCTTGGAACAGGAAGAGAA TTGCTGA rec-, Al AT AA r TCCGCA. AAG 1'GTT TCT AJ f ACAAACTTGTGCCCT ff fGCA TCAGCAACTGTG TI A TTCTG TCA'IJTTCCAClTTT ATGGAG1'GccrAC lAAA1 TA AATGATCICTGCTT1'ACTAATGTCTATGCAGATTCATlTGTAATTAGAGGIGATG.AAGTCAGACAAATCGCTCCAGGGC.AAACTGGAAA(jTT ACCAACC,\ A6 T .\GT TTC TT T .\CA4AGT AC TTT C TTTTG,AAC. T ACATC,CA(.C~GCAA.CTG 3 ,EPI4821l1 I8ftaCoY/bat/Vunnan/Ra TGl)/2013 I2813¥87¥ 24( 2) -1 MT A TTACAAACTT TGGTGAAC>TTTTTAACGCCACCACA CA6TT1 A btu will disrupt it. Also tM ce,o.M h ltHA so Mo\ is n.ot CQ1f\Cto be il'lserod. c1USPt h bad<.ally 11s¥d to Cf,ltON.A(()It' flltA) .at vfl"),' $04CUic k>otlion$ S.11)'CM.IO!\ ~d biti 1n Of" l'fOhÇ t...._. tut ...,t 'IOU would ~ 1n h tll. u .. blt (l'f)ft .anot..I' v1r1,1s(I .9., O.l'l'l.aos s~p in .a a¥n¥ ff'Off,nothtr viru, ¥ ¥lthCll&h 1t wovU pr'oÈbh' b9 ¥ rd¥ttd vir1,1$). lit!*" re-pllotlna in th¥Y Qtt rt"dc.aUy it h f'fpbditi ¡"' ,t.-.\ck of e,en,or,e ...,u, ,e11Ktly \ke ¥-atrf/1;-ch o-f t¥¥ otti@r V-i!'U_. (, h ¥II)' ,ont'!ljn cliH,erenctf in the e11¥ct ._.q....,.t" in n¥t1,1re wh,,tn ¥ k01t h infe Or un it i¥piy thn ttás been circubthg 1n t!UNu for 48 yurs, w1thcut uusing notiuble syÇptoes, Wt p!d:ed up scÇe scrt: of viniltne:r¥202l>n.1turt_mÇtk¥N?-Pl'QXlmal.on,lntth. 2020 kb Robert Garry 11~d ¥ l'veloh. 1t'¥ .,. i"t¥,.¥"ti"f ._,...tiO" Y¡""'rc ¥~ki..."'f¥ lut t.',. ¥*"¥id l ¥ifh\ n9t be thoot b¥ot ~rscn to ,nswr, u "¥ att 110stly lookina at "'"at's roina on d,rina th¥ 9c,id.-ic (not befol"e). Hostly, unless tfl¥ viN.s us , roll:, obvious r.cOllblnant virus, I'n not lluit¥ sur-9 llhat ¥ ¥irw> (,' ¥" t,ne.....,.dhu t.ou wo.,H lool Uk¥ ¥ I th.ll\lc tl.,.y'" 9'M1b¥bly be itdhti~guhhblc. l. A lot c,( t~ (OilSjlil' ....... t,:1lklflg .oOO..t lt1h tlelfl& .. 1\t@r'" 1.ot, >ll"illl'I th))' t.,f'(l,fl p,"Wu<~ (N¥t ........ ~lClflt pap,ot<") Q<' J,(a@ flol!>oi'~(~C,lr,¥¥t. ll'l'.)I! ~ .,,. .. .t SAllSálih con,,,.-virus¥~ sow on vitfl strong rvit-erce sty th.11 th¥ r¥urvoti-ho¥t 1S also¥ b4t. lihly tMr¥ w-u ¥" -'ll!llifyt¥g. ho,t involv+d ~fo~ tflit V1t'1.1$ Cot lfltO /11,1,1\¥M, 01": we, ¨fl't >M lcllOWl(IUt lt .lCl'tt l)t,. 1ᥠnre tl'ert'S ¥ lot Of 11WUt1CilUOfl$ l('lng on ¥a.o¥tH1f1 f!)(,)(t quUUOf'I, 3. A$ ~ Nnt1on, wt <.n ch¥rly Ht fro,,. ttl. i.queeo d~¥ prod\lcec $oO hr ttl¥t th, 1ntt"OC11J hUl\ltl popuht1Qn v.s a s1ngl¥ ev.nt. ThJs cou!d Uttllfl' bt froa ¥ $lng_ht 1nf.Clitd ho5t to ¥ ~inglt mll!l..n, or a s.Nll da5tcr of h)$t5 :nto a $.Nll duster-cf ~ple. 'lh¥ vtrn Ms thtn be-m $p,.:idin& flun..n to hurwn ever 5inn. Robert Garry 20.31 . PIich per~ rcspons~-As I'm suf'() y¢u'II know 9,r"~ht is tho ai.¥vwho think$ Yoshi ~nd tho of GO!= rosoiÇt-r( 1hovld be locked 1.1p'Mth tho key thrown :.w.-ty. A liH-lo kno~cdg:~ boi~ tho most (fane;i, ous thing, I suspect Ebight (i'm working with a bit of historitJI eXPerieocel i. goirtt to fi..a,t-outsay this isfor sure a 13bescape¥not:unlike the undeo;her. but withooi th3t inte,mcdiate host or W!ry earlier cases.. thM!'s just no tcUire I IMO. Which all means it's back to ()S)inions¥ aod hoocs-tly, for this type of qucs-tion I don't tlilnk opinions arc helpful¥ u,kss they have somcdam!l strong science bchil'ld 1he-m. Robert Garry 2040 . -So. he 31'S~ed, it could h.l)ve ente,ed hum::ir.s froM the-cove in Y1..nMn or 01\0there.3ve.or o ...vetm:il'ket. Or-.oltern:.tivtly. it couldh:iveesuped into o humo11 from thebb" Threehypothew.s here. 1. not likely a OOtvirus right into a,,-couklhavehappcn long ago but not so likely. 2.We:t market ¥<:kmaybe an intennediatc host. I think pangolin virusei s.equeoces still too far af1eld but cou\j be patt of an animal circulation that ge,,erate-d the virus. 3. l~b passage I'm open to i:llld c;in't di$C::Ount Either furin sles have been generated Q.' they havf;n't. If they have I'm suspicioos ol 1.1b ¥ thilt just bcciuse I don't know the data 1nd few others <10. ocape. but nol concluslve ssib1ities including lab pJSsage combined with some ill considered GOF rese.trch. r, Eddie Holmes 20:51 ,..._ Yes, its going to blow.HefKe why JeranyvQnts is ibout putting sometllng ollt. H(:flce the toned d:>wn versico I ius'l sen: him Robert GaCQ.llation.As I Robert G;irry oe:l8 . Bill Gallaher did the alignment with Ra!Gt3 yesterday afternoon Jnd emailed meabou; 4prn literally unde,:onthins. To hi$. c-tcdit ho pickodup on thewtirdness of the Pf'Oline and something that I hadn't noticed. that being that the insert is "out of fume.¥ N-ot sure that virologicalwas ever intended for this type of discourse. 1till woncl~1ing if the 99% (or mq)(>rti/cllv¥p,eppcr/nrdc¥.md¥.,_1ic,1:,suc;, ti'ump idministr.iition~protÇr¥p.iingofins I REV0002918 " NRDC Febru;uy 7th, 2020 ..,. NRDC and Allies Sue Trump Admininrnion to Protect Pangolins The illegal áwildlife trade is pushing pangolin.s toward extinction. The-administtation must use the Endang<.>1ed Species Act to save them.(221 kB)¥ Two weeks ago the Tn,1mp ;idmin was sued (o stop importation ot pangolin parts into the US. 09:31 Soroo: good info in this arridc. rnter'Cstedin which species of paniotin has the-99% virus, The Suncb pangoUn ctpparently carrying two fairly divergent lineages and different lineage from the 99% virus. Also ro,-.sick!< that US imports meat and scales. so not infectious. Robert Garry u>.07 . To the point of the live .anim.-.t trade. With so milny different isolates does seem likety this is resident in p;mgolins, but. .. Is there a bat virus or viruses also doscr and seeding parigotins and perhaps other animals? Or Is the pangolin sustaining this virus in It's 0""1l popuf.ation? Not sure the situation with SARSáCoV-1 provides definitive guidance on this. wJeremywants us to publish our rcoort somewhere. Thoughts?~ Ithink it's really importanl to get the pangolin sequence first (Iassume they haven't sharedthe FASTAfile yet). 0 &; The implicatioosof a 99% ~milarity and a 99.8% s.imilarity ar'C pretty pt0foundand at leastwould dramatically alter the discussion. pretty profoundly different Robttt Garry t0:57 . I suppose could start revising the white paper with the expectation that the 99% pangolin sequencewilt appear in the near term. I ¥ Andrew Rambaut 11:20 ¥¥ It all dependson the furin site ¥ a pangolin with turin insertion woukl kill the passaging theory (whatever the distaoce). Without an insert, the closer it is the more likely the passaging theory becomes. GJ)rg; F'II Eddie Holmes 17:53 ~ SARS¥CoV¥2 is a good choice. Completely agree about the pangolin+ furin insertion thooty. l thiok we haveto wail fot this. Woukt be daft to have a paper out th('re saying that passage is possible and they then show the pangolinhas the insertion. ~ Kristian Andersen 17á55 r;a logically SARS-CoV-2isgood. but I do have to wonder what the Chlnc-sc will think about that name given all the stigma around ~SARs¥.I'm not su,c they want another one of those, so definitely important they're consultant (I'd be ok.-y with not getting all l.S billion of themon boord though ... ), Somepotential fun for the weekend -alignment of relevant ACE2 re-ceptors. I was trying to get a sense of how similarpangolin ACE2s.were to hurnan aOO whether replicationin that host could ~ad to a receptor that's quite finely tuned to the humanreceptor. Not very clear chat that's the case.but I'll play around with thi5 a bit. Manis javinica ¥ pango 2'11n. ACE2Receptors.geneious ~,g ¥ z .. PNG r'II EddieHolmes 18:11 I """1 China will HATEit. Tommyreckons he has data th?it sho'ws that the pangovirvs will do well with ACE2. c::v rt F~ruary 8th, 2020 .,. r'I EddieHolm~ 00:34 ,...._ Some news from on the ground in ChiN: they have samplesfust( a variable .:trd sometimes large patch ot O¥linked atvcans at the to? of the prdusicn {virion) form of the evr:J:ve spike. Seems pretty dtar this is immure b.ased setection all around tom~. Yes serial p;,s~ge in anim3f-s wo'-'<.I do the SJme thins, There are i couple Po1SSage ., chicken p.1pers ¥ the furill insteps. of H5Nl Hopefully the pangolin 9996 CoVshov.s up with a furin site if not as And,cw said passage becomes more likely. If this is eoinz high profile we need to add a few things. A diagram outlining the three scenarios wiU-. cartoons of bats and pangolins. Don't ma~ the tell culture pas1age scientist look asi,in (bvt maybe resemble an Ego guy). Could even have a bioweapon sc:.enirio \'liith a big X. Maybe some sort of diagram of the overalJ scikemodd ¥ Kristian made a pdb. and so dd I so can do this pointingg out the hlrin sii:e and o gl'ycan if this sounds like a possibilitv. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 01:J;)l ¥¥ I hav<: created a copv of thcteJ)O(I to tum into S<>mctt,;ng publisroblc: https:Udocs.googl<>.com/documtnt/d/14Hl2ltdEvXQSXB8DC2KwH>Stl(flyMdKWdMZGXXbd2z8/c &) Û) .:, !J 01:s2 W~ need a cartOl'l pkture of Peter Oaszak to use in all tht 6gures. I don't think we should go anywhere near biowe.ipons ¥ exdJding lab constructs is sufficient. I It might be a good idea to nailtht Lyons-Weiler stuff without ment'ioning it ex, ¥ Le., saythen?: is ro evidenc~ of inserrioos or recombinat'10n rrom ou,er k00!/\1' viruses (inc:ludng SARS). The entire r£oV genome is descended from .a put..ative conimon anceitor with R~TGU. Robort Garry OCI51 l=eb~ry 8th. 2020 "' . Stating theobviws: When !ht p;angoUn99% sequence com!'S we¥re{a.nd nobody better) are going to ha~ to evahate whether this jumped straight into people. We kno\\l the number of mutations from the SARSáCoV-1 market animals to people. ls this in tl'c same range 0erhilD'iin adi.1gram.. Rob<>rtG.>tty 0903 . dose enough? I ¥ Andrew Ramb>ut 09"4 ¥¥ Tlla1 will (SQ.Not lmpl}ing anything al>Out nef´1oos gctngs on. J.8tQ<>d.I W3S thinking of doing :1quicli: an:alysis to esriinate the due of the common ;1,nc:esto,with R.3TG13b,ufXI on :atc.)SOMblc range> of r)tes. We could then reverse th.:at:ind give the ex,cctC!d 11umberof substitutions for a recent common ancesto, ¥ although I am not $Ure v.e knQw how rewntty ;i nCoV¥pang99 MRCA would need to be. l" divergence would inpty about S years back in tim~ (m.inimum ¥ given currtnt ncov rate estimatts). Sul we wouldn't txpttl UC'ffi it was ba>iCallyin \'\' market. to gtt t'l $i! errsr:12, RObert Garry ouo . Perfect Robert Garry 09-11 . I could see the o:her p,:insoin sequences f-.ictoring in 3$ well. If tt-ey are closer in the RBD ¥ Jnd as Kristian is teaching us they're petty damn close. and pans99 is closer elsewhere ex.cept in the bindi~ domain thre yOtt cruld havl? a recombinant. Stlould be "'str.1iJl:htfOf'Ward"' comes.. ot not to rule thii out once p,:¥uáut99 Yeah¥ big dtterrce in implic:atioris between 99.0and 99.89'. If I to guess I'd SJY ;sc1oser to the fonneror else we'd be hearin&howpang9? w.asne~rly 100%simil´, e Andrew Rambaut 09'.32 ¥¥ Esrim~tes of the date of common ancestor of nCoV and 8aTG13 .1ssuming a rate of leá3 (left) and0.5e-3 (ri.ght) I 9S% credible inltMIS: rate leá3: 1982.'271. 1997.564 mte 0Seá3: 1947.6461, l97&.0608 So basi~llv not more tec.cntlythan 1997 e Andrtw Rambaut 0?:43 411111@Robe-rt to Jeremy. He asks if it is OK to forward that to the whole group? looitcd) . Garry ¥ I forwarded y()tlf' reply about the g1'{can.s Robert Gany ot.SS . sure! Robert Garry 12..2 . ,;nyonewant totakeas~batTonyFauc:i squestion? ¥.221. I REV0002920 ¥ AndrewRambaut 12,)S Fd>ru.ary8th.2020" ¥¥ I S,1A!$iLileWnJ)fe a1\5'ftt:r' i~ oo ¥ tllete is no cliffe:43 r.ebrwry8th.2020 .. ¥¥ Ye:s.Conflating the absence of ~en(e (passaging)with actual e-1idence against (engineering.). Argumentrdtory ha~ \VOJkcd on pa.aging the pangolináorigiJ1 virus. lht! bat áCoV RaTG 13. or aoc:nhe: <.losetyrdatetl virus or ha:J accbs to it 11riorto the outbreak"¥ not only has this been done. it"s spetifically being done in Wuhan. In BSLá2. Th,1t in itself means that we can't just dis,niss a lab theory off hand bvsa-ving "not c:,<>ssibfe". That would be very foolhardy. ~ Krlstun Andersen 1604 f!ll The furin link keeps bug.gins: me too¥ I can't find any good refereocec; on it in the published litP.rature for CoVs. When I asked Mike. he fnked to this p;.lper. v.tlich doesn't realv describe it either:¥nt/79/22/14451?ijkoy¥709¥¥Sd¥9513<,80f42db103¥cl9b539..Slcc350b&ktytyp,2¥tf_ipS<,csh> ~ Joumal ofVlrology M111ine1CoromvinK with::iin £xtqndii,d Mod Sbngct ~e1-c; Mqp::iir::iin S.1lbto::1ic. ::iin fnhy Receptor Ont( a relatively few mutations In its spike pro~ein a!IO\v the murine coronavirus to swi:ch from a murintNestric:ted tropism to an ext~ed host range by being pass.)3edin vitro. Ole SI.X'.'hvirus that W8 Sludied had acquired two putative-heparan sulfate-binding ,itc, while pn:á)erving another lite in the turinácleav,ge motif. The ,adaptatfonof the virus through the useof heparan sulfate as an attachmcnt/ert.ry recepto,was demonstfated by ir,creased hepa,in binding as wtll as by inhibition of infection chro4.1gh tre3trn<'nt of ce-lJsand the virus with hep.irinue :ird hep.3rin. respecti~ty. Nov I 5th. 2005 Robert Garry 1606 . Kristian yoo wereon the NASHv1 call I think¥ who wasit Uut volunte(fed that furin sites appeal' if you passage ON in culture? ¥ Andrew Rambaut 16:19 ¥¥ @Kristian With 1esp&;t to this ¥ As to publhhinc thh doc...nt !n, journ,1 1 t ,a cu,,..ntly not in f,vor-cf dohg so. l tMH¥-,. th,1t publhhin& sOMthing that h optn.ended co,ild b1clcfit¥ illt thh ~uge. I tM.nk it', iltJ)Ort;)nt i.~ try to g.,tficr .additiOl"l.>l o-vidm~olin viN~ uquen,\':l,ie site ;)n~ O,link~ ityuu ¥ befoN I !>'lblhhtnc. that Wil)' .... c~ (tio,.fvlly) COM cul Nltl SOl!le Stf'O~ (ory 8th. 2020 ,., What do you think we should do? ll9il KristianAndersen 16:21 ra We should all just st.ay on Slack. that's what we should do ¥ ind ll:)t use email ':.: Chec:k myothe-e-mai1 . I deflni~ely think we should move towards publication and crtate a ~parate docume-nt tocused on that. but I think it's too ea11y at the moment Otw ¥ ~ry nrons cornmcnh from A+E here¥ it's unbclievi'!~ how conllktcd Roni,-. Robert Garry 1630 . We nQ.w ha¥te (and we will get more) the pangolin data{Edd"e hasl we think we can tie :his up even righter wth th? next iteration and make a conclusive state-mern which will then be the go to scientific~tatC(nl'1ll lOrCfCt to. £\d lh.ivejutt c:omc off a~Uwith th~ N.1tion:ilAc~cmy¢1Mcdicincin the US who the White Mo¡'c ~ a,ked top,,-oducc a ccponon this;. Movirc fast ¥ dOf'l't think we should necessaritv waiton the NAM to &Ç something out tllere if pango99seois av.lilable. lwlWIKristbn Andersen 16.0 ~ NASEM is use-less¥ they'll Nve ecactty zero. .. Too political an organization. ~ KrisrtanAndersen 17:52 Ila So he a.RteG? "I do ooc understand Andrews argunent" Tht sequence data clearly and uriambigoouslyrules out ~Y form of lab constfUCt orCOP.ineeril't8of the virus. ". Molecular biologists like mysel' can ;enerote perfect c:opies of viruses without le.rving 3 tQce. egthe 8JmHI site. The arguments for ;,nd 3g3insl p;:isSJging ;;Mld tngineerio.g ;:,re the S(llne if YoUask me." .:::. I Robert Garry 1610 ¥ Nature and passaging in cells or .inimals will generate unpredictable cMng~. thou we might make some rather ge"lcralizcd guesses as 10 what mav pop-up. REV0002921 Robert Garry 1s 1 s . Engineeringwould not be ~tecYble bV modem methods o, course. Yciu could wth enough cash wnth?size the entire genome. SARSáCoV 2.0 isnl engineered. The furin site with the siroline is too fonky.The RBO i$too different from ""-hat k or at least was at the timeout there. I also don't rtallv sec pass.age in lab .nimals. Which leav~ nature or passage in cell cellular. cells. Robert Garry 1829 . P.-ngo'l9 might provkfe the.inswer, lfl h.lsthe turln site. u not. trs the three cho.cesoutuned In the wlllte p:iper, r'I; Eddie Holmes 18.33 r-"a Things are movi" so Quickly th,11 I'm havi¡' trol.ble keeping up. I wilt see whJt I t..1n today. The ChinJ CDC will be put more seQuences on line today (hopefully). i11cluding 3 environmental sampies which I aswmc meansthe fish market. Maybe huge. I'm ho,ing to get the first, but ketp an eye en GISAIO. ~~ r"W EddicMolmC$ it,.? ,..._ C.-azy politics in Chi1\a They want to p.,blish in a Chinese jO'Jff'lalbecause they art worried aboutctitic6m. This is fall out from tht NEJM paper. Also. we re31v 1..eed to see if the pangodata is as good as they cfairn. Indeed, it is actually 'up to 993'' rather than '99%'. Tl\at fooled me. It soU'lds like they ha\'e rnetagenomes confirmed by PCR of the ~nimals. It might take i little while for thisto come out. need to w~t fot it. ¥ Andrew Rambaut UH6 ¥¥ Upto 9'9%isno good.There is a 342 bp stretch of RaTG13 ~h(ltisidenticalto nCoV. Sigh. I Robert Garry 1as, February8th.2020 ., . Sc:i~1qe by p,re>>C:Ol'lfiereoÇ b ~ ni;ve:r¥, good th,e hype. If they worried ::.bcut critkis.11'1 then m::.ybc tNs sde-nce thing&. not for them (tell th,u to my gr:id studenn; all the rime). OK¥ maybt tht frshmarketsampltsv.¥illhold th~keyW the-ycome ¥ sll:>uld ~ in the range of 99.8%. MaybtPlease let\ hop! fora ttanspartnt definition of '' ifllJ Kri$Thln Ander$en 21:11 e.s Guvs. one thing !hat ~curs: to methat is not currenttv mentioned it'I tM d()('Ument0c' Nnail tonversatfons ¥ let's rot forget that what we're ct>senÇI is completefy unprecedented as far as I know. Ncvcrbcfo¥e l\ac;:. zoonori( vi,uc; jumped into hun:.nsand ,orc3!.I thrtJugh the 001)1.11:.tion tCQuirc futthc, inquiry .as the vin.1~ it; obvio(.lc;fy like wildftrc with thit; lcir\d of soccd Thie. in itself wle of 'livingá in the human popubtion. Ftbruary9th.2020... ¥ Andrew Rambaut OS:!6 ¥ ¥ Swine Ou 2009 cid thoush. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 0613 ¥¥ I thoug_ht vou might be .:unused bvmvcommentson the IClV ,oron.1virus stvdv srouo's nCtlitve tl'ln tht ¥tt¥t to cbuify vtruus in i lli¥l"¥1ch1ol U.>u1t,Ot"y¥n¥l~s to tl'IU of lult¥r-fOtU h ¥ fuUlt áusk of Shyp¥11,1s¥ that a ¥xpe:ndiflC tht tlM al'ld e11ercyof w.ay too ~Y llit0loghu. 'liN.tHS art inh-ert11tlt r¥slnant to tllh scrt of UXO'IOW, t,y thdr Yff'Y nat\lr. .nd diversitv and tlw Nneflts of such a U 11.. That bdn,: uid, con,btent and d.finitive of pJrticuhr dl$HU' ca11$in.g .apnt$ h .ss¥nthl for efh,;tl11. cONtmiotlon. t -rtronily of the vitw that $1RS¥C.Avirusu. il1iA \'in;ses ac SAR$¥(oV¥ 2 áá"' 1) ¥ COlÈ!H'.Cl'>l diH .... ,.c: ¥¥ ,, ..ui tM .... ,1 ... g¥n-. "t1t$ t, ¥ QOOI" ¥~1¥ M'<...,)C It 1) e<-t1.1¥U)' o c-1 vin1), it..U vlrn.e) lft>cllt'Ct ¥) l'le:-11.${Wffle:ther it. hu-) or ,._h) ¥.re 1n ,c_h, "C¥IJ'I¥ tllh I w.a$n't kn0tt n tl111e f1f n;r,Nnc. £111?.tJI!££EL Robert Garry 08 56 ~ldty 9th. 2020 ., ¥ Nlcclydon~! fl!I! Git Keyboard~ U9:4/ liill @Kri ncbi.nlm,nih.g-ov Molecular epidemiology of human coron1virus OC43 reveaJs tvolution of different genotypes over time ;and rcx:ont omergonc:,q of ;a novc,I gQl'lotypo due to ... ¥ P1,1t,Mod ¥ NCBI JVirol. 2011 rJg17. ResearchSur,oort. Non¥U.S. Gov't 113 k81 ¥ Robert Garry 1014 . Bttoming matt convincedth.:atSARS..C<0Vá2 furin site and Oálinktd glycans has prttedenc:e in ottitr beta,ccrol\aliiruses. MHV. HKU1 and 0:::43. Variable S1/S2 deavaGe sites an:t variable Oá linked glyc.:ins. Also pe:rrincnt is the adaptive cvdutioo of the RBD in these vin.ises. Also rcxombination. The vatiablc S1/S2 dcavagc sites and 0-tinkcd glycans seen in othC'f subgtoup A virus. but ~ Se3'Stnot yet in the b suba:ro1>p containing SA RS-Co Vs ~nd t@fated lÈt Robert ~nv UH . A few new romments on the em.1,il chains. Six minutes apart. https:Vabc;,!itics/while¥house~asks¥scientists¥invtstigat~Ofigins¥coronavirus/stoflt'"?id=68807304ABC News' Chief Co,respandent Of'.Jennifc, Ashton asked the director of the N..1tiorulInstitute of Allersy :.nd lnfecrious D:Se.:ise about concerns uem from midntomurion on line that the novel c.ou~ tuve been engineered o, delibe-r;:i.te'y released lhert¥s ;:itw; concern," Or, Antttoc,y F.tuci said. 'And one of the things that people Jre doing right now is very carefully lool¢n,g ot sequences to Steir tllere's even any poss.ibiJity much less likclihOOCIthat that'$ going on. And you could ultimately determine that. So peopJt are looking at Ç,but right now, the focus 1s Oil what are wegoing to aoatoul what we ha¥,c.¥ @ABCHcws White House isks tcienti$ts to investigate oriiins of coroll.lvirus The White Hous.e asked sctentists and mtdkal expcrt:S to rcs.eirch the origins of the th¥outht¥.:tk. tB:9 k8) .. I think Fauci 1,a~ the ldcntit\cation of two critical amino acid residues of the severe acute respiratory syndrome corONvirus spike protein for its variation in zoooolic ... -PubMed -NCBI J s;oi Ch"'1. 2005 Aug 19:280(33):29588á95. Ep,,b2005 Jun 24. Rcs,arch Suppo,t. t-lonáU.S.Govt (13 kB)¥ I htlps:// I) F~:iry9th. 2020" Cross-host evolution of severe acute respiratory syndrorno cotonaviros in palm civet and hum:m. ¥ PubMed -NCBI P,oc Natl Sd USA. 2005 Fmed/15347429 This one ime,csring! I REV0002924 ¥> MutatiOflal dynamk, of the SARS coron.wiru~ in cell culture and h!Jl'Ncn population, isolatedin 2003. ¥ PubMed ¥ NCBI BMC lnfKt Dis. 2004 S¥p 6;4:32. Rt~an:h SupPorl Non¥U.S. Gov't (13 kB)¥ Robert Garry 16:34 . iffrom an animal source. Yes Indeed wouJd re good to kl'IO\Y ldcnticalsccrrs u~xpcÇcd how the environment was samofed. I ¥ Andrew Rambaut 1 H8 ¥¥ Something that Richard Ncllcr noticed¥ a mutation in ORFS where tht cluster sti::klngoot with Many of the recent ca:s::-:s matchc~ RaTG13 (amino add S) where as the so-called Wuhan outbtcak sequences ti;we :i l: It? á---á--á á--. áá----á~ á¥..---¥. áá--.... ___ ......... áá----~. ,_,,...-. ,...-.. ___ .. ... ,, á---. ~=:.. ...::: ------~ ~.."_ á---. There is al!O a synony100usSNP111 ORF lab that sho,vs the sameP3lttrn: Februaiy 9th. 2020 " .. Id´''")' .. .,____ _ á~---~ á¥:or---. áá---á. ::.==-=:.-: -~---...áá á~--. , .....___ ..,,__ á---áá. á----. ' ----. Februarv9th.2020..,. This suggests .-differo,t rooting of the tree: -,3ge_png ¥ fFf I-'áá~ lf á-á-/-á..~áá á= -á--.. .......... - I Jcttli .£ REV0002925 Robert Garry 18.18 . Very interesting ;;md important. More evidenc;;e that the market W35 not the point source from which the outbreak e Andrew Rambaut 18:23 .a. Need to seewhat the p.Jngo!in looks like! Robert Garry 1&30 . Oh yeah ¥ the suspense ls killing me ... .l suppose that's what beer is for. F-.i Eddit!! Holme:$ 18:37 ,-. Apologies. but I'm not going to be able to t.1ke part in these discussions much for a while because this storm has caused havoc. I've had no power for 24 hours and it might be another 24. It's .1 mess. Need to do a d~an l.lP-A few things though: (i) what arc we cloing about this p.:iper thing? I just can't get to it at the moment: (ii) the environmental 5eqs are spectacularty uninformative. r>retty shocking ir this is the b~t they have: (iii) how do y0u interpret the-altem.ative rooting? I can't ""¡tk out the localities in the top dade. 96,000 houses without powáer. Al.È. I live in the worst affe(:ted area. I only came into work to charge my devices. Robert G.any t8:4t . Nothing to .apologize about -sorry for the mess, the distraction .1nd the headaches. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 18"43 ... This is the BEAST tree: lm.lge.png ¥ Enforcing this root in BEAST doesn't really change things much. Rate 8.7e¥4 (2.4e¥4, 1.4C!'¥3), TMRCA2019á11á29 (2019á10.20, 2019á12á20). Expooential growth rate actually goes up~ equivalent of a doubting time of 6.5 days. Only one Wuhan seciuence in the top clade but quite a few of the export$ in tl\at clade came from Wuhan. You might think the bottom cl;xle are from the martcet (hum;;n meruary llJtll, :J.tTlU w http:Nwww.chioadaify, /WS5e3d1daca310128217275d93.htn11 CD Pangolin could be comnavltus Intermediate host: Study ¥ The p.Jngolin might be a potential intermediate host of the novel coronavi,us, as genome sequences ol lhe disease strain separated from the aniffl(IIS were 99 percent identical to thos.efound in infe-c:ted people. a study dis.covered. (102 kB} ¥ From aoorhcr artide-: ~bruary 10th, 2020 w GUANGZHOU, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) --lbe genome sequence of the novel corooavirus strain separated from pangolins was 99 percent identical to that from 1nfec.ted people, indicating pangolins ~Y be an intermediate host of the virus, a study has found. The study was Scdby the South China Agricultural University. According to Liu Vahong. president of the univcrsity.the researchteam analyzed more than 1.000 mctagcnomc samplcs of wild animals ilnd found pangolins -'S the most likely intermedii:lte host Molecular biological detection revealed that the P0$itivc rate of Bctacoronavirus in p,an.golins was 70 percent. Researchers further isolated the virus and observed its $tructurc with an electron microscope. They found that the genome sequence of the coron3Virus strain was 99 pctccot identical to those in infected people. AssumingthrSan aÇuratc accountthe resC?arch~rsdid mctagCt"lomic:studies of 1000 wild animal samples. ThM th~ gtmomcs,ar"M:t .assembled analyzedthern. Here'swhat keep me up last night: THEN the "Researchersfunhc, Isolated lhc v"irus and observed Its slfucture with an electron microscope."' So¥ they grew it in cell c:ulturc. Those picture looks to me like growth in cultured cells¥ probablyVc-ro. You can't ge-t EM picture-s out of animal tissues like this. Furthcrmore the virus is g,owing pretty damn well in those cells. Rob@rt Garry 09:41 . This doesn't happen overnight. This likely means that the mctagcnomic s:tudy etc happC1'l a while back. My BIGGEST Question how far back. The first I heard of pangolin scquenc~ on Virological about 10 days ago. My second BIG questioná if they g.rewit in culture as they said howmuch did the virus ch.Jnge on p.JSSJSe? They surety did not grow the virus in pangolin cells, Gentlemen please walk me-back on wh-ere my mind is wondedng .... ¥ Andrew Jbmbaut 1003 ¥¥ 99% is not close enough. , I ~ Kristian Andersen 10,08 &I'! Those Guangdong sequeoces do look mighty basal though á:.: I think the likelihood of them Quickly throwing these into culture to 'snap' some EM pktures is pretty high. Doesn't much though -getting EM ;md sequences within a couple of weeks is pretty r'eason.ible if vou kl\OW exactly 1,\lhat to do !these folks had a p.ape-r on pango se:PubMedCentral (PMC) Viral Meta,genomics RevealedSendai Virus and Coronavirus Infection of Malayan Pangolins (Manis j;wanica) Pangolins are endangered animals in urgent need of ptotection. ldentifyin& and cataloguing the viruses carried by pangolins is a logical approach to evaluate the range of potential pathogens Jnd help with conservation. This study provKles insight into .. THis one? Seems like different group in Guangclong than South China Ag but maybe they came together. I REV0002927 Fig S tindaa me-is The phybgcnetic treeof Conronavi'us from Malayan p.a~olina Ftbru:i,v 10th. 2020,., The study t:l!sign was apprcwed by the e,thics committee fot animal e.xpedrntnts at the Guangdong Institute of Applied 8iologica1 ReSOtrees (refortrxe number: GIABR20170720. 20 Jlly 2017) and followc:-d b$ic principle$ outlil'\Cd by this oon'lmihoo. Robert Garry 10.35 . Still need the pango99 sequence with or without fu,insitc -the Oáglycans may be a distractio,, (tOOugh interesting questions). ~ Kristian Andersen 10.JS ~Yuo ~ 'environmenc-a.l' -I'm not convinced they're actuall)' (!nvhonmcntal. sampleswere entirely minformati¥,c Robert ~rry 103'1 . Probably not¥ ¥ they swabbed crates of live animals and recovered seq,ience-s? "9?'6 i:snotdo)C enough.'" Robort Carry tOS~ . Agreed+ jump to humans. some hJman circulation then to SARSáCová but what about adaption of Pangolin99 to Vero by passage followed by an accide<1taJ 2 HowSongwould this path take to gener,lte SARs¥C.OV-2? Robert Garry ion . "I think the liketihood of them ql.ickly these into t\llture to 'snap' some EM pictvres k pretty Mgh. Doesn't rnet1n muc;h EM ;,rd sec:µenceswithin a couple of week$ is ptweek. but l"mguessing it's been longer. RobertGarry UH . ~rtps;.V\w,\lia%30ihub L s<.ie-~direct.ccm The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019¥nCmic; information promptl... Koopsman :,.assed this to the ern.1il gr0up. Not 1 g.re1t .1nalvsis IJVO. but i guess this m.;kes it somehow more ¥real" ...i Kristun Andersen 16:27 IJ!I They're ck.vty thinkin3 along th~ lines of escape in article too ... Toe virus that was supposa1lv initially transmitted from an animal teservoir to human (pcssibtv via an am1>lif)'i1la: h:>sl)tut human¥to~hu-nantransmi!.sicn has b~ r<:ported I .. r I .,.ve identified zi peculil1rfurinálike cle,wage iite in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCov¥ Robert ~rry 1706 . I think if they would have compared to RaTC13 escape mi.ght have been even more explicitty impled. Kristian Andersen 17;S2 .h.1stadding Bob's link here 1inc;e this is a pretty Trypsin treatment oolocks barrier for zoonoti< bat coron.aviruses infection. ¥ PubMed áNCBI J Virol. 2019 Dec 4.pii: JVl.01774-19.oo: 10.1128/JVl.01774-19. [Epubaheodof print) (13 k8) ¥ I REV0002928 Robert Garry 16:75 ¥ Probably + or as we've said lhc mind can play tricks and one of those tricks is denial. SARSáCoV. 1 escaped from Chinese labs 2. 3 or 6 times ldc~nding on your source) AFTER the outbreak that killed 100Ei of people infected w.asover. Yes. Wuhan mJybe Betting too much ol the attention+ could be anywhere. We koow two groups in Guangdon.g were doiog metageoomics and grcr.ving CoV from pangotins perhaps for years. Escape via a custodian or resca.,.chers could happen from a lab and vouwould PROBABLY never know it. Robert Garry 13.49 ¥ The virus nowhas an offidal, though tentative, name China's National Health Commission announced Saturday that it had lcntativcly named the ´irus ~new coronavirus pncumonla.á In English. it will be referred to as ¥novel coronavirus pneumonia¥ or "NCP" for sho Sunday and have a compressed week. Come next week I'm back in business I though ¥ plos I wmho;Wesome time Wednesday and first p.3rt Thursc;Lw this week.. Qi i,£J .. ,J(L.£ REV0002929 ... Eddie Holmes 23:44 ,-; Th.anks. Very hard to drop everything to keep doing this stuff. I've edit the doc a bit. Hopefully more like a paper now. Those trees I sent were for pestiviruses and coltiviruses. Only rclevant in sense thaL look. trafficked pangolins contain viruses. G:v(l;) F'lil Eddie Holmes 23:51 ~ I've had a bash at the paper version of the text If people want to take a look that would be great. Should not be too onerous. f.ebruary 11th, 2020 ., ~ Kristian Andersen rots ~ Will try to find some rime tomotrow. Running a pretty interesting an~ysis cit the moment. One of the hallm;trk features of SARS was that the spike protein adapted to the human ACE2 receptor + immune system early on in the eptdcmic. ThV? Calculating dN/dS across the full spike protcin from earty SARS sequences we gtt a dN/dS of 1.82. For nCoV that drops to 0.29 ¥ whic;h isJi lot lower. Hypothesis being that the spike Petended hurmn¥to¥hum..áátntransmission. If you look at the environment;il snmples they nlso look lilceJ),lrient s;imples ¥ which woold be consi~ent in Sl.Jdia scenario. e Andrew Rambaut 14..46 ¥¥ That is my thought. I suspect the surveill.:1ncesystem picked it op because it was a market~ this is essentially an avian infltJenza surveillance system. But it mavhavejust been spreadwithin the market. REV0002931 llf!il KristianAndersen 1504 ~ If we drop some of the earlier assumptions (e.g , market limited H2H, people infected from animals, etc.). all of this would fall more into place. We know that H2H tran-smissioo likely wasn't limited. which puls a dent in the market hypothesis anyw;ry. With those. a midpoint root becomes an entirely p(ausib!e scenario and would explain the data a lot better. Now. @Andrew Rambaut hoo,v docs this influent of thal happcoi,,g: outsklc the RBO. This doesn't appear to be happening for SARS-2. so ccrt.:1in1y consisteflt with a pre-circulation hypothesis. ~bru.lrv 11th, 2020 ... RobertG.arrv 11.13 . The precede-nee for a betacoronavirus that does not change much when it jumps species is Beta<:oVt. Seems that is pretty much pan¥tropk ¥ very similar viruses in a variety of species including cows, dogs, giraffes. water buffalo. vak1 etc. Yes ¥ per Saric JV optimal furin 1ite plus predicted 0-gfycans as a bonus. Not sutc about the RBD but these arc very similar vi~cs overall. . The receptor tor thcsc viruses is sialic acid. . Human to human pwe"-er. the genetic ... {8S kB) ¥ l!'C/artK:leS/PMC2495oO/ x e) PubMcd Central {PMC} Generation of seal ilfluenza virus variants pathogenic fOJchickens, because ot hemagglutinin cleavage site changes. lnfl11cnz.1V'trusNscal/Mass/1/8O (H7N7;w.1s 3dap1cd to grow in lvOCKcclls and c;hidcen embr),o cells (CEC) in the absenc;e of eKogenoos Thebiologic;al prot>tr~ of the virus variants obtained coincided with intrace(lular activation of tht hcrnagg:lutinin, .. ~ Kristbn Andersen 1804 fr'3 I don't think any of these can be eliminated or co..1flnned at this stage, but a coupk-of thing~ 1. A~ consistent fllt res>lv3 .,~ars aao Robert Garry 1804 . Ukcw:SCmany many i:;0ssagcs in chick embryo cells to generate a polybasic cleavage in flu v. You can do it by ctJf culture passagebut you rca'ly need to be trying to do C. Robert Garry 18.11 . A&ree' Grand W,,,.ardsol Pnyloeenv need to poke hok-s. if there .ire any. Need to firm up precedence of undetected ci,culaOOn in hununs p1ior to emef'lence of Htut the geoomeor just spike? e Andrew Rambaut t8át8 ¥¥ MERS p.ioer ¥ why do oeovle thirik MERS is ;:id.;iuted a fTI)(lth in hum.ins No Jd-1ptations get b.-..;k into the to hu~ns? It has never tmn-.mitted fOf more ..11:>out th;:it arise in hufn.lnsWQ\11d camels. It is a camel virus. It is adaipted to amrk and just happens to replicate in hum.;ns. I I am not cowinced about d.N/dS either¥ where do you get~ dN/dS forSARS of 182? Across thewhofe genome? Sound:Sartifactua.l to me. Robert Garry 1a,o . Agrttá bad prtmise. but th~ tritd passagin&MERS CoV inc:ell culture and ctwas pretty hard tog-et the virus to adapt¥ was my pcint. e Andrew Rambaut 18 21 ¥¥ Fair e-r..ough. t just have Ilea.rd he-re ~le talkingabOut MERSa:sa human virus. Robert Garry 102'2. . MERS¥CoVanothe-rone that should bek>okcd atfordN/dS. ~ Kristian Andersen t&. S Ff!brwf'/ 11th. 202(! .., la Yeah, aon'tget the M£RS stuff~ dQcsnát make sense. For SARS/nCoV tm i;poci6c.,tly lookif"IS i'.lt the 5pit:Gprotoin(tor now) ¥ oomiÈring SARSoi'.lrtyif'I the>04.ltbrq,1k to in tho middle of it, For SARSthis Ns Molecular avolutiol"I of th: (ii) the main reason why fvc be-cfl to Wuhan a fewtimes is to t<;l~ in ttiis big hmgw.:ishstudy (BA!J sttJdy we ha~ going on. We hwe meta¥transaiptomic dat;s of ...6()0 people repo,tin.g to Wuhan Central Hospit;il wi1h re-soitator"Ydiseasta. Wi! have the:t rull meta¥transc.riotome-s but it is t~~in:eM a2e to analvse because the d.ata set is so bie. I'm e<>ne toalt.a(h the ,a,w virus here (keeo to yourself) I think these are from 2018 but I !Yvc to check. There arcCoVs but nothing new.I need to double-check with my Mang OOt he is about best in wortd about this, The cens in y.!llow are confirmed. the ¡'thers per lane re flea fnde-.¥hoppln.g. Obv1ous1y, not r;onclustve, t>ut a representative sample that the \irus was not there ,hen. 1 suppose we need to g(t this publshed ASAP? 1'.xt.t!I Si,,t1ad1l'lttt ¥ II 20191008_'-'rus_,uml'T'lclrv.xlsx E>a:elSpÇ,d_, 0,,,., .. ~._,,. ..... '11.ot~..__ .. --... l~sÇ,,ISZ!M OÈMJ:otM 1-..0 6 os.11,1_,. l6,Sll641,I >l o~, :1m¥l4 ),> á~ ~M'(,;I II~ Ml11)1(11, 0~ JIJJO:UI 1~ U~ SOIUIW á--I ==~I~~ ;! ...._ --05'1~ I~ .. ) II -~ Sfr>>-11(0( ,s. .. ,Èi lÇ-164.JII U ¡"'"'¡""SWOM l~ SÇ:iCUT 1J0-3'S,,O ~CQ .. 1'-'>41W1 WOWDSN 1¥m11¥ ¥1~n, ,.. ¥~ ~JIIU 14ll2t7U M141Ce U ¥~ sÇmCICl ".........~..:.: ! :~:.,: ~~~::!!! : u,...... ~oms 14JiOl5MX :n11o11u w 11,._, s,tlOtl,1 1*1'0U 1,ISN,O~ )t Ftbru.áw121h, 2020 ¥ e Andrew Rambaut OH1? ¥¥ About om.ail&:¥ no prol>lcm with l;m b9ns on it. Hi&:qu95tion hOf"q,., Do we think tM furin in~rtion could have Çcurred one: AA at a time? Se~ms unl'kelv a-syou have to insert .1whol(' codon at a tiM. And if I reme,mber for A'N sometirres tht-actual iMertion is ftom dscwhcre in thcvirusgcnome(rot suáeabout this¥ it has been awhile since I looked at this). With respect to the prc¥Deccmbcr circulation ¥ I don't think we can S3f it was more than a month or two and in that time the numbers would be very small. If 2 months with a dolble. time of 6 tpre¥:s'-Jppose:st.he exponE:t'ltital i,awth r~te we see now which ptesum:>btyi:sthe r'~ull or the rurinsiL Istill ran't see it circulating long enough with stutterin: ch;l'ns of transmission for it to evol11e the fur in site bnd i.d,atever elsPJ ;ind then take off. This stuff can't happen eac.ilv or It would h;we happened in SARS ~ KristianAndersen 0204 fa All I know is my h~.~d hurtody obvious wtien vou think .bout it: https://www, 31. (76). ll'li$ iSclearly oot me onty n)e(l\anism by-.vhich HPAI a,1se. ~s some appear to result from nucleotide subs11h1ti01rather than insertio!\, while others have insertions withoot repeating nucleotides. Tl"e Chk 2002 (107) and the Gan.ada 2004 (75) H7N3 HPAI ¥1iruses I tiave emecged as the result of an entirely different mec:h.imism anti shoN distinct and unusual cte.r,age site amino acid s,eque'lCes. They appear to h;we arisen as a result of recombination with other ienes(lhe f'lucle<>pcoteing~oe a,~ matri.x geoe. ,-espeoking at the yef'Sion histo(y. We should stick to SARSáCCW-2I think? Emaikd Cl.ite¥ will k?t(all know what she Sly$.. If Ws .i no. Science would li~.ely be into-ested and Cell would take it for sure. Robert Garry 1&20 . Change chc:nge to generic rodent withqvestion mark ~-91'18'"' I Or any other .161)CCt as ~II. even áPeter Alb¤ .Ji&!& r"I Eddie Holmes 18:33 ftbrw,y 12th. 2020 " ,.._ Yes: {1) gef'leric rode11lwith?; {2)we need to us~ SARS-CoV¥2. Assooo as l.:n as inishtd I'll do a,.::,ther gJobal r,nd¥aOO¥l'epl.xe. Robert Garry 18-'4S . Other edits corrections suggestions ,wkome. ~fine ... á-á---i .,... CCrivc format¥ it's similar to a Review. but we have mote flcxibilitY in tery sy1~rome ooron.wirus0,,iov5'y. this willbc;i husc but ol~ liluld just hold off until I knc:,w is going on. Ftbrua,y 1Stl\ 2020 .., RoMrt Garrv 08.11 . Agree that the JÈpcr k progre-ssingnicely.I think all the bases are cove:red. I can't really think of V1tlat Zh.angcoukl come up \vith short of finding exact SARS CoVá2i:na wild animal (pangolin?}, which is doubtfVI. Unless there issome ex,ensive htscQJYor 1he BAL 5(11nple,; evefl finding SARS Cová 2 In a pat1enc would n0t (llsdnguish the cwo hypotheses. Fhl(!lng SARS CoV~2In 5á10 w0t.Jld sirow provt the cryptic circulation hypothesis. btit I doubt tl'tis possibilty. Ht might also find a polybasie¥le,$SSARS Cdl/á2. which would be kindacool.unli~ly but I tllnk that eMancts not moots the paper. lOWSthcre a possibility he could add extra helpful bu: likely not dcfinlivc data. I think we should push this out ASAP. e Andrew Rambaut. 0818 ¥¥ Eatltet human sa-npJcs wit hoot oolybasic insert ¥ crvotic transmi$Sion folkwlcd by adaotation ¥ hypothesis 2. P.tngolin or marketan 1m;il with with polybJsic insert ¥ hypothesis 1 Pangollnor market anlmal very close to SCoV2 butwlthoot potybaslclnsctt -no nforriation about hypothe'Sls 1 or 2 but perhapsmakes lab passaging more llkely(.llttle rime for anything else). Eatlict huma,n sanplcswith pofybasic hscrt,., C()1)tic transt1ission. market probably not imJX)ftant. but no adaptation to produce epidO"nic .. no irlormationabouI hypothcsts Robert Garry 08:33 ¥ I veiymuch ag,ce cxctpt foc áE.rlicr human samples without pot,,t)ask: insert ¥ ayptic transmissoo foUowcd by aoaprarton .. hypothesis 2." Make 2 more m:c!y but not dc-flnitivc. we won't know whe to be (t&lll in u,e text. Also 1'(111lcJYbejv:.l Pvt;) IXIA .iround the residues $673, 1678, and S686. It's t~ insertion of tt-cproline th.atput$ a l:ink Jun the sequence and ~ads to tht pr~ckrioo of 0-linked glytans. Other betacoronavir\.6C'S likc HKU1 s~ diagran at 2:44 ycstctday have a somtwhat diffo-cnt solution'¡' a sttoog tum 0ots of scrinc:s) but a S, T. Prich regions is a requirement for mucin-likc domans of 01hcr virus GP Using the SAR$ CoV¥2 numbering wor' se>ing to say put h S1 aod S2. but you're rast! ¥ Andrew Rambaut 13á"1 ¥¥ Ar'e you happy with tl"f'!othe< labels? Robert Garry 1344 . Y~ ¥ 1:1~1 'S:'lre Jooking fine :,nd I think this is:, big uP9":>de for lhe-in-text figure-.rd stH keepttnd ~rtÈp~ even exp:,nd the: :itignowmt f\gure$ lor the s~pletne1H~ file. As for the c:ifforcnt colors l'rn thewrong one to aská color t:4ind ~ the colors arc notvcrvcolor blhd fref'ldtv(not a big deal in this case of coul"S(!)¥ what I can pick out thav~m a bit ar'bitr.irv an:t not really group .1CCordlng to chemically similar amino acids Y,W and F shculd be same or similM for cxaml)lc. I t"iink putting the boxes around ttc ldC'ltical tcsklucs liur blind too (I remembe< from the Ebola iÈPer). Robert Garry t3:S7 ¥ AndrewR.ambaut 1H1, . Shovld be S1 o,nd $2 )Ubunit. The coron.lvirolosi,bi 11ke to \l$C Nátcrmn.JI d()n'l.lin (NTO) .>ncl Cá dom.>in (CTO) for the tW'Op;.'.lrb of-$1 thill ~n be R~. ¥ AndrewRamb:u,,t 13~7 ¥. OK. Robert Garry 1400 . Lookir,,g grc.,t ¥ might pvt ";pikc"in the toplin,c b;.,t I don't have ,trongfccfing forthi~ I might have to look into Gcneioos. I see you had spike in a~ took out ¥ your choic~ e Andrew Rambaut t4-<18 -. I dkMl to delete it. Wlll put il bacik I Hereis the (Illustrator edit;'!ble) PDF vetsion PDF ¥ f'-e1>ruarrl)tl\ .lU:.N .. ¥ frgure.pdf I P01' Robert C&rry !. 17 . Looksdeanand to the point to me¥ exccllet1tWt I will intorpor-atc. L.>vric C.:,rrett ~, b¢-en on Twitt::-r ... Also in the O;iily ExPrtSS ¥ Andrtw Rambaut tS:OS ¥¥ Was it about the METEORITE? REV0002941 Ftbru.vv 15th. 202() .., ... EddieHolme:sH:U ~ Follow the Garrett tflread. They are directly excusing T1Jn who I know well rod is.l gre~t guy, StJCll BS. Theyooly did animal dissections in the Wuh30 lab. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 1s.11 ¥¥ So b:,,i~Uy this~ a MW K~n.:ariQ ¥ dirW inio,;ti,on from a b;-it (hc;wQV¢1" it h-ppc~d). Mow¢ver, dQ~n¥t ~kc; $¢n'¡ bccavl.ndtho en,.,il iquod (n.arnos?). W.. Edd it: Holme,s 18:59 ,-; No we really need to?The 01,ly unpublished data wecite is i reference to Andrew's dating analysis from Virologicil. We don't actually p-esent anything specinc. Seems like o,erloU to list evuvone who has depositecl a sequence. Perhapi Jus1;i generic statement! Robert C.:.,rry 19()$ . I was ,nostly thinking 11:>outthe Chinese sequencers who wtre ca,ceroed ::ibout getting credit then ported ;,nywl!(. Seems flee people went out ofthe way to th´1k them. but not necessa')' anymore ¥ as tor the-Çhers goes without sayingI think. .. A ~nerit statement would be gOOd-¥ lor treelv sha,ed insights. concepts and data. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 1¥.14 ¥ . wt We arc citing papers for the SeQUC!nccs use (pang din is a bit d.ibious I g1.1css). f.tbruary 16th.2020 .., Robert Garry 17 S2 . tiups:/'02/t6/tom¥cotton¥coronavirus 20 n-linl:ed g)ycans THe o-linked ones probJblyk>nger <10 ~ I'm gonna spike Eddie's drin1t for pulling fhis out <>fGoogle and inio Wc,,tally agree¥ ,min issue is that it'll pl.ti us more in a research direction as opposed to perspectivt so it could get But I'll work on it and write up a post probabfytornorrowor Wednesda~¥áwe can l;hen ~ where this takes u~ As forf())( Newsá Tom conon lstrendngv,:tr, COVIDá19 o~ the Twitters atthe momro1)Qrtydi~u~< (tl,li:trythins, but yÇ, :u thi< SbQe VII" unrortun:iotqly jud Ccln't rule out a potential acddental infecrio1'1 from the lab. Robert G.arry 11'44 . No. we ca.n't and shoUd not because that wookl have precipitated the cries of COVER UP. No doabt Tulane would have been l>ccn im~icatcd. Robert~rry 11 SO . Whatcouldand~hould be doneinmyopinion is 10 havesolleont ¥ gtt SenCotton orsomoonc from his s~ff plus some credible-scientists¥togo to China and inspect the labs artWlllan ¥maybe ilso tl:e ones in Guangoong too. Theywlll Md that th,:y .are set 1..p to us pangos ¥ Le .¥ not the elusive 99% and tile R60 Is not similar to human. !I~ ¥ nlignmcnt_$pike_;1.1_p.,nso.genciou$ .i,lisnment_$pikc_nt_p-,ngo.sendot1-, II ,., ¥ ?Ip e Andrew Rambaut: 12:s1 ¥¥ Peter Bogn~r h,:a-!.just \ent me anothef one .. hare on Don't share just yet -will be upon Gisaid shortty ... EP1 ISL 410544.fosta ¥ >6etaCoV/p.angol in/t'.D/P2S/2019I Ef>I.,l SL_ 4l 9S,4' TTAt.1ATCTGTGTG;CTGTCACTCGGCTOCATG(TTI\G!GCAC.1CACGt:iGTArAATT~fAA!TAATTACT~CGTTGA CAGG.\C.ACG.TA."-'TCGTCTATCTTCTÇt~NMltfffltmNNIINN~NNNfMÈ.tMmGCATACCTAG .. ~TTT~<;fCC~TG,fG,A((l';~TM(ATWGMC:CTTC.Tking gun. What do ycu reckon about Jeremy's mtUe5t to t.lce down the v1rologlcal post and wait for a press conference. ThJt 1$not gong to work. Butyou are cccresp:;,ndlrg. ~ Kri,tian Ander5tn 1:i.19 !a Here's my thinking: 1. VroloÈ"cal post staysup 2. I get .l holdof Oare and my institution to coordin..ite 3. No press release SSibk. 8esi1esthosepoints already teiterated on oor Vir¡'¡3kol post, we ore unnfÈe to /Vrthcr comment on ow study at t,.ispomtirl time.asit l.scuffMtly belns reviewed byothcrsciendsrs to cr1s1.¥re occuracy.Grvtltthe impo,ta11ct of th?.se{lr>diftSJ.. we~rld tllor ,t 6 cridcol thot our study is \'ettedbvotherscientistsond oor (lnd;ngs sho11kf thtreforr be consid1red ,;reliminO'fVunorwblishedina oeer reviewed iotimd. \Yethank you for your intttestond we vlll beltot>P'Yro touch bosewith reviewed. Weare hopefuJ this will be very SOOfl onct the paper hos been vttted and pttt . .edtl'd} {We uc;ed a very similar response for our 'Zika Cuba' pfl)er. which was also somewhat contr~rs.ial. This line of res.p,onse worlced out pretty well). I F-tbrwry 17tl\ 2020 ,., Robert ~rry 14.'17' . Pitch perfect... Robert G.arry 1. :;a . I just used a version of this ,oo ... C!:] Gi e Andrew Rambaut 1$1:12 ¥¥ Y~. That is good ~ KridbnAndcrscn 1S0-4 Ira Aod(e"N ¥ lt!a.nks for bfowing up Twitter. Great stuff. e Andrew Rambaut !5'.(15 ¥ . It has been quite posld~ so far. Oul rmybe the crazle,; are liaven't gol out cl bed In thtll" parenls' basemenL ~ Kris-tbnAnd¥run ,s09 113 A lot of good diswssions going on and so far pretty rcasonab&c. l'I just stay in the background for now¥ no needt:>rei~tewhat's already on thcvirologicaJ post Should have the Googe Doc upd.,ted shortJy ¥ ca is slov,in,g dov,.n progress. For 1he kwe of GOO, let's please keep this our version . ..._. Kris-tun Andersen 1.S:20 Pl! As we aet tflis wrapped up (hopefully). let rre just share some SEAL and Napoleonic wiWOm. Not Quite sure who v.haL Dress me sbwty. Iam In a h.irry. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. I Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. f.tbruatV 17th. 2020 ,., iflll Kristian Andersen 15:53 rJ9 @chanf'lcl Google Doc is f'lOW O\I master document ¥ please use that and not the Word vcrsion. No more desert vips for me so I can ~ndlc SYbmissioM. cu. @Andrew Rambaut left a COffi'I\Cf'lt for you in the legend. t. Finnedbyyw tTttl)):k'c.k>c!I.SOOgk:.Wtn./documCl'lt/d/14Hl21tdEyXQSX880C2KwHx.SfKff)'MdKWdMZGXxbd2.dS/Cdtl G SuiWOocUTJC'Jlt ¥ TheProximal Oriain of HCoV¥ 19 ¥ Gooclelloc Robert Garry 16.¢2 . I think th~tás an crlifact, but good thought ¥ probably not needed now. r"WEddie Holmes H:08 ~ The new pangolin sequences are all from my paper with Tommy. No cleavage site. The P<'!(>Cfwas sent to bi~xiv a week ago but has d~P()e)l'ed. It has been revised and that revision w111be I .-.I Kristbn Andersen 1&20 rn -@Edde Holmes ¥ anymore insights on the 'Zhang Scoop¥? Robert Garry 16:21 . So SARS¥CoV-2 i'i fmavbel ioing, to hit Naturewith several O.'loers and the cover~1:1ZikaV? Hooill(:'s true ¥WQIJldbe extra fine. very approori.ite and a sieht to see! r'W Eddie Holmes Io:22 ,,.._ Not ex3ctfy .. bvtl've heard they've h3d a lot of bat SillTples in the lab,_ 0 @ r"I [ddleHotmes H:J? ,-. Seems like Twitter are reascn;1b.Jy interested in oor pap;:.r? ...aKrlstun Andersen 1616 ~--I Already got the iitert'lt of ~eral major ne\'O outlets tooá rno:,t importantly NYT. For now. let's j.J:,t sátick to the party line above with oo further comment> for now(the ones I hcl'Y'Cgotten back to with t"3t response h..ave betn nice/ undefstanding ¥ including, 3gain. NYT). REV0002945 .!ii Kristian Andersen 17:07 Fcbl"l.l,#,ry 17th. 2020 ., ra £m..1lfrom~c.kforG,-1.11! ¥ Feb 17th, 2020 From Dave O'Connor (No content} Some comments from Dave O'Connor -Just FYI Robert Garry 17:36 . Thoughtful. I get the comment about renaming lhe passage SKt'fon. but it's not tiealty paralJel cor\Struction that way. ¥ Andrew Rambaut taát0 ¥¥ Interestingly, BetaCoV/pangolin/Guangdoflg/P2S/20191EPI_ISL_ to go up on GISAIO) is very close to the 'pangolin on1ioo' sequence we used in the paper 41054412019 (one of the last 2 p.angolins from the mctagcnomk datas.ct. It is ac.tualty Quite complementary in that they are both missing bits in different Not exac.tly the same though. r"I Eddie Holmes 18:34 ,-; Indeed. This is all 18.000 re,l(fs in less than 24 hours. REV0002946 .-~or--, ,011, ,ev,ev . ~ Kristian Andersen 1 S:37 l!.I! Sooy Andrtw and Bob that you C!i.df)'[ quite make ttiC CU( to be a ~Top Ep~iOl~iSC Hilatfous á,.I. f.ll"frtrniOS-. In ,1 p.ipc-r past('d:oolbe scicntlfk: onlintfon;11,\'itolc:.glt~IOI: ~,lhttget th.án~obri,qui;t, Kri:,ti;:m (o< Cddic). You i1r<: jwt n 'x.icnti$t'. ~ Kri$1Un Andersen t',áS7 rn's just like vour opinion. man. I ,h;nk you mignt be right ¥~ Robert Garry 17 14 . It's all fmc -I'm just aoin&to keep ofu22ina alona be-st I can ... An,d yeah li'Sl got the top billin.g and a ritJe. Eddie and Kristi.;n were sort.ii afterthoughts. Oh well ... ¥ Andrew Rambaut INS ¥¥ We have OtJr firsi cit;;ation in the Lancet¥assets/1..t'ncetJpdfs/SOl40673620:È4169.pdf R.obert Garry 100, . Must hJVe been added in proof I guess. e Andrew Rambaut 18:11 ¥¥ I signed the petition too. You know tt\3t ¥top cpldcmblogi!t' Is Ckl'ley rhyming sbng for 'L_410tl1,tinw .. ~-.,., o\l /p.,i.,,,ol l "/Q1fl.tWf(,l\8/l/2~23 ItPt _JSt._ 4lG72l CACGC.AGJATAATTMTAOCTAATTACTGTCGTTGACAC-GACACGA6JAACTC6JCTA"CJTCTGCAOOCTGCTTACCGT J TTCGTCCGTGTTGCAGCCc.a.TCATLJri.GCAiTA.CCTAoGGT1TCGTÇGGG1'GTGAC"' SARS-CoVá2_B;,TC13_P;,ngdin.gcndous ¥ z.. I thinlc they are oickint it up i'lt m.1rken or stagingare;is? Very likein MERS in camels¥k>tsof really shott rccorrbinatioos. Suggestslotsof coinfoctions But bclsically the same as the pa~otinonline in RBD liPlillKrlstfan Andcrstn 19rtGarry 1918 ¥ De~:. on who lhey:.cnt it t.o ¥ the: twittering 11.1:.bÇ-n <:.lo~.-tc.>9?% fpo:,itive)th.on the: p,,n.goln :..eeven whiffms .it thcpo:;:;bilityof .i bb e:;:;;:,pe,but I didn't g~t the sense from the public reactions that that was offensive to most. Clcar1ystating no t.oengineering seemsto bethe take home, plus that it is well done and needed. ~ Kristian Andersen 19,37 ~ I thinlc there ace two camps in the intecpcet¥tion of the paper. {l)Glefintely didn't c:omefrom the lab, (2) mer can't n.,teoot it c.;1mefrom the l,;1b so rt:definitelycame from the!ab. :. I Ftb,w,y 18tl\ 2020 "' e Andrew Raml>aut 20'08 ¥¥ New p;mgolin is ¥t lea~t a much betterseQueflce. See the recombinations in spike nicet,,: Just the RBO: ,,,, -..I: Kris-tun Andersen 2012 ~ Yup. pretty cool to see. Since thilt 'online' sequence wi.'15kincb stitched together, rm 3lso happy to see ,1 higher qu.11ity seQUelCe for thi$ e AndrewRambaut 20;14 ¥¥ Yes. I ;,m Jtso strooglymoving towards the idea that these poor bJst..1rds orebeccming infected in the Ive .inim.,I chain from some other animal (ferret-badgers). Robert Garcy 21 12 . Maybe a couple of animals ¥ henokingforamatch. liW KristianAndersen 21:27 819 ¥No sig;niflc:.nt simil:u,ty found¥ . Mmmm RaTG13vs nCoVandpangovsnCoV.Sigdip in si-nilaritybetweenl)ilngoandnCd./in the 5' end cl (he spike.Interesting.Couldbe recombinJrionbreakpoint. RobertGarry 21.33 . Hmmrn ¥ ttPt's uoe>~St rriali~ to SARSáCoVá2.If it is recombination.wflal Is ,~nbining with what? lnttrcstingly. if you c.loanRODu-eeon~'Yflonymou~~ite~only thIw the JX,n.goCu.,aremoc-e rnbinationin? Twothings¥ needto look if th;it recombinationin S'spikeextendsinto 3' ORFlab. Secondk>okif the R80 patc:llin R"TG13tSalsovisibfein the n.ics. WllilKristun Andersen 0204 PJ!I Thisiswhatvoueuvs~inMERS? I REV0002949 e Andrtw Rambaut02,oe .. . Tl'liS soft or thing ¥ extensive ,eeom1>inalion but often or quite ShO7 ~ Hercarc Tommy's trees fonhc RBD I ~ Eddie Holmes 0&:12 ~ Here's a r¡'-!gh amino )cid ttee of the RBD. Pretty striking. POF-¥ ¥ :,ectei'WIYl'ftl\ lV:.Ni .., ¥ And~ Ram.baut ¡"á4' 41111 . In;i good way? e Andrew Rambaut 04,14 ¥¥ It deflnlteCylooks llke the nucleotides lollov; the aminoa<:ld$: - I will add in all of Tommy's mes .ind a fewootaroups and keep k>okiOR. Inall but 1 or the 6 key .-esidues. the pangofn andthe huma1,vfrus use the same codon.The e.xceptionis a NT t(ansvei-sio,,In the third position. Robert Garry osos . The Guangdong Wikflffe Rescue Center rec,ived 21 lfve Malayan pangoJins from the Anti¥smuggl ng Customs Bureau en 24 Marcil 2019; most individuals.including acl.llts and subadults. were in J)OOf health.lccn with obvicu, ,yrnptom, from 11 dc:ad Mo~y:i.n ~flS-.,c MC lin~. it'$ C!N'ircly .utuf'31. 01 (b) it's:) c:cnspit'lcy. It's:) ~ry -¥ Science IAAAS Scientists 'strong1ycondemn' 1umo1s and conspiracy theories about origin of coron:ivirus outbre,~k A statement in The Lanett ass.ails misinformatil>naOOut the possibilitY 1h2t COVJ0á 19 Qlme fro!ll a lab in Wuhan, China Feb 19th. 2000 (273 kBi ¥ .,1111; tS:3SKristbn Andersen 1,,£1 @chjnnel ¥ anybody else beingasked follow up qvestions from Don McNeil? He's asking some very difficul1 to hindlequestions wanting to ácKJd coiorá to his stocy. I'm wort:ing with our tom,n,.mk:,tiot'1$ on h6w to r~pcnd {or noL}. Screen Shot 1020á02-19 ;it 12 34.t7~ng ¥ £HMI..L&IJL e Andrew Rambaut tS:38 ¥¥ I suggest Mt goingdcmn thc1troute. JltSt brush it off as, beire happy co talkc1boutthe ~iencc but the-mrrarivc iná10lvesothtr people. F"'I EddieHolmes 1$:59 ,-; Justdon't talk aboutit all. I'm nolon2cr talkin2 tojourMlists. Or doing social mt?dia for that matter. WMI:Kristian Andersen 16.20 ra I think I have a WifVto <:teat with it. Will draft and share lgno,ing could furthc,cscalatc . ..-.tiich I hav~ to be w:ry cardut itbout But to b<'t~ar ¥ he ~n¥t coot-acttd a!'IVor vou? REV0002951 Robert Garry 1631 . noconlbct tubne's pr a btt ;antsy but at~ lirllilKristian Andersen 16:!!11 ~ Okay.hcd to fofow up quotion.. I'm hopins th;)t by inc;h,tbo 5ivC$ me o get out of jailcard for ignoringa po.tentialrtqueSt... HiDofl. Notiorol seturity? Whitt House?Spooks?J wi~, my(ife ,m tool txci!irl8.tut I un(Ot'tunotelr doo't huvt onythjng to odd here¥ my exisltMt iSll'treolry in 1tthnicolor, so I'mjust Iotustd on I.M sdtrn:e :áJ. t1Y'113 of thevitvs. As w<:cvtlinc;,, our ¥Pr:11 to vndÇstondthe 6mins.ori.,f"I. ond rronsmissiM of SARS CIN2"post en Virclo3kO(0lld. we're t,11(,.UrielyOUsyMltkit)800 ,,rxe IOyálutlSVO.StmocetM finclv Wi11 bt (lnolized within the next coople of wttks, $0 happy to loop b!1ck Yith you onct alto( that ;s c0n:tplete. Best of Jvckwifh the stQtY atd pJeoseJetme kn01,v ii I am help outwith Orff of the sci.en ti lieQuesffons. Oh. ond yesá rm t>ocJcout of the dtsert the b:>15'really "'eren't zreor~. Cheers. Kristim __and I should add ¥ I really fucking wished my lift wasn't ti-is exciting~. 68i@j J¤j@i 11 ROJU.'lr'f lYII\ il.Vil.\J "' ~ Eddie Holmes 16:47 ,-.. Your call. 1\-c had a nlrtlbcrof joumos contact meabout this and I've just sa"dthing llke:'So!'I.~ .. ORF1 Spike SARS-CoV-2 0.91 0.29 SARS, earty 0.81 1.82 SARS, middle 0.68 0.44 SARS, late 0.32 0.51 F,I Eddie Holmes 1t,i4 ,...._ lllterening. In yoor 'SA.RS earty' data set how many secondarytransmissionsare tM-re? Similarto SARS-CoV¥2? Dn you add o~ of the endemic há.unan CoVsinto the mix? ~ EddieHolmes lt:30 ~ P.5. Agree with Andrew's suggestion. i,9ill Kristian Andorscn 19 :12 ra The phases are defined based on the molccvla, e9i paper in Science: The e.arly phase isdefined.J&the period from the first emerieoce of SARS to the first documented superspreaderevent (I thiik Nov 02 > J3n 03). The middle oh-ª? ,eters to the ensuing events up to the first clusta of SARS cases In a h:ltel In Hong Kong O think Feb 00 > Mar 03)). Cases following th!$ duStcr fell Into 1hc late phase (Apf-onwa,,ds). Good question about endemic hum:m CoVs ¥ I h.wen't look at those. but I should ed1te4J Doo't have g,ood numbers co SARS. but translatingthose dates into numbers I thiok it's something like -150 for eattv. --1500fonniddle. and then the rest REV0002952 ... EddieHofmes 02:16 ~ Thanksfor-that. However ttis ou1bre-,k/epidemk/p;uldemk goes it has been bloody good fÇ Virologiol.ora. Amlling number-of views for the proximal orians piÇe. ~o:1,tÇIJ e Andrew Ramba!A OS:S.3 ¥ . I thought I better shate an Çnail that I think is really to all of us: ~ltf?'PnR,.. 0 ___ ..,____ _ -á------, ..__ _____ ....,..._.. ____ .__..___ _ Robert Garry 06:27 . -11 lookS like the SAl'{S splke protein was po~lblyunder positive selection e(lly In the Ç>IClemlC Robert Garry 0040 . Shouldbe possible to look more closely at that¥ not easily. Map the mutatioM on the S 30 structure. I'd expcctidaptariontoshow upor get fucd at the R8Dand in the hdes in the glyc:anshiekl [:.ka epitopes]. Might have to do it by 1i,,eages" to see what got fixed in a certai,, tfansmission chain. It may~ more f'31'1dot'l"I earlyOf'I. e Andrew Rambaut 06 -tS ¥¥ Hey Bob, 'Mlat v,,ould vou think the effect d a df?letion just befo~ the furin site tin a hJman SARS¥CoV¥ 2 virus). lhe pup le in this flgu~. Would this be a viablespike protein? I ca1't tel you whier! this ccmcs from just row. Wt:~Pni ,.. ¥ Andrew Rambavt 06;S7 ¥ . Possitly the deletion ii alsothe polyb.isic residu(S as well: b~~-png ¥ Robert Garry 0706 Ftbru:uv 20th. 202() .. . 1t would be very interesting for sure, Viat>Je yes.The PRRA created an longer loop where the furin or tur1nálikc-enzyme has to chp. If you soorten the loc:,p and remove one ifnot more of the Oá finked you're b.lck to SOfllethirg thilt structurt'ltly is vrobabtv like RJTG13. Looking ~t the seQue~es around 51/S2 in other CoVs there's .18Qod bit of variJtion including insertiolls and deletions at the end o! Sl or in the deavagt site thems.efvf,$ witlln avir'us (like HKUl orMHV). Also its possible to ch~e {1:nockout)the cleavage site altogether and get a well-fold~d protein as they did to get the c-ryostructure in the nC'Y'I:scie11Cc-po1pcr. Robort ~rry OH, . l'C'Sl)O(lding si1e there at all. If to newmessage ¥ curiouser and curiouser IAliccl. But al,so still vilblc fd get unless you knock out the last R in tht PRRAR in which case you don't have any c.lcavagc the virus in this case fSstill viable thefl rtás u~ing .i cleavage .site f\lf'lherdown, Those e>0st but this would be~ preuy btg variiltion on the theme. I'd gu~ss ¥ Andrew Rambaut 07á13 ¥¥ lntcrc1ting. Thanks. What a.rettie residues would I be lookflg fot for another cleavage site? Robert Garry 07;32 . R oos,iblv K most likelv I ¥ AndrewRamb.lut 07.19 ¥¥ One last qvestion ¥ could this be somuhingthat passaging nVero-£6 cells could induce? Robert Garry 08 2-1 . if th¢VwCn:p~ginsinVcro eek then thcv no doubt u,cdttyp$in tocplit !ht! c:~11$. It'$ ~rd to w~.c off ,1.II the t"Y!Xin C)nd in factyo,u donátw;inttoif you¥;iviru,like l'l'\0$1fluvc 1h;it don't have a furin site.So ytS i Sl.l)pose if you passages a virus with a furin site a lot yoo might ~ntcr-selccr. to a try,xin site or maybe cve-n aoother ~av-ate sitt attoicther in ctU cufture. CoVs do tiave ,:1seccod;i:sesitesá th.>t is KR in inost viruses rigJ!t before one of die ftiSK>n peptides.There's .1lsosome alternatives f01virusesthat aroo't "activatedá alld don't tuse ilt chesurface (catha,psin)but RO the endocvtk route. Lot of seciuence behvero the Sl/S2 runction and lhe S' sile-. wash off e Andrew Rambaut 09:38 .a . Bask.allya coU.1boratorhasfoundthisdeletton in about 5¡" of the reads from asample, I guessitis possiblethat it is .1cell .1dapt.1tion(removmgthe gtycansitesas well}. I may get back to-,oo on thisif thev want to t.ake it further. ft>dit 11 Robert Qmy 0939 . lntere>ting ¥ Happy to weigll in a> needed! Robert Garry 1000 . You'd probably get different perh:1ps cpposite tEMiUlts with a rapid forced 1>3wige vs a meandering slow pa5S.1ge. Growi'l.g virus stocks ~nd avoidi~ generation of iltcroal deletions akadcfoi::.t.r-,t~rionudco(tdcs. Y111ichrcpr(~c,,t scvcrc1Jesc;,peor .... Andcrst:n 1c..2s ~ Haha. my brain h:ts been a badly c.alibroted MC MC. I'm hopilg it'll start comerging ot 50C'Oe point-.. Robert Garry 1026 . All of our brains ~re ina bit of trouble¥ hopefuUyyou¥ncton't get rearáended anytime soon ... ~0 Hopefulty-'sowe hearsomething positive from Clare SOONá thffl we'll all likely be facing the lab escape 0ne>nNature submission 2020~02-02583 Feb 20th, 2020 From (No content} It's a no al Naturt ¥ which doesn't entirely surpriseme. Thefre suggestion going with Olt)ef N.lture joumals and (~hl O()wt think we sh:iukl coostder Uvee different options: l. Nature Medicine 2. Cell 3. Science ~h:IJ I fool prottyeonfidont .11XM.i:#1 <"nd.f1, b,vtnot (ll.1ite Sl.lro~bo-.Jt 11'3 (but tw, most im~ct) I know C;ironno could Also. the re<1iewtrsraiseSO'lles:oodpoints we netd to consider. UnfortunJtely the pon:olinsdon't help cl.lrify thestoryJnd reviewer #2 (who's the one influencing the decision) is wron~ on those points. Most imp0rt.antly ¥ we unfortunate~ can't refute the lab origin hypothesil. and it is it is. I have SOlllf othl:f busine-ssI need to attend to this morning. so let's wait unril @Eddte Holmes wakes up and then come up with game plan. .1 ROben Garry lJ.16 . áNature Medicine~re ilterested ii publishing it either as .a Comment aCorrespondellce."This is mÇe positive than the other two. SUre;iddress the conctms .nd publish in Nature Medicine. Of I Essen:iallyth~ sarn~ Impact Factor as Cell. Quickerit seems~it<' ) QUlU: ...Jti!!L REV0002954 e Andrew Rambaut 13:19 ¥¥ My re.cling of that comment is N,tMed would take th~ rt"Vicw,-a, they are ¥nd we can just -1dd~) thc:m. Robort c~nv t'l to . ASforthecomme-nts: ¥ for;heo--glycan wecouldshowsome of the additionald.ala on the predicted sites in other CoVs -this is convincing to me.but perhaps not to a skeptic. If not just f,Jrther tone down the comments re the O¥glyQins with more qualifiers.. R.obert Garry 13.2) . *Alsosfate <:le.irty this site isonlypredttted so far ;.ind that eXl) evidence for its biok>gical tunc.tion and its potential impact on pathoeenesis .1re required." well the site is there¥ wMtt-er it is used or not tec-hnic.1:llynot tstabtishtd, but a good tett sirKe it's ustd forothef Covsand appa,rentlyknoding il out ¥II0wtd the S tobe stable tnuff to giyt a 3A structure. Confused thougl\ wh:lt tjhc rcviciwcr w~nts ut to do wh,'\t ~ ~IR.'!.'ldy ct:itcd cx.'lctly? I don't think review 2 got it at all¥ ma.,t>con purpose. The paperW.lS to e>u1(1a:,.k CIJfe to (ecQOS,i(le,1 R.o~rt ~rry 11.28 . That's another pbn ¥ He/She set up a straw man that oor paper was to refute SARSáCoVá2 as a biowe~n then shot it down. ¥ ¥ Andrew Rambaut tU9 Ftbru.i,v 20th. 202() "' ¥¥ But more import3nUythis revfewer feels. and we ~ree. th<1tthe Perspective would Quidta are published (for example on polenti3t reservoir hosts). Thii is the irnporbnt bit to :1ddre!shc-'CIon¥ tho p:)ngolinsdo not solve the is~. fÇ1,t;:d> DIt~y lye,"rs:igo Robert Garry 13:29 . Agreeing with Andrew that NatMed would t,)kC it. None of the pango sequences are the smoking gt1n that s-ys this virusit.Jmped right into a ptrson "'It i1 not dear wtiy the aUlhors rush with .l speculative pe-:spccrive if their central hYJ)Othesiscan be wppo,ted by their own data. ?lease explain.." Actualfy th6 is r.Jther frea.kin,e insultina: to QY the least... ~ Kristun Andersen 13:32 ra replied to a thre.d: But more import,3ntly tflis reviewe-feels, and we agree, th3t the Penpective wouJd quickly become outdated when more Kientific dat~ are publi$1ed {for e:,cample oo po ten .. Ye-,, th;, i, key3nd I ~dre~d ttbin myrc-;>lyb:ick toC~re(ol$0tO $CC if th¢y'drecon$id~r) Sc.rccnShot1020-02¥20at 10.31.17 AM.prg ¥ o-::-á-.--:=:-::.:=-~--~-..á----::á .. :=.:..: ------á--á-á. ::. The only potcntfal doof still open with Nature wQ.lld be fof Eddie and to get a hold d Magda. Reviewer 2 in gc-ncral doesn't understand \111\at'sgoing on (he/she doesn't understand that's tven .i theety In the 1',fst place) aoo no. ~ly. the ~ngos oo,nserve ttlts. I get asensethat N.iture ml gilt be a llttk gun shy tllOugtl ¥ hence. weáe1 nee comme,,ts. Robert Garry 13:37 . Yes¥ Gonna havt to do that arrvway. ~ Kristian Andersen 1339 119 Let m~ set up 3 Goosle Doc l!lnd ,h:ire Robert Carry 1340 . Ytah good plan ¥ shoUd not actuallyt¥ke long ... ~ Krlstun Andersen 13'14 rl!i Sha,od a GooglQ Ooc with '/illl: hrtp$:lc:IOC$~0oglc.c;orn/dCKIQ3i!rrncoW?dcfl.nq4vhQ/odit# G Stw:Oocu--nent ¥ l!!!S Nature rebuttal Iii GoogleDoc I need to ht.Kt out for an hour Of so . I ... Eddie Holmes 13:S8 ,..... Iforwarded to Jeremy. Reviewer 12 is clearo/ of the FoochiEr min\lset. I'm very surprisedat Nat1Jre here .. rejecting it t~ recommending another Nature jovmal. Mightw;int to remind them of the 43K vie~ on Virologk;i,I My wo,ry ;i,bout tr;i,ndflrring to N)turo Medidno ;i,t th;i,t th,oywill w;i,nt th¥ táod hugoly nduc.d for;i, Co,nmMlt-/Comt(pol\do-neo angc:1 that will need to be made to the manu:script bvt not too cnel'Ot.l~. Ye.:ah¥ no s.hort~nma. REV0002955 11YKridun Andqr1-cin 19á11 lal Sorry. dealing wi!h gr.i11tthings today. but I'll get on this tomorrow. For next steps, here's wh(lt I'm pfQPQSing: 1. fhish up 1ebuttal and {ll)OSt edits) 2. Eddtewm email Magda with the rebutt~ requc-sting a call (I think this should be Eddie¥ I don't have eoo11gh gravitas with her} 3. f"nish final edits to m(lnuscript over the weekend 4. PbnA:rout¥b~kto l\btu,..; Pl;i,1'18: bounc¥o\l\trto N#uro Mtdkin.-: Pbn C: m¥h> conU(t Sl'i ~rd get thi( rltoC.n Y.iyornay? Robert Garry 19á-4S . Yay Robert Garry 2035 . but b ¥ no shortening 0 Q I Ftbtu~ry21st2020" Robert Garry 1047 . lets hope tf'lat tv'<1gda will over¥rulc the rejec.tion based on aflawed revi-t?w #2. If not: Here are the typ"-S of articles in N;iturt Mens PoSSiblein sptt"ial Citation~ should be seltctive and. in the cast of partic.ularty imporUnt studie-s (s 10% of all the rcferenct~}. we f!r\COU'!I~ :authOl' provide rt :.ooot.:ationot. t'!xpbhing v.ihy ttlc!: scope of .:aReview icttlly 1á4 ~!Se:,.,.-lth(.)\lgh :.<,me, n1~ be lqng<,-. 8Çau>e the content i) v~1i11hk:.the f:;N-m(lti) 11!>0 lle11ible. Comment.:.riesdonot nom"G:ly conloi;; piin-1;;ry research data. a:u-,ough the;, mavi)(es.ent ásooolog:k:Jr 03ta ffundin,& t~nds. demc:Graphics. bibliogrophk: d3t3. etcJ. As 3 guldelir.e,Commentar'{ allow up to 30 referen::~ and artkle titles are omitted from the referenct list. Commentaries troy be pcerrcviC'NCdn the editors¥dis<:rc~r>n. Perspective Petsptcrtve is a new tor mat for scholarly reviews and discu~ionsot the primary ,ese;itch literature that are too tÇhnkal for a Co,,mentary but do not meet the aiteria for a Re~-either because the scooe is too narrow. or beuuse the authcr is ~dvocating ~ controversial POSition or asoeo.,l,3tivehvcx>thesis0< discu>s.ingwork pri~ritv from coe group. Two revie-M adYOC.3ting I opposite sides in a research controversy arc normally publiS,\ed as Perspectives. The text should not normally excccd 3000 WOfds.As a guideline. Perspxtive-s allow up to SO references. Pcr:¤Cpcctivcs arc always p~r reviewed and Include rccclvcd/acccptcd diltcs. Qii\Mi ..I&:.& Our piece -1(:toallv ootenti.UV fits all tlYee. I'm not opposed in any way to Kristian hitting up Cell 0UM!t ¥ optk>n C. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 10:s.1 ¥ . Pcfsl)Ktive seems the best ht. Robert Garry o.o& . Yeah ¥ we definitely want the petr rem-led stamp. <:ii©,;, t:l : ~ Kristian Ander$en 1.<:13 ra @channel ¥ updated the rewttat witl"l some edits and comments.Andrew I Bobá had.1 rewsptciflc q~stklns to, the two or yoo.1ám taking the lab out for lunch 10, th! next coup~ othours and then I'll get back to this aftÇ¥ wtcaneasi1yfinish thlsup today. Hopif"IP. to flni-shup reviS4ons to the paper ttiis aheA .Ara"'~S¥riov, q,.,c~N)i, Oot:i ,~ k.illQU ´1<1clogso, on¥,~._¥ thtffl Itek? IIOWl'mydoo)¥ tO Mu~plC lW>'!tl'-'Ctn'l/)(4,f~(Vw,9S Robert Garry 1. '416 . Cats viere definitely infected with SARS¥Cov~t I REV0002956 https:Kwww." -Nature SARS virus infection of cats and ferrets There is nowa choice of animalmode-ls fof testing therap;cs against the human virus. ~ Kristi.anAndersen 14¥47 ei'9 Come on Andrew b..-e.'.lkher/hi-s he.lrt! Robert Garry 14 48 . Apparently (and this com~ from a pretty gt<>d sourct)cats in Ch na art con,ing d:>wr\with the illness in droves and arebeing roundÇ! up ard txttrminattd. e AndreYI Ramb;tut 14 $3 .a . Wt: thou Id :add th~t to our p~pr::r. Robert Garry tS09 . I don't disagree. So. add the phrase: "inc.ludilg wild and domestic animalsá somewhctt in tht text? Covers another ban albeit a r.uhef unlikl!'ly o~. If my S()(Jrte is cOC'l'eCtpcoplt will go crazv if they thjnk that cats arc going to get infected. pass on the possiblydie. Krbtian for one is "fond" of cats. á~ ... Kristian Andcrstn 1s2s la Whattver 'YOUdo¥ DO NOT pass on this information to my wife! I think she's more scc1redof the cats dying of this than me ... Ro~rt Garry 1s2a . Agreed¥ normywife.1ndd.>ught'CN¡s -~amcck>;d,M Qii\tti ...StU..L I ¥ Andrew Rambaut 1S:?9 l='d>,v;-try 21st. 2020 ., ¥¥ I have two cats. I like ooeof theoi. r, Eddie Holmes 1S:36 ~ I'll ao over the rebuttal today. Aeree with th~ pbn above. Ext.ellent OP(IO(lunitvto ouree c.ats from th~ planet: ~ a nee1 .a bioconttol for th~ in Australia ard this may be just th~ tickEt. Robert Garry 16-43 .[yXQSXBODC2KwHxS<1nt ¥ a Nature rebuttal k:-ttcr Googll' Doc Robert Garry 13~56 ¥ We need to give Clare several reasons to reconsider. https:/,ews/world¥asia-S 1596665 " SSC News fl'brwty 22nd, 2020 ., Coronavirus cases double in one day in South Korea The PM describes the situation as grave <1s th~ total number of confirmed infections fise-sto 433. (114 kB)¥ One reason to reconsider is that thi'5 epidemic is looking more and more like a pandemic. r'li Eddie Holme:s 18:44 ,..... I'll hopefully be able to update on any new data tomor10w. Pretty obvious it was going pandemic. I think Nature have just bought RC',#2's argument that we just going to fan the flamesby adding speculation. r1I Eddie Holmes 19:
  • ul-\t tho Soutl'I Chin ... Uri on¥ ¥ ¥¥ Andrew ~mbaut È~7 Yes. For RBO the SCAU pangolin is cJosest (this is nucleotide). ~png,.. But I think this is beca,.,se ttiereisa re<:OO"lbin:mt ltdct in RBD i,, RaTG13{th;it comes f,oo, elsewhere}oushine:it away from SARS2. If I dip out 202 rocleotidesin the RBO th.ltspanthe 6contact sites I get R;::::TG13asdosestagain AISQif I just those sites with Ne;in ttie RaTG13. irl¥..png"' --_-á---_-: r"W fddieHolmes 21:06 ,..._ lo me it looks like the pangolin amino acid sequence in the RBO isdose, to SARS-CoVá2 than expected given thcSr over-all level of drYergentidc levd, and the pan:gOlinis 13.5% divergent Inthe second ha'f (i.e .. the blue ba(}.RaTG13is 22%di'lerg,ent and pa~olt1\ is 12.6% (i.e .. slightly less divergent). For Amino Ac.t il is similará 1st half. RaTGl3-SARS2: 2.8%. Pongo¥SARS2: 3.7%. 2nd ~~If. RaTG!3áSARS2: 19.5%. Pango¥SAAS2: 2.3% Soit the PNlgolin stays rot1ghly the same divcrgmce m RaTG13 shoots up, Jeezilis 2.30.'.lm.Going to be-ct. r--1: EddieHolmes 21:31 ,...._ Thanks. Yes. ao t6 bed. Robert G.rry 22<>1 . yes, many tl'lanki! REV0002959 f-ebru.,ry 23rd, 2020 v Robert Garry 09:05 . I can't contrlb1,Jte much here. but one consistent observation ever the ye(lrs is th~t virus fL.1sion prQteill$~a ámodv1;u" ;ipprooch. swapping in and 01.1t varioos <:omponents. If -you're splitting the spike protein up for comPc1risoos at the tlUC aod ptotein levels and if there's not another more rationale way to pick the $plits, it might make sense Ito me) to do it according to the "modules: This alignment shows the ¥modules" in spike: The orange "variable loop¥ tSthe receptor binding domain for CoVs that have a protein receptor like ACE-2. For CoVs that use sialic acid receptors the binding is in the NTD. MERS CoV might use both cl,1sses ot receptors (siJlic ueid and a protein). For some CoVs like HKU1 (in the pointed 10 alignment) there is a .. moclufa(' insertion in the v.1riable loop of ,1 proline, serine, threonine rich region ak.1 a mucin-like domain. (edrtedl Robert Garry 09.14 . Apropos to that wh3t you've labeled the átrac.r appears to me to be essentially the "'variable loop" that is a module frequently swapped in and out of CoV spikes. (l'Cfil<-<0 Robert Garry 09-.2-1 . Our friend R.llph wrote about it: hnps:// I) PubMed Cent,al (PMC) Recombination, Reservoir5, and the Modular Spike: Mechanisms of Corooavirus Cross-Species Trans.miss.ion Over the past 30 years. several ctoss-species transnlission events. as well as cha,lges in virus tropism. have mediated significant animal and hum.-.n disea"Ses.. Most notable is severe :icute tt-:spiratory syndrome (SARS), a tower re$piratory tract disease of ... Robert G~rrv 10:48 . htt~://á1094_ar'ticle D-Emerging Infectious Diseases Mutation in Spike Protein CleaVcJge Site and Pathogeoesi<,; of Feline Coronavirus Feline ooronavlruses (F'CoV) exist as 2 biotypes.: feline enteric coronavin.1s {F'ECV) and feline infectious peritonitis virus {FlPV). fECV causes subc:lin ... (132 kB)-. EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES A,_.........._ JOlndJrocQlguniildJ'ritl Oiw:N .,Ills Probably need to reference this. e Andrew Rambaut n<>J ¥¥ Th.1nks Bob! That looks like an excellent way to try to dig down in to this (better than my sQuinting at the alignment and trying to see where the break-points are). Opens up all SOfts of interesting questions about where do they get these modules fr'om? ISit just hornologOU$ recombination from othcf-coror~vifuscs? I Also with respe4;t to cats -weren't you saying that there were Qe~ c,1ts evetYWhere in Woh.ln? ffit-c;ul",..n\ und¥r$t¥nding i$ U,¥t F111V -11ri$H duri"i-in Yivo inf-tt biten tdintUied. Robert Garry 11:14 . Ye-s indeed -could be coincidence. but if SARS-CoV-2 is in fact infecting cats in Wuhan (and that's no( a bad bet since SARS-CoV docs effectively infect c:-ats in the lab and cats wctc definitely infected during a early SARS cluster in an apJrtment buildin.s) then the pofybasic site misht ;ive the virus a leg up in pathology. yes ¥ homologous recombination from other coronavkuscs 'oVOOJd be mv bet. Robert Garry 1t.27 ¥ If cacs are infected, I suppose one might ask the question did poop,Seinfect the cats or was it the other way around? ¥ Andrew Rambaut 11 á27 I ¥¥ Just an,,ott1ling up lhPubMed Central (PMC) Cathepsin l functionally C~ea\á~ the Seve:re.Acute Re'Spi'ato,y Syndrome Corontwiru.s Oass IFusion Protein Vpstrnrn of R.flth(tr than Adjacent to the fi>sion Peptide Uf'llike other' class I viral fus.Oo ptoteins. spike ptoteins on severe acute (espiratoty sy(f¥omccoronaviros virions .l~ und{".aved.As we .ind others ~ve dc-mOllstraied. infection by this virus depends on cathepsin proteases present in endosom;il coirpartments ... Ntr:,s.//'il;:les/PMC6226446/ I ¥>PubMed Central (PMC) Functional analySisof J)4'Xential cleavage sites in the MERS.ácoronavirus !,pike protein The Mkklle Eastrespiratory syndrome-rel.lted coron.,virus (MERS¥CoV) can cause sevtre disease and has l).lndemic potential. Thtttfore. devclopment of antiviral sttatcgic, Is at1 lrnport:,nl task The .etivtirion of the viral spike protein (S} by host cdl pro:eas~ ... ¥ Andrew Rambaut 11su ¥¥ OK.As yougue:ss.ed ¥ that tit I bbelled'ttact'wh~h I got byeyeballingthe ali_gnrrent iswitlln 2 nucs at oneend and 6nuc:s~t tht other tot.ting the 'variable loop'in that paper.above. So looks like :twinn~r. I guess the pangolin/human lineage could have got it from somewhere else but given in the rest ofthe genome, RaTCU is cbsest it woukt mean the Pangoln lineage a,d the one leadl'lg to SARS¥ <:.oV-2wou(t ha,,c to get it SC1)aratcly. Robert Garry 11SO W Gte:i.tPÛ! multi~tcp pro<:4'?Uto g~t to SARS,CoV-2? ¥ Andrew Rambaut !7:tS ¥¥ tittp://\'áS88/ ( frctl'I iniriute 42) ¥ TWiV 588: Coronavin,s update¥ Save the J>,il~olin! I This Week in Virology The T'WiV team returns this week to SARS¥CoVá2019 co,ierage to rtvicwthe latest ~pi curves..the fatality rate. furin dea-vagesltc and recept0< bindingdomain in the ipike gJycoprotein, related CoV r~q>Crt$. (98 kB) ... Some jourll.)ts. such as Natvre. h;,ve appended notes to older stories ~t the Wuhan lab c:.111ing 4unvelifled."the conspi'Jcy theories Jbout the a3b .,, N2iture Nfl.W't I:, Comlll'l¥nt Insidetht Chine-se lab Poised to study worid'smost dang&r0us pathogeos Max1mu-n-securitvbiolab is part of plan to buil::I network of 8SLá4 hc:.d1tits across China. Wow ¥ not s.ure Nature is correct on tt1is. 11'1"1¥-9ng ... ,...., 1110cn1neseio¥-10 s,wy-1ril. Someone should tell Nature thilt the fish m;>ritet probably did not start the outbreak . .-..I Kristian Andersen 10-56 1;&1!11 All very p\;>usible. We now have the rcve4 . I don'tsee how it gets us any doser to discriminating between anv of the m:>delS-There stilt needed to he recombin;ition an:I evolution in eitheoa#ncnt The C0\110á19 co,-aYlf\'5 eplleml( ~s a "*'"~lorigllF\ M:ledkU ~vá l. The,.to'e!SNIIS-Oil't'l<-~~11'1the(ltydW......,._C..,,., ':.: ..~-::.:::::.o.:~~O:'!'!..~~-~ .C( ......... ,.,.,... .. ~ttdt,.-,IM"¡".,.11(1( TI-.¥"""'~d,...__..e_.U.._,,$.NISCd'N"'4..,._....., ..,._...__ .. ,_111Ç11',c..,... .. ,n'""'6911'1¥--¥07o,.oll>,mw~ .... EddieHolm~ tS:37 ,...._ One thing though: it iscummtly being Sanger ~ucnrecf for conhrmation. e Andrew Rambaut t~.&O ¥¥ The 6gurc looks quite f.:lmili:ir. Robert Garrv 1 s.<12 . Nice job on the PR¥ however. you could have more activclybo"owcd from the R.ll'\Ca:nicllo piece¥ I mean. just to be fair. Ftbrwr, 24tl\ 2020 "' Robert G.lrry 1603 . '"it needs to be as clca, and soltd as poislblc from the g,ct go IMO' Surely. aoo the points you ouUlncd above shoi.Jtd be lncotporatcd. Makes the ple<:c cvc-n mong IMO. This flgurc loob pretty mature to me and the impC~tions arc not likely to change U"llcss San~ somchcr...-doubtful. táin all for .starting to update ourpCCc dear and sclid aspossblc based on hlls in the gaps. whi:h SSC complttety arbitt.1:l'ity. ¥ Andrew 16 ,:1 ¥¥ I am not su,e that the new RmYN02lÈt se<µcnas add aoything to lht story oll'\et than bats can have insertions áo the St/S2 cleavage sire. In the RBO it is basic.1lty to the ZC45/ZXC21 which are the recombinant ones !in brov-m i11 the ligurt below}: Ftbruar, 2. tl\ 202() "' Robert Carry 1~-33 . Dowt know tMnudeotidesequence there¥ th..-ás clearty c11optimal align~H .it lheami,,o acid level but how did tht sequenceal'ise at t~ nucleotide k!vfl. If ~oo compare RaTG13 to nCoV-19 the PRRA results from a sing.le insertion of 12 nut. BUT it's out of frame from the coding seq,uence of RatG13. IOWS not a sinpfe 12 nuc insertion directly encodi,,g PRRA. I'm gl.l:!ssing somethi"3 like tlis ¥ a sinele insertion even1 rer,bcin.e 24 nuc with 18nuc. Comparin.aRm'IN02 to one of the bat CoVs. Possib~1 ( '1'frtN't) Robert Garry 1101 . l'he ell e, pos~i'bTts in c , st ekgie.'li:: oeleet'dt 6cletieu. Ol ¥ this likefydictn't hap,pen.t~-d tcd} ¥ Andrew Rambaut 17:23 ¥¥ You c.;n go from the furin SfQ~1encein SARS2 to the RinYN02 c;.ite using only deletionc;.: ~pnJ ¥ lfMTTCTCCT--GC-GGCACGT---GTAGCTAGTOJN S P --A-A R --¥ V A S C TA.A TTCTCCTCGGCGGGCACGT AGTGTAGCTAGTC1 NSPRRARSVASI But it (l(.,:,Cnd'!I> Ott what CO(J()1IS a'<: bC"11g u.SC."(I. Robert C:.rry in-1 . lntc-rcsting! ¥ Andrew Rambaut 17:33 ¥ ¥ There are some other solt.1tions but always with 3 deletions. REV0002964 e Andrew Rambaut 1',3S ¥¥ Y~. >o 4 deletion>.fr-1C'd) Robert G.srry 1eo1 . Coincidence that YoUSFOt'I deletion ~bove took out QTQT(N)? Maybe apreferred site for recombination? I e Andrew Rambaut 1838 ¥¥ Ooh, lnlete'$ting. Too ffluch intcrrnkÇI $t\.lff soing Oil, .,. EddieMolmes HhV, @iÛl¢!J: ,..._ The vi'us is actuc1Uy the closest to SARSáCoVá 2 in soine parts of the genome. although not hugelyc.lose. Very complex series of recombinatic:o evmts. Obviously, the key thing is the insertion but I think that is huge in the current context. Clearly shows this Is In Nature. Here are the nuclcorldes. 'Nhcn did you do your alignment Andrew? Oe.::iv;iie~te 20200220l71S2long ... Nudeotide pie attached In 'nature¥ snaU case. Not sure about publOtion strategyyeL .. soon I tope. As usual. much pg1itics. ¥ Andresupe idea fmmgeoomicswasthecl!avage site insertion and ~~not seen t.l\is inanvother bat virus. ldonát lhinkwe \VOUICI havewritte11 the samepaperwitfl this inforrnatio,. I also think it may be a different insertion but it me.1nsthese inserrions are happcntl\g in nature. I r'II Eddie Holmes 23-40 ,.._ A bit more:(i) se4ucnce confirmed by Sanger:(ii) bats collected May¥ Jutv 2019. so ,..6 months prior: (iii}in most of the virus genome it is the close-st to ~RSáCoVá 2 although not in S: {i\l} some vcrv wide ran2ine recombir.atioo events: (v) essentially supports what Ref 112saY¤ ("'WOO knows nowmany out ot thousands undi'icovÇed bat ancestors also acciuired well a motif. the sam~in& bias in descriptioos of rtmote bat '-lirusesis dramatic~). That it is a differErlt insertion is n~t the Point in rnybook. VÇy Sltonglyargues a_g:iinstlab. 97.29'identity in lab. FtbtUilry 2Stl\ 2020 ,., tllllil Kristtan Andersen 0000 mi!I Idon't think tl'lts data necessarily arguts against acclto hold ~k for bi<:1Rxiv.Hopdully something will be submitted this wed .. I'm actua ly at a !Tt(?eting with Clare next week.. ... EddieHolmes 01:10 ~ Rhhiolophusmolayanus Kristian Andersen 01-31 I Sounds gocd ¥ I too think we should wait until this is out and then we can do a quick tum¥around -I think wc"II still haw a pJper to put:tish bvthen and in fact, I tMnk it'll be even stronger as it'll tiavc 1nuch le>> d an open toding (a~u. it Csn't .. any 'rnystuics' to cxt'3in -we sec the OJ)tfrnited RBD in pa,golin> aoo part of the rule OUl tab inkction/rcl.:-asc. t1owt>ver. there i$ now oo 101\~cr farin site in bats (wtiich is p:etty cool!}. Generallyspea~ing. 1 also don't think we w,:,1ntto rush, It vou can please gnb Clare when You see her, then th,1t'cUed ones at the bottom of the dtag_ram in the RBO (ZC4S and ZXC21). r,i Eddie Holmes. 04:06 Febrwry 25th, 2020 ... ,...... Some convoluted shit -will use that the paper. Seems important to me that the bats are aO diffct'$:180 I r'II Eddie Holmes os:01 ,-....; Yes, that's it. Minor editing. f.cbrwrv25th, 2020 " Robert Garry 05:24 . Think we nttd to have another term to use other than insertion. Compared to the other bat CoVs there is a net lost of three nucs. 5 amino acids inserted six deleted. likely a singtc "sm.alr homologous recombination event or series of mutations and deletions, The recombin.:1tion could happen "'faster." The mutations and deletions that's just "nature~ aka unsampted diversity. Robert Garry OS:30 . Andrew's QTQTN 409f. deletion suggests the Sl/$2 site is prone to the deletions¥ th.Jt's ;ipp11rent in other CoVs. but yes not previously seen in bat CoVs so significant. r-1 Eddie Holmes O!io:3~ ,.....,-; Ne,ct of kin baboon pe,h,11ps. Robert Garry 0!i:36 . Maybe the term is "insertioo/cletetion" or maybe just "mot.ltion: Au v can get polybasic: site via small recombination events, point mutations or six nuc ins.ertion. ~cclitl."dl P'li Eddie Holmes OS:36 ,--; Bad< on tomorrow from me. Robert Garry OS:'12 . All good Eddie Jnd thanks for the upcfJtes! Paper will gel a signillcant upgrade. Not sure about the baboons. Robttt Carry OS.SO . CJe.1rtythere Jre l.1rger sc.11e recombination events going on as welJ. I think Andrew's beautiful recombination figure adds a lot of weight/signi6cance -maybe enough to pU5hIt to N.1ture itself r-athcr than NatMed (not a bad joumal either). I REV0002966 Robert Garry OS 56 . Andrew R~Ttb.lut [4:00 AMI OK. To retl.l"n tothepapef ¥ so are wegoii)J to: 1)Re-nuance it to e)(J)lic.1tlylower our bet on the lab P'Ssaging scenario on the basis th:tt both cJe.:,vage site insertions ,md ttte full RBD exist in narure. This leaves just h.avinsthe source virus in the lab and someone bein, infected with it which is just an alternative human exposure hypothesis withoo1 any evidence. 2)LowerOU!'odds on the J)fe--ticculaUooin human:sbecause of reasoos abO\'e,at1dlackof e"idence of cases. 3) ... EddieHolmesl<:01AMI Yes. ttmt's i<.Minor edting . .a, Andrtw Fbmba11t OK To retutn to tht paptr ¥ so are we&oingto: 1) Re¥nu,,nceit to eclrts infÇtt!d with ii.which r..~t an I alternativehumaner I think¥ SOY9$-1Q0 n4.1.>nc;(> TI,q ~sponsq toR'iV 11 l~st (11JqdionbQ.comqs. I RobertGarry 06-10 . It nec.assar)' to examine the lab h¥;pothesis, but wedid and it's not nccessar;á to invokt lab ~cape and the ~nts leading to nCov-19 all could have and in all likelihood did occur in nature. á-n most of thcviru.sgcnomc it {RmYN02) is the closest to SARS~CoV2 although r'IOt ir'I S" 'Seems importMt to ,ne th.It the bats arc ~I different in lht RBO." (eJi-.ed) ¥ Andrew Rambaut 06;13 ¥ . We are also prOVing the point of the edito, that the findings can become ou1 of dateas new data isadded. Need ro think how to respondto that. Robert Garry 06.17 . I W3S just going to s-3y though that st-ill no "str1oking g...--." TM analysis hO,ds up evoo with another close-f' b:it R.mYN02. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 06:!9 ¥¥ Yes.We just need to come up with a good response. Something like th6 is our bcn undctstanding and it is l.rllikcl'I to changt substantially. The only thi\.g that would st-tttc the m.attcr isthe direct Jlf"Ogcnilot (which b pn:tly 1,1nlikdy ), And wouldn"t inv.-id-1t-=:wr ill'l<>ly~á;:i¥ jV>l 1.0t1r.nn which i:. t;Qf"n;:cl. Robert c~,ry Ol.'1 . YES! RobertGarry 06.29 ¥ I think we Cs:i/www, Seems closely ref;ited to tht Gu.31'Sd0t1a/1n020 Missing chunks though. Just saysthis virus was c,rculating in tll'ly 2019(edrdl Robert Garry 0700 . I gues~ al this fnome,)t (subject to c.h,i'ulge} I ,n lear,ing 10 a S(Cnario where a 98 or9'9%rcco,nbi1\ant arose in soine animal with a tuman¥lik-c ACE-2. The la,t e.ha9'&c in an aninal $XObablywas in the St/S2junction maybe a minimal furin site that alowcd better cittul too -seems very plausible to me (TMRCA becomes bottleneck. not introduction: alld helps explain midpoint}. I do wonder if we could throw in a dN/dS ¥ it's consistent with the prc¥circulation scenario. BUT also consistent with e.g., circulation in pigs. Uncontroversial and lends strong support to natural scenarios (tissue culture wouldn't do thal). Oh. ;md one last paint¥ this virus rsalso nowhCoV-19 to me¥ SARS-CoV-2is dead.,. Robert G.arry 10:12 . áwe could throw in a dN/dSá I think would depend on the data. If it k>oks convincing we should consider it. Andrew's beautiful figure hints at the same thing. Robert Garry 10-11 . "SAR:S¥CoV¥2is ~22 ~ WHO has never used SARS¥CoV¥2 -they'"re refoSi"& tocalt it that. If the Chinese would like to call it hCoV¥19. then I think that should be the name¥ not what a group of white dudes decided in Europe... REV0002968 ¥ Andrew Ram~vt 13:~S ... (lJI ,) vhh to Sll"'0Ct.1MI, 6Wonc0Qflt {lf'CVino. h~t yto,)t, th¥ Gu,,)NJbn ,nd su(f troa CICGOF UV It (,Utd '¥dlit),' o--.viously ust,O (Qt-,)ttNOltd l>rttdil\l of tl't,t Mtod0tt$\y á¥Nl-tl)¥I>,..~ P-'l'llolin. ITttps:Vwww.theg,uar6.1n.ccm/envirorment/2020/febf25/coron.ivirusácloi-Utesáreveal¥vast-scale-of-chinasásecretiveáwildlife-farm-indJstry c&the Guardian Con:,n.:,viru, clo,u~s ~:ii vMt $C41eof China¥, ~cretive wildlife brm indu,by Peacocks.poÇupillCS and pangolins among spocics bred on almost 20.000 fatms closed inwakeofvirus ~c."b24th. 2020ft5S kOI ¥ I ihope some one is sampling those animls ¥ would be~ gOOO place to genetate dWersiiY in covs. lagret \atwe s>IOUldus nCoVá19. Willd.OSO from I On. REV0002969 Febrwr, 26th. 2020 ., e Andrew Rambaut 1= ¥¥ I h;ive added a plot ot distances to the bottQm of th!$. The bars m'ltch the dots on the trees""tforl-~o,,c¥ ----áá--. I .l'IIU,Hii@ ...aKristi.1n Andersen 10:14 PJ9 Th,s looks gteat! Which part cont.1,ns the RBO ancl the: key rc:s,duc:s? ¥ AndrM Rambaut 10 ro ¥ . '1ar..aijcloop If we useil we c~n tf'y to standardise the Lwo f1gtJres. a,'MI Kristian Andersen 1024 rn I think we should def1nite4yuse it -but yeah. we'd probably need to stlf\Cbrdi.!e the two to n.ake it easie:r to follow. Lo...e this ooe it very nketv illustratc--s th£! natural sten.ario (!l(Otainina the RBO! More 'credit' from TWtV~ .. ¥ microbe.IV TWIEVO 52: V1rustvolution by land and by seaand by O:,V I Tills Week In £vdudon Ncl> andVincfflt e>e too d-c:uikád ~boot what we think happcncd (o..g..~kh bits in which hosb) and I don't think we should use And'ev./s figure in this piece. I $3Y this beQuse I cer1i.1in ttiat the picture is.going to change rapidly JS new data <0me out and I am IOJthed to make any strong conclusions ~n the samplt isso small. Forexample, I don't think~ firmly conclude that the hCoV¥19 RBD came from a bat. I strongly believe there was another intc-rmc,diate host some¥whe, Slill oot ma1:.ive ~iose.out Closer. LOtsor fecombio,,1tiooelsewhere. I just t has atre.dy hid somuch positive impact and get it out ASAP. f.tbrwry 27tl\ 2020 .., e Andrew Rambaut 09.27 ¥¥ Pcrsol)311yldon'tsee how Mothe-rbatthat isa b't closer dun RaTGt3in lab changesinvth'ngwe are-saying heoul the 1eco,lCIfigure. The only thing thot Is turrcntty unpublshcd :ind th3t wa n~ for this is the <:k!:w,gc site in~ri in 3 b::u. But the window of opporru,itv for publishing thn in the formit is in is 'lanishing ciuickJv. ,J\t ut clear and concise] mOdihcabOns(tl'le:ntion recombination as a oossibilitv.blAwithout detail). I'dsav Sh this ¥ yes, it's getting to be of decreasing interest as focus mO\-es to p(lndemic control. OOt it's still of interest. Here're my diovghts.: 1. If lht-3~dil-1on:ilf,gur~ brio~ in too mu(h 'r.:i'N' d:.t:i/:,n:itysis U1:iol (Ould be cootro-.,cri:i:.I, then yes. we pt0b3bly shouldn'l indudc for:, C()(l'lr'l'ICnt:,ry 2. I will focus on reshaping/ flrishing the manuscript Monday/Tuesdiy, assuming the half.furindata will be-publishedshonly{ish) 3. 111reac:hout to Sri at Cell to sell the story toner¥ that way wedon't deal with the reviewers .andCell is fllOre ikelyto take it 4. We eitherreference toa nev,,Studt sho\.Yi11,2 out a,wtime soontooint to U;JI ,....._ Things havt been a littfe delayedwith d1c blt paper ... theydone somere-sequencing,.Doesn't change anything but it is slowtr. I ag,ee wiU1 the window is closing. Why not jun sendto Nature Medicinetoday~ is?That will the fastest. Robert Garry lS 17 . I'vebeen editing per the r('Views. No changes in stone ¥yada yada and a few references tohsert,but IMO not too bad as is . .... EddleHolmt-s ts:20 r-; SorryKrisNn. dtdná Ol)C ofyo,1..rr rncss.iges. Cc-II is fine. They'll take it. Vr:ry keen for stuff. I ttink v.emove away from Nature (straJiht) as that will take longer. I'm againstthe additional figure for re;isons above. But we 5houk:I do this in the next 4-8 hou-s I think. I suspect tte new bat paper will be submitted oo the same time¥fines. I think it's HCoV-19. Perh.1ps. Robert Garry 1s:n . lputhCovál9blAeasytocl"1nge.>II. I (ddic ¥ do you mean submit to Cc-IIovc-rNatu,c Medicine?I'm line cithcf wayjus1want to be the fastest. r, Eddie Holmes lS:24 ,...._ 11st use the-name the Lanett paper. Robert Garry 15á24 8 Yeah then HCoVá19 I 1rle<1 not to he 100bt\ltal w1th thechanges bt.Jt :;ome were needed. please e(lit the edits... r-1, Eddie Molmes U:2S r"'a .ibout the f~est. Will N,ilture Menta review? If not¥ them. KrisliJn ¥ should v.-e ask Sri? ...aKristun Andcrstn 15;30 pa I ley folk,. Sorry, in c.01t,hm1 ,necting, loday (at UCLA)and tomorrowá drivhg batk fÇ:m LAX tonight. I'll be:able lo fmd a Gcuplc of pockct5 of time. ,o let me u,c ttw.t to tir,t write Nature Med to see what they'd need¥ if ful re-review. thefi let's go with Cell. Otherw$e, Set's tryNawe Med fiNt ¥ seems tke m;>St folks leaning th;it way Robert Garry lS'3S . lactvilty think the rev,sionis not in ooclsh;-ipe but does neoo some he"p with t:ransitions;ioc, the new refererw:es.1'11stop 001it needs sever~ passes by the rest otthe team. Not alon.gproc;ess. KristiM jus1 fcmcmbcr ¥ write drunk bJt edit sob::cr ¥ I need a bÇr or two. Should notnttda fullreovi<"wat NatMed ¥ all points oi the priOr'r~ewaddressed ¥ mostly ¥i thfllk. "" Eddie Holmes lSAS I ,-.. Nat\lre Medicine then. I'll go over the nevi version of tt'ie p,'lJM?r ttis morning. REV0002971 Robert Garry tS so . RaTG13 but not RmYN02 in the fif:urecorrcct? Docs NOT tt"ally change text that much. Jf RmYN02 is in then scnu:-ncc about a .. hilt" furin site need to be :RmYN02 not realty needed and if the paper appe:'11'$ during proof covld potencially add a note. f!XSitcSI ... Eddie Holmes tS:Y. ,-...-; Le~we ~mYN02 out completely ror now. Robert Carry tHS . Works for the p..~r ;:ind for me! WMIKristbn Andersen t8JS ~ we111e.aveO\JlRrnYN02.l1)Sleadol direcUyl)Ointlng to it. we'll make it clear that ~tuH like tris happens an the time aocJ Ulat "we'd eXJ>Çt to animals I-.arb01i1lg o:/1/$ with simil:Ir i1lsert'lofls as research is ongoilg" ¥ and then add ;i few more ~ints to e.g., furin in human CoVs;:md Ru. Will make us look \vic;ked sm~irt v.hen the RmYN0'2 paper c;c;mesout too .... lnft .. tfl Robert Garry 1842 . Yeah ¥ pape' still needs some "wi:ked smart'' edits based in all the new publC. not public. etc info. but I have grea: confidence that it can be done without too much effort. Letme know it you need somemor~ oertin~nt ~~rences. ~ Kristian Andersen t8SO eB Ifyou can pleaseadd PMIOswher'c yo.i think they might be rcb3nt, tl'tcnthat'd be helpful ¥ I can then go through and inclu:Se as I edit. Agan, I'm unfortunately totally tied up with m~ting.s so this will bk~ mc:lwhlk-. but I ~d to get In th~I'~. n: EddieHofme:s n:22 ftbn,Ll'H"f27tl\ 202() "' ~ Bob. rvc rc'Nrittro the pango bit. st111 ricedS pollsf'llng thougri. Robert C3rry 19.31 . Nice job Eddic! ¥ PNIDS arc.added let me know if you need MOrc. EddicaddOO his wicked sinart l'insureAndrtwand yourself will IA'CII.Slnificant upgradeftorn the last \'ersion. ~ve to admit that the referee's ch31len~s spurred us to a greater height. w'MIKristian Andersen 19.3'1 t'n Iwrote to J~o from N;:itureMed bvt got .>nauto replys;:iying he's out until r,ext week. If I don't hear bJck by tomorrow I'll email 5'i to ga\Jge her interest. Robert Garry 19AS . Maybe sc,nd Clare the revised paper and the rebuttal just as a professional curtc-sy. Thank hu-and tell her it¡) a big upgrade a,d the editors and reviewers helped a lot. I ... EddleHolmes 21:16 ,...._ Sounos goed. Ill be seeing Clme on Monday, perhilps even on $\Jn(lay 11n -n,i,oe), Febrw,v 28tl\ 2020 .., ~ KristianAndersen 00:19 ~ Heard back from Nature Med ¥ vt(y positive tesoonse.Hoping 10 fu\d some time tomorrow~ I C,h) send it over to hin'II: a Andrew Rambaut Ot S6 ¥¥ OK. I am ui:,.I wi I take a look at it now. REV0002972 Ftbtu."lcy28th. 202<1 ,., ¥ Andrew Rarnb,a;ut nns ¥¥ TheJSl,:.;g.i8:i:cil!:t7"Jlffl" @A, 'f'lll!Wr-JUHAAl'H2! ~ Krfstfan Andersen 00.17 !a Damn ¥ must ha,,c bctn the Democrats. ... EddieHolme$ 00:is ~ A ploy by Bernie to ~how the value of l'lcatth care. ti'!IIIKris-thn Andersen 00-20 &£I Can't deny it being a good example ... "'!. e Andrew Rambaut 03 25 ¥¥ Here Is thehlg_h¥res versk>nwlth HCoV¥ 19 h U1e labcb.. In tile Google Drive folder too. (oc:ht('d} PDF ¥ ., '::!:8'.= .;-::~:'!:..-:-:....J~ .. !~:" ... EddieHolmes 03:$7 ~ Ve,y mi,-.ol'edit.s ,nbde and so,ne mino, ,-eff:f'e,,ce is sun to f,x..All good to n~. Robert Garry 1WS . Odd<: AÇident;a,I retease from 3 la) -0.0019' Gcncticallycngi11ce thi$? http$://www..,,,.,ture.wm/-,rtide$/~1S86á020-00S40~~ ~ Nature Mystery deeptns over animal soorce of coronavirus Pc1<1gOlin~ arc¥ prime .suspect.but a slew of go'W:tic analyses Ns yet to lilki otAl$0 mioor detail but re~llly CoV) don't have ONA. "Three.-simibr comparison studi~ were posted on bioRxiv wrek. Cne of those papen. -by .an intem.ation.:a,I rese.41rchgrcup. posted oo 18 Feb'u;i,ry-found2 cororuviruses in frozen cell samples from illegally trafficked pangolins sl\ared between 85.596 and 92.49' ol their ONA >Aith thevirus fovnd in hvmans." ~ Nature Mydery ck3opens C:W9' ;inimal J;QlU"CO oF coron:ivirus I REV0002975 Pt1ngolinj are .ll prime<;.t, but a s.1ew of genetic ;matvses. h3s yet to find CQnCfusive proof. (65 kB) ¥ Nature should publish our paper to fully inform the mystery. ttY Kristian Andersen 16á'20 1,1!1@Eddie Holm~ ¥ ate you seeing Clate this wec:!kend? ~---I ~ Talked to Eddie. Hc-11 sec Clare tomorrow or Mooday. We'll send it to Nature Med later today a.odthen Eddie will give Clare a full runádown ¥ if there's a chance they still want it in Nature, then they '4ln pull it p.xk from Nature Med. I don"t really care too much -this'll get a big .1udienceanyw;ry, ¥ Andrew Rambaut 16:!i.3 ¥¥ Soond5all good to me. GrcatwOfk. Rob@rt Garry 17:30 . ditto! PDF ¥ a :;ProximalOriginofHCoV-19.pdf 11,. ,.,,ipo,.fK(...,..,, ....... i..~.---.--.,1~,r,t-c.-...¥ .. --....1<,.,,,f ~ ¥á:_:7.,;_.~~¥,;_-o~.,.,.', ..,..--... ,-.r~~:,mv..,_ .,;::::..~~:-..-c;;::-=~~;,~~: -..==----' -~.. ..., ... ..,...., ..... _ ................. &,., .. ,...;::-_-_7:.._~~:T"'-á----.... _';>_ ... _,.. 'l .......... .,M'X, ~_..._.,,_ .... - ~~~-~";t1,.-á -¥""'--"'¥-.....-i--¥-JOMICOW,O.!'lln_,<"ll"'¡'........... ........, ____ .,,......,., .... ~. .......... a-¥J ____ I REV0002976 REV0002977 REV0002978 REV0002979 March bl 2020 .., REV0002980 ¥ Andrew Rambaut 03 20 ¥¥ The nev, bat \/4rusesare up on G1SAID Robert ~rry 06i>3 w'.lillKrlstlan Andersen 22:24 ~ Some updated numbers on dN/dS. It's interesting that there's no positive selection in the S ... Also inclvdecl some com~risons to Tommy's d.1t.lset ¥ he had a la(8ef and a smalfer one. Gel similar results for SARS u$ing thos,e~s the ones I have previously used. REV0002981 Interesting for this too is the-fact that ORFl in HCoV does have a prett; hi&h dN/dS ¥ similar to SARS cirty. It's almost as if tile spike protein is adapted to human. but the rest of the virus isn't. Could be wme crnty l!>:i-1nllntil-kr1 event. I'm hC´>ing to get ;21ch~nc.e 10 loolc .21t l.21tÇin tt.e week to see ii .21nything h.21s this d;i,t:au~t it a couple c.f weeks old. the now bigger HCoVd.21t.21s~t changed .Screen Shot ?020á03á02 a1 7.21.03 PM png "' ORF1 Spike HCoV-19 0.91 0.29 SARS,earty 0.81 L82 SARS, middle 0.66 0.44 SARS, lalo 0.32 0.51 I SARS, Tommy_big 0.54 0.90 SARS. Tommy_small 0.48 0,85 SARS, VIPR 0.62 0.82 MERS, VIPR 0.32 0.38 HKU1, ViPR 0.11 0.29 M.atcb 3rd. 2020 . r'I Eddie Holmes 00:2'1 ,,.._ Loads mote Chi~e gtnotnes c.Çniog,. I'm oot qLitc wl)cn. they arccoining. ~ treplv 3 mrs 3go Maren.sra.1.u,tv" .,. Eddie Holmes 00:45 ,-. I don't think Oare is here. There are other f\ature people and tlley think she may "lave c.anccllcd due to the a:iandonic. 11!111 OUM Krlsllan Anclerstn 1:.1:1 Fuuuk Robert Gairry 05..20 . i'd send Clare the revised paper/response ~ ffe:the,-know we submitted to Nat Med. ¥ Andrew Rambavt OSti ¥¥ Ye-ah. Maybe witfl a cheeky 'you srilt ha,¥e it if Yo\¥want it' at the end. tlM.II Kristian Anderst:n 1s-to ti! Joao trom Nature: Me ¥ b1.1t eel~ An.d yc~h. wt'd nood to 800 WOf'dS-which prol>;\bly wouldrl't bo too turd RE: Interest in "Proximal Oria:ins of hCoV¥ 19"? Mar 3rd. 2020 Ftom.Joao Moottiro (Nocontt'!nt) Robert G.lrrv t6S1 . Yes th.,t's fine. Should NOT be too hard to cut.(NitÇ!) 0& F"I Eddie Holmes 11:38 ~ I say yay. VVeneed it out. I can easi1y hke a look bter today. ¥ Andrew Rambaut lNO ¥ . I will go oVf;r it now with suggestions on ¥ see I can find to trim. e Andrew Rambaiut 19':10 ¥¥ OK. Got 2/3s of the way through. Not c;ure how much it nnvthing_ too f,,r. but feel free to re~t voofeel~ I REV0002982 Oh. And someone else is going to have to prune references. r"I Eddif:! Holmes 20;10 ,-..; l'Usecwhat I can do shortly. F'II Eddie Holmes 21:12 ,-._ l'Vcgivcn it a good hack following Andrew's edits -now down to 2304 WOfds. Pretty close. I'll leave someone clS<:! to deal with the references -I've cut a few, ~ Kristian Andersen 2u1 eiC!Thanks guys. I'll get on 1t first thing tomose l1afli.lfl samples? a.1111Kristian Andersen 19'.18 ~ Oneshouklwonder why this is rhe top trending atic;leon N,.ture Medicine ... I think our P3Pef might be timely. SCtetonShot 1020á03¥04 at 4.1 s 28 P. png "' - ti,.J Kristun Andersen 21.21 ~ 800 ¥ C<1n't c.-11 it MCoV,j9,. Pr-edic;t.,.bly vnf<>rt\1n;i.tely .._.. Also pinaed Cl.'lre with <1C:oY8ffl~il ¥ just in (..Se,. Robert Garry 21'-'IS . No problem¥ I guess they b.1Ikedon Wuh;mTurtle Flu Virus~ well? ..,. Eddie Holmes 2b'6 ~ Sony. I w,uout .1II d~. Now io UX wait to esc.ape the war !One. Th:iinl:s for pusting :iii this stuff through. Tocl.arify. Nature say it has to be SARS-CoV-2? The Quote .about the 8.a\':iiri.anch.ap... what was from the Technology Rtview? I canátat(CSS that II so, that isjust appalling. r-1 EddieHolmes 21:S2 ~ U>n't 'Hf; v,e 'the virv, formi;rly known ;:1::;'SAAS<:ov-iá? (;;]) Ûi REV0002985 ~ Kristian Andersen 22i}l ~ Y~ah, MIT Technology Rcv;cw. Less than optimal. Fddie. I'm sure you 5-ilW the email to Clareá once you havt! rcaril!Ol'lJ n.. COYIO¥l'J coron,wlnn a11> Ms a 11.-blnl or1glrl, scie,.tt.tsuy ::==::eC::::¥~=~:;":::::'-.W.::,!!:::¥ ----MIOll-~Ktl'lf;~Ol---l,,l,on,KCIOfl:ll,,4 --~wt>hlne!l-,.lollll4Jlul'l¥1NÇvr~ n.e.~ ..of~~Mql,lt.fffoatahffiS-lAS,.tt,oi~¥.,-""¥--oArus¥coosplracy Our N.,tMed pie-co stil r('lev~ntt¥djd1:hcácoronavirusáP,Ctástartedáchinaáwl!hat1álab Vox The conspiracy theories about the origins of the corona'!Arus, debunked There's a ,umcir thec()(Oflavirus started in a CtlilleS-e bb. And a sde11tiflc r W8'Post reOritiM ¥ could even mention rcsoons.lblc c:>i REV0002989 ¥ Andrew Ramb.aut 12,30 ¥¥ Jian Lu from Peking University has just requested a Virological account so they un respond to the critique. tiW Kri$tbn Andersen 12:40 In HJha, what's there to s.av?But sure -they should have that chance r,i Eddie Holm~ 14:S8 ,-..; Ye-s. I'd be interested to see that rc-sponsc on Virological. When we were releasing the first genome I remember Andrew & I had a dis.cussion about what date info to give. We decided to only use the month {12/2019) rather than the ex3a: day because of potential ident:ifaability issues. I got a number of emails moaning that it didn't h."lve the exact day. The date wns later provided in the paper. I think Oli has. argued for mor~th ooly. REV0002990 ~ Krirtlan Andersen 11-21 March 6th. 2020 v mt! Fucklng Snow Mexicans -I knew it! This is gre,1t -thanks Andrew. I'm meeting with our OOH on Monday and we'll t.alk a lot about scqucncfng and prcpc1rcdncss. so it's important to Mve a sense of going on. I'm glad to sec that some of these things arc connected ¥ don't want to sec an Italy sccoarlo with a bunch of different chains going on. ¥ Andrew Rambaut l7-25 ¥¥ Oli and I told Charles we we,eo't goiog to wo,k with him unless he (eleased all his data immediat~ty and prepdnted his pape<. He agte-ed. ~ KristianAndersen 1n.6 March 7th.. 2020 " F,I Eddie Holmes 00:33 ...... I.ansent me-this. 1an.'l"lain¥lr' ;t World's Best Vitologist Blames Coronavirus On Cfimate Change, Wants Ban On Wild Animal Markets P-rofes.sorW. l;;m Lipkin, direttor of the Center for tnfec:tion and Immunity at Columbicl University's Mailman School of Public Health was in China, studying the effects of the novel coronavirus. He was in Chin.a also dudng the SARS epidemic in 2002. In a receflt interview, he spoke about COVIDá 19 and how its human's who I aren't property differentiating between wild and domestie,ated animals. Mar6th,2(120 @ii.\MJl::141=@ REV0002991 REV0002992 REV0002993 REV0002994 Robert Garry 12-<>'1 . The low substitutior\ rate is the obvious challenge¥ is there any w:iy to compare-this to vi,uses like OC43 o, HKUt tl\at have been in human:s for a long time? I ¥ And ...ew Ramb.aut 1s,oe ¥¥ https:l/ [ The 1pike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like 5ite oilb5ent in CoV of the 5,ame clade In 2019. a new c:orol\avirus (2019¥nCoV) infecting HumaM has eme-rged in Wuhan. China. Its genome has been sequenced and the genomic: informatioo promptL. ¥ Andl"eW Rambaut 1SA2 ¥ . Fiona Leth bridge (a formC< Edinburgh PhD who now wotks for lhc Sc~ncc Media Centre in London) sent me this: March 10th. 2020 " -A. p.,p+r into 01¥ &¥noaiC .a.kit up of th¥ CONH'lilvirus hH btit.n pUblhtuld in th;i journ.-~ ¥¥m~vuáu "~¥¥l'Ch:httpi://-.1ci..ncltdir-KLCOII/ICitnU/i1rtlcl¥/pi1/S0Ui63S42:28).e'52i~viil%Y>ih.ib,tl In one j)HUI., th¥ ~Pf'!" U)'S: 5trU::l1'1Jly, tt\t 2'tl9-nCoV S-protein Stq\lt"1(t lU5/(0r"Ofl.llVirvs-,en¥tic¥lly-¥r,ginHr-tcl-biOIMIPOfl¥'lilUtl-t11-hb¥lHlc-rUH'(r protein foood in the lUfl&S of hun,.ns could hv¥ bffn us..d 'tO .tctivat¥ ¥ virus tl'Mlt JN'¥vlously could h.ave only be¥n pa.u...t bfhffl"t ,.., Thects the E>cpress to be sensible. I think it was them sayiflt it the asteroid. So at least You can sat they can't Ill.Ike up thcir mind. It is good for us ifthis blows up again ;,st befor~ the paper is publiShed. tr.!111 Andcnen 16.51 Kristian ~ Sil~rlining .. ... EddieHofmes 20:08 ~ DoYoUkOOY'1w'hcnthe Nature Med papc, is coning out? !l9 @,ch.inn cl ¥ j1,1$t got die proof$, 50 if yov <:.:in plq.:it;e take;, a qvick look. @Andrew R.;amb,11,1t¥ ;) couple;, o! qm,:stion$ I loft open for you"' p'cM:c t:00 them di1,pl~d in red: https:Uel)(cofing,pr;ngÇ.com/jouri,,1,_v2nndcxphp?tokco¥ZT3J6,TOvyPDA8"7Wvy8aV!AkXamH,S5WfpJ60cll1t look~ line to me ... I REV0002996 Man:h 11th, 2020 .., r,I; Eddie Holme.$10:28 ,--.; Yeh. look line tome as wen. 111!111 Ktlttl-tn AndctSM 16.Z'I £ft Okay. great¥ just need @Andrev, Rarrbaut to chime in on tbe last few comments then ¥ Andrew Rambaut 16~1 ¥ . On it. t hour Oigh1. 8~ ¥ Andrew lbmlÈut t'-á2:6 all the remainingones for mt? . lltlllKristun Andersen 1634 rl!I Yup 1f!i1Kristian Andersen 11~1 ~AndrewJbmbaut ¥didvou get a chance to check out the questions? W.. EddieHofme.s 23:08 ,..... Iassume dá19ácasc-tr.xtdábacl< yco saw this:áchinasáfirstáconflrmedácov ¥ South China Morning Post Chi.11a'sfirst conftrrred Covidá19 case traced back to No,.-ember 17 GO\'emmmt records suggest fot person infected with n~ disease may have been a Hube4 re~ldent aged 55, but 'patient zero' has yet to be cooflnried. M.vl2th.2020(117kEQ¥ 6MMl111MtJ&A I REV0002997 ll'!iil Kristian Andersen 00.20 M´<:h 13tl'i. 2020 " r:£11Hadn't 'Secf'I this ¥ that''S pretty interesting.. Still compatible with the TM RCA but it's getting a little towards the tail end .. It's interested that they couldn't confirm whether these cases were from Robert Garry 10:33 ¥ Kristian -arc we good on the proof? Any idea on pubUcation date ¥ embargo? ....aKristian Andersen J0:37 ~ We're good on proof. Aiming for early nex:t wccl< but we don't have a fixed date yet March 16th. 2020 ,., March 17th, 2020 ,., ~ Kristian Andersen 1sá.. ~ Ehm. so it's on1inc ... Nature Medicine The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 The proximal origin of SARS-CoVá 2 r,i Eddie Holmes 1?:42 ,....._ Excellent! ¥ Andrew Ramb.aut 17 42 ¥¥ Aod voogot your ITI.lte Eric Topol to tweet it tl!II Kristian Andersen 17'43 rD I can see my Twitter has exploded. but I haven't had a moment to take a look why ... I can s~ the Altme-tric sc0re-is vety high tho~h. so I hope that's a good sign .._ Does .1nybody h;:ive time to talk to reporters ;:ibout this stuclv?Bec.1useI unfortunatelv clo not. .. ¥ Andrew Ramb.aut 17,44 ¥¥ We did miss an origin hypothesisthough, Ian Goodfellow got this mess.Jge: ~ncdArtwork ILeonard Dobson Art I Fleet offers Art and commis.ioned art. Covering Northern .-rt. be3Ch scences.local scence-s, retroromantic.ism.absttac"t,landscapes, portrait. citv skyiines and illustrations. e Andrew R.ambaut 06:36 ¥¥ I can see aliens in that picture. P'I Eddie Holmes 16:19 ,-...; Priceless: .., LEONARD DOBSON (@CARRENEAN) ITw;tte, The lal~l Tweets from LEONARD DOBSON (@CARRENEAN): ~There's m0<~ to a1r crash investig,nion than concluding 'Pilot Error' or 'Mechantcal Failure~ ......... I https,//;lSpZU" .,.J Krisrbn Andersen 16'41 ~ I don't know man -he might be on to something,https:l/¥20 ~rch 19th, 2020 " if'MIKristian Andersen oo-os ~ This is nuts ¥ we officially past the highest sco,ing paper of last year ... Given tt,e number of completely ootso emails I have received today, I'm not quite surewe managed to convince nit the conspiracy theorists oul there ... So~ Shot 2020 00á 18 at 9.M 11 PM Pf'I& ¥ o~¥~~~nni,Snlr" Iá"á~---á ----~ ......... ., ir. r-111£ddie Holmes 01:2.: ,.....Wow! Tod,v. I ,.,, ¥ middle-aged woman arrested at woomes I¥ supem,a,keU ,,ner, I 1;,.. -and taken away ;n handcuff> -fo, ,,,,;ng to hoaro food. I qu;ckly P<'t back the 2nd pack of hol ''¡'' buns I h.>d.1 ~ &r 6 1,J&H::liki-G REV0003000 ... Eddie Holme5 01:34 ,-..; Nature Nature missed a trick with that paper .. .l hope they arewatching this ... .....m Kristian Andersen 02 33 f!a No kidding.. This is by far the highest scori"S Nature Medicine paper ever -I sospcd hig~r than any olher Nature paper aswell. I hope that one re,,,oieweris proud of his hard work.. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 03: 13 ¥¥ ifflalepn1 ... 11WKristbn Andersen 031t ~ Wait. it's the highest? ¥ Andrew R.ambaut 03 24 ¥¥ That is what thrs is s.wing no? Ill.MlKtistian Andersen, 00.24 1£1 I believe so, yes. I ¥ Andrew Rambaut 0326 ¥¥ Perhapsthis month or this year so far. lll!lill Krlstbn Andersen, 00.26 It! The highest Altmctric score ever. Fuck me. surely that's gotta be some sort of academic achievement. It's like winning a prize for having the biggest pumpkin at the county fare. ¥ Andrew R.ambaut03:26 ¥¥ What was the snake Ou paper? .W Kristian Andersen 03:28 f!l! I thought that was higher ... But maybe they refuse to track it \: Hmmm, much lo-M?r: Report for: Cross-species tr.ainsmission of the newly identified coronavirus 2019á r.eov lo the top 5% of .ill research ovtpt.1ts.scored by Altmetric ¥ Andrew Rambaut 03á29 ¥¥ I 0 Altmclric ThcAltmetrlCTop 100-2019 What research CJught the pu-bUcimagination in 2019? Checkout our aoflUJI list of ~per$ with the most attention. (33 kB)... &£SJ..f..Q££L TOI) l<11st year w<'IS 13557 ilflllil Kristian Andersen 03:30 f!n Ye.aih,we're wcll .lbove that I e Andrew fQmb.Jut 03 30 ¥¥ lnafcwdays. a..J Kristian Andersen 03:31 !n Ehm, well above already .. http:;:// ~ Report for: The proximal origin of SARS¥CoV-2 In the top 5% or all f~arch outputs scored by Alhnetric ¥ Andrew Ramb.aut OJá32 ¥¥ Aod previous ,,.cars arc all much lowe:r. So yes! Top! Fuck me. w.!lil Kristian Andersen 03á32 Ea WE RUUUUUUULE. Thal's tenure secured, right lhere. ~ Kristian Andersen oo,38 ~ Importantly. 8 Report for: Uncanny $imilarity of unique inserts in the 2019¥nCoV spike protein to HIV¥1 gp120and Gag In the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric REV0003001 e Andrew Rambaut 03,<0 M.1teh19th,2020,.,¥ . Ar\d th:it It rcted!!! look at us. Wow, r'WEddieHolmes 04:40 ~ .JMu~. tl\:u¥~ ::im:i.dng! Ask fcr a pay rise. ... EddleHolmH 0S:31 ,...._ .h.lst got this from Ek1tt Lesion: J, conta&iOll cast aoefcrew a,e dOif.g public serviee vigoettcs based on tl)Ci1 chcu.Ktc,s. 2.Bulletin of Atomic Scieotiits and Ebright are goingafter the paper for the part that cfscounts the Jl0$$ibility of l.1b release. 1111111111 KrlSNn Andersen 1CM1 fta Of course. ¥ Andrew Rambavt ut,a ¥¥ I had to block Ebright on T111it:ter. What an eejit. Robert Garry 121, . 1..vrote a review of Cont;:igion ¥ f might h;:ive had a littte to drink thJt nice I htp.// th~ movk! ,ec:onsidcred ináthcátimcáof covidá19 "' Sl~n Science & Film Sloan Science and Film is a website devoted to cxploril'\6 the intcr$Ccrion of science and film.and cnh,mcing the pt,.blic \l"lden.tandáng of sCie('(;e a~ technology. ~0 ... EddieHolmes U:09 ~ Good !Ob Bob! I blOCktd Ebright as well. ¥ Andrew RAmb.avt ¥¥ a'\itgt",Plllit ¥ Not th::.t I :,m following it or ::.nythll\g . ..,. Krbti¥n Andcrnn 16 . t ra Men8ther Scteef'IShot2020-03-19Jt 3.48.S2 PM.png "' e Andrew Rambaut 19á20 ¥¥ I thi(1k you ,nade th<: HIV One go up: I e11m1,,;;,111a REV0003002 Uncanny similarit Gag {M>tv,twd ~ffllOn fÇ at'tidt~ ....aKristbn Andersen 1925 ~ Fuck! Let me delete tNt tweet. ... Eddie Holmes 20:27 ~ I.Ot's J:l'¥Sh for 20K. ~n y<>1.1Tho Oo~ld to h.ivo:; T~t? .... Kristian Andenen 20.29 r.1:1"Hcy@rcaldonaltftrurnp, here's the aper' suggestif'Yi tha1 squirret~ ;re the source of SARS¥CoV¥ 19 Qn the b;isi~ that "'We have noticed that a 1-:rge number ot squirrelshave been released in Wuhan since 2013. and a park of wild squirrels lta~ b~n built In WuhanM. Thar~ It. ¥ Andrew Rambaut OS 13 411111 . Why 2013? Justhappe-M to be the date that RaTG13 was collecte-d? ... Eddie Holmes OS:S4 ~ Yes. perhaps, they relc~ed I.he ~trrcls as a:decoy for the ON passaging cxpcrlmcnts they were ).tst siarting at the WIV? Rob@rt C.arry 01.112 I . They might be on to something. J!ttps:YwwwspJiCe.wRl/33623áchetv.l>inskámeteor-w3keáwácalláfor-t.arthJ'ltml ~ Chelyabinsk Meteor: A V/akc-Up Call for Earth The smaU asteroid that broke 1,1poverthe city of Chelyabilsk. Russia,on Feb. 15. 2013. wa, .aremindo-about the importance of motiltoril'lg sm~II bod,C1 in )1)6CC th,it could pose a threat to Earth. Squirrels are released, RaTG13 found, ANO the 20mastáeroidhits Earth¥ all in 2013? (edited) ~ Kristian Andersen 14:48 P.ellma11 1-om )l.ltlt fot <,mai .. Are you aware you're ~rtkipatfng in a wartrime? Mar 21st. 2020 From H,'r.,ntd?Th(> 8igH()IKC (No contcrd Ithought thiswasooeof the more amusingemt1ils I have received ¥ard there are many to choosefrorT' ... (rdittd) ¥ Andrew Rambavt 111,)'I .a . I bet Dan is a nice guy to hang out and have a beer with. I In the basement of his mum's house. REV0003003 ~ Kristian Andersen 14:59 ~ Yeah,I thought about inviting him over. As tong as he keeps a distance of 6ft. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 19~1 ¥¥ ..¥77676422 ~-Pfli T lifl'lilKristianAndersen 1~á20 ri! More th;:in J million vte\'IS on the art'Kle itself too. It's pretty fucking crazy. I have also gotten about a million emails from total I think we need to include that in the metrics too. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 19:34 ¥¥ That is because you put your emafl address on iL ~es; r,i E"ddie Holmes 21:11 ......-; Nutmctric;. Add it up. ~ Kristian Andersen 19:44 ~ Come.on lads -just a few more tw"ec-ts needed. Screen Shot 2020á03á23 at . .44.16 PM png ... I REV0003004 I ¥ Ano..-ew Rambaut. zo-fcÈor, yq1,1r mum: i:i, tn::ndf1g Qt\ Chine:,c: lwith:r CxtcrAAI Santkir. & :iw:iim of lin~ 3l1~hm(!nts Md rcquf'..$t<. 0e.1r Professor G.:irry. Please excuse me for not including my name here fot tt.cpl.ll'post of confidcntiali:y. 011c lntttvicw you gave to ABC was que-tc byChin11's state tdcvis.ion as J)(oof that Covld-19 did not stan: In \ o1ndit ii now tref'ldins $C<.On¥ing th:.t t~e is an eartier than Wuhan. Is this what \'00 rrollv meant or did you meanthat the virus dd not originate from !he hsh market but still has its 11kelyorigin in Wuhan? If itis the secolid case, your words !lave been m.anipubted and used by Olin.esc state media to push for the theory that the virus has anon¥Ch~e. likely AmCfbln Ol'igin. In rau. most Chinese ncn2COS. tt a.nd ornc.1a1s lto be used aga9'lst your lntcnOOo. Have a pleasant dby. Best wishes. (Sony that I cannot f(l'ave ,ny here. yo1.1 canjust ask anvone who knom Chinese to check Vi/eibo,they can vtrify what I saidJ "the S.'leak il 3nother byer of information s.1ying áthe paper say Wuhan is not the origi11"' I He-rein lays the issue. .IHfil::Jfi@. M:lrch 29th, 2020 ,., ¥ Andrew Rambaut 1, 11 ¥¥ Appa,rcf"ltlyW<; said it preoding in hunun> for deciKle.s, >tudy >tty> Vi,11s may haw jumpe-d f ,om animal to humans long befo;e the firsl detection in Wuhan. according to rC'Scarch by an international team of scipng¥ The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 ~o,.,,_...,.-\,,...._~.,,....,~c .... e....,., -á. ,..,. ..... (2020)C..1Hs.n.dl 2-1K1111.-a-1~ 244,15All-1e ~ I think Al'ld,ew should go on CNN London since-h~ is dosest geographically. REV0003009 March 30th, 2020 v Robert Garry t?.-11 . CNN Interview completedHello again Robert, Just wanted to s:ry thank you fO( speaking to us, you were g,cat. As Nic:k ~ntioned, please do stay in touch if there is something noteworthy in the s.cientift<: ftcld about the virus that you think should d~rvc more attention. Keith, that BROLL would be great to have for our TV piec.e. let me knowwhenvou are in a position to send it. Thanks. Vasco ¨~ Probably be trending on Chinese twitter again.M ¥ Andrew Rambaut 12,48 ¥¥ Did you say that il ptobabJy started in the US? Robert Wrry 12-53 . I may have used the-"may have origir\ated sometime in the past" c.atchphrase. But. yes lhe probable US origin was the f,rst mes.sageá I'm really thinking a lab somewhere hiddená n,aybe near swamps or backwaters. Tile fiend prob.lbly unleashed the virus a~in during Mardi Gras.. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 15:50 ¥¥¥cntertainmcf'lt/disncy¥shelvcs-hcartwarming-movic-about-sick-pangolin-being-cared-foráby-his-bat-friend-20200330195036 I ,. The Daily Disney shelves heartwarming movfc about sick pangolin being cared for by hls bat friend DISNEY have annOllnced that they ar'C delaying a film about a loveabh~ ill pangolin who Is saved by his trusty friend, a market-dwelling bat, Mar 30th, 2020 (507 kB)¥ ..,; I ~ Kristian Andersen 27 57 &I! @Robert Garry ¥ have you been looking into k>nge'lity of humoral immunity in SARS and/or MERS patients? And how long AAbs last? I have been going through a few papers and what I'm finding isn't re.-ssuring at allá from wh.:)t I can frnd, it appe.-rs that nAbs decrease dramJtie.1lly after -1.Syears and anti-SARS lgGs start rapidty declining after 2á3 years. MERS appears to be simit.Jr 0< worse. If wh.Jt l"m finding is true. then that bodes very bJdly for tryiog to build up ike ¡'otherCoVs it's loaded with N-glvcans ¥ the O.gtycans art just falling in some gaps ¥ maybe an important one or two. There might not be any good accessible epitope-s to target. Just part of the story though the spike protein itself is a swiÈ army knife of seriously dar-.gerous motifs. I tanát bear to 5ookat twitter ... r'li Eddie Holmes 11:32 ,...._ ¥ 3.09m Acce$Ses ¥ 2 Citations ¥ 25005 Altmetric \. e Andrew R.Jmbaut 17:54 II ¥....:¥¥ ¥"-' O I I I, I I, t U ¥ ¥¥ ¥ I ¥ ¥ O <9' IO¥¥ 1 ¥ ,h I ¥ ¥~¥ ¥ ¥ , ¥¥¥I I ¥ O II "I. ¥ ¥ O O ~ Kristian Andtt1en 17:56 P.I! Luckily we have ThcBaseballNCfd to explain the majn .arguments (o the plebeians, REV0003010 =::::--..:.~-~~-:..-. _-_--_-.-. .. _,.___. .,-----.. á--... - __,..,_, __,__,,.. ____ _ _..____ .,.__ ...______ ___..________ _ ---..-------á-----. ---------á-á--. _________ ..__ .. -.. .. #. .. ---~á-------~--. -----__...,.,, .....___..___ .. ...,.. .. ..-... ---..---á-.. -.....__.._..,_ -á----. ..__,______________ _ _ _..______ ,.___..._____ _ _,..__ .._______ ..,._ __....._......_,..____ .. __ ______ .,,__.,.. ______ _ ___ .,._.,._,_ ..__..._ --á-------á------. .. --á------á-----á. --á--á----""-"--'-. ~ Kri$tlan Ander$en 20.57 r.t!I @Andrew Rambaut -where you p,cv;ousty asked aboot the deletion, is the study you WCW< ~ Why You Shouldn't Fall for theCOVI0á 1t "8ioweapon' Conspiracy Th~ry The 00<0navirus rcspon:si>lc fÇ COVID-19 has dc<3dly ndlptations that r'r'll)kcit perfect 10< Wlfecting hum~ms. But this is a test.1ment to natur.11 sele<:tion. not bioena,ineering. (19S kB)¥ I I ~ Krlstun Andersen 1S:SO AP'i1h'-20:zo ... rD Th.inks Bob for ans"Ving his emiils ~ I got severalbut had to b~k them (together with a millk>nothe1s. I'll loop vou in if anvbQc:1¥1 . .). Request frcm 88C coming through too¥ has time Robert Garry 19:37 . Snope<;-actu;illypretty legit .. , :. 1reply J yeai~ .JtO WIii Kristi.lo Andersen 20.58 rB Our comparative genomics iuju is uninralleled. Afflosta-s ifwe created the virus ourselves ... á: 2hlo>. e six residues differ between SA ::-á-:-------á and SARS-CoV (Fig. la). On ti"=----:.-.f structural studies'-¥and bioch, -_______ ,_,,..._,.. 9 10 nenti,1¥ .__S.ARS-C9~2s_eem$ t¥ ===""::::-=E::::.:::áá ¥ 1 RBD that binds with high affu ==:;:;:':.~.:::~::. from humans, ferrets.cats and c ~:::-.:::::.:::.;...--:::=.::....-:.: with high receptor homology7¥ _ ::..--:::..-:.:.á=:=-=--=. Aprll?nd. 2020 ¥ lilllll Kristian Andersen 1cuo etl I gues~ we didn't cons.kier this PoS,Sibil1ly I ... Re: The proximal o,-"in ot SARSáCoV-2 A:.>r 2nd, Z020 FtomThomas Busse (No contoot) REV0003012 e Andrew Rambaut 10'.l? ¥¥ Is thiscomillg from tht whde HIV¥denial tl'ing? lf!il Kristian Andersen 1018 !£1 Oh int~resting. I'm not muct. of a HlV deni31'ologisl. but lha1 woukl make sense¥ he does mtotiOf'Iretroviruses . Shameon them exosome,s! e Andrew Rambaut 10 '7 ¥ . 'wide~re:id háu\unier:icy in the Mcdte:JI ncld' lilal KristianAndersen 1100 ~ lhavetogivehjmc>ro,sforth.atpar't 11WKri5tianAndersen 13:18 fa BBC ¥"Just to b~e:I~~,, I re.xi t~res~)rt:h :ind otherpicc~s :.bout ir¥ -proc:~dt. to !1t.k,ngqu~stiÇ1s :irc~II ~nsw~ in the p)per .. I don't h~vP(eS5ion al the 'orefront. which may help C>n In a recent 2016 .arttdc: A naruriny prorccrrvc cpltopc or hnitedvaria!>lllty as an intrucnza v.aÇinc-rargct Red.>irnYOIIfexrxession .>nd help diH\6epc:fiticafp.,ranoia. in a setting where politics rxealready quite noisy, Thank you fot yOJrwQr1t OcnysPlcard US and can.idian citizen .ind dilettante of course ... I At>nl 2nd. 2020 ¥ ¥>PubMe-50.53.p,ng¥ I -á-- -á-¥¥á ------ᥠ- !do read the one from Kristi above thOJgh ¥ that one is re.alt)' cool and could hclpexpla1n tha mysterious 'P' inscrtioll. which is just such a cool evolutionary trick given that those Oálink:cd residues direact, existed, but weren't Oálirked until the insertion of Pl. F'W EddieHolme:s n:21 ,-..: There .are.a lot of .actual vÇ'! people. !cxlitd REV0003013 ~ Kristian Andersen 13;35 Aprll3c-d2020,.,!a This wholo fvrin sitq lÈine mo(.sÇt wilt\ in TIC h::$ mo i:cc::ond¥S\¥~ssing m~lf. When , ...... ~-.. á~á-......0 .. this. 'Nholo p,oceu, ron"loml>orwo t~lk,od ~l)o\1t "~~ggc l"l'light ,n;.ko vin.sso-s xq:~1irl) thcs,o sitesá? We couldl'l't flnd a'.0052752#por.cáOOS2752á t002 -Joum:ilc.pbc.ora The Role of Viral Population Diversityin Adaptation of Bovine Corona virus to New Host El'lvir<>nments The high mutation rate of RNA viruses cnabtc-s a diverse tel\Ctic oopul.ation of viral gerotypesto exist within J singleinfected host. lnáhost genetic: diversity c:ouldbetter posldon !he virus popula!lon to re5pond and adapt to a diverse array of 5electfv,e pressures such as host-switching cvcots. Mul1".)lc 00á1 comnavi,uscs. including SARS,h1we been identified in hum.JI\safll.)k?s just within the l.'ISt ten yeJrs, dcrnon~tr:.ting the potenl'bl of ~oron~viru~c,~ emergent human p~thOQcns.-. Occp scqucncil'lgwas used to characterize genomic changes in coronavirus quasispccics du(ng simulated host¥sv,itchin&, Three bovine 0c1sals.1mplesinfectedwit It bowie coronavir~ were used to infect humanand bovine ... Sho,,1mom SoeciflCJlly"Theconsensusseauenc::eof many of the PilS.SJgedsamples h..Kf a 12 m,c:leotide insert in tre consenStJs se<1uenc:e of tl'le soike ge,e, and multiple ooint mutations we,e assoc~ted with the presence of the imcrt" ¥ those insertio~ beingArg dch. which ls exactly what HC.CW has. Robert Garry 13A8 . Wo',-ep;ass:isinsMCo..,.19onfling celllines;md\~os,8vt yes¥ totilllymis~c:i dut 2013 p3P43r! lslK!'!-sif~ got 1:hiedclotions ~dicxlld rxus thoo.e b:)Clc onhmgce!k Thq 12 b;,:i~einsertionis I ffeaky though. w.J Krlstun Andersen 13;50 f'9 Yeah, I'd be very iOlefESliOf;iO krowifll whe(llel ,ln HCOVá19 witl.l()Ul the lurin Site COvXI ,1'Cquire I h:weo¥1 fully ff:Jd lhal Pl0Sf.t.:1J)t:f yet, but the :.i111U;ui1y l( ~ID. i:-,vety i1ltert:$ti1)8, I :.'11$-0 bfk. oboot: bb too: https:UwWN.sci-enriftc:.1mcri~of bcucoronavinJs (https.:Hjourn; ;d¥I0.1371/jcurnalpone.0052752'pone¥OOS2752-1002). For example. ,fter oassina 3 diffeu~nt nalul';)lly infectedbov ne ,,.,.S-.)1 in dfferent ceh line-s we Sdm.ples observed the consensus scqumces of maw virai sa11ples acqu' a 12-nucleotidc Insert encoding. 4 amino aclcts!Ser, Arg, At ... At,tJÇ12020 Espec.i.111',': bovine nasal sampks in different cell line:s of manv viral samples acquired a 12~ "For example, after f)a>sin,g3 different natu1allyi11fected we observedthe ccnsensus sequences liudeotide .nsett ericoding 4 amioo acids (Set.Art. A,g. Arg)k>cattd at nt 2737 of the sc:,ike iene 1S2 S1JbuniO. none of the unpassagedsamplescontaii,edthis inS(!rt at the consensuslever It's noc just a Single experirrent ¥ three different strain$ all e;cac;ttyacqUred ii 12bp t-urin cleavage site. That's dehnitely peculiar. This too very int~n:.sting as a potc-ntial mechanism -ocep sequencing revealed th¥t the insert gcrotype was present but very rare in the unpnsaged sarnpk:$ but quickly bc<.aimc conscn-susaftcr I pass.1gein cell c1.1lture," ¥ so it's ttrere in their input (presumably directly from cow~ Robert Garry 1<109 . MutabOns. including ooint mutations. insePubMed Central (PMC) Cleavage of Group 1 Coronavirus Spike Proteills: How Furin Cleava,e Is Traded Off against Heparin Sulfate Bindingupon Cell Culture Adaptation A lengstanding eni)1fnatic foatl re of tM grouo 1 coronaviruses is tht undtaved phenotype of their spike protein. an exceptionalpropertv amol\g class I fusion pro:ei~. Here, hQW"Cver, we )how thot :,ome group 1 CQfomwirv> :,p:ke p,oteirl) ¢.,ny a ft.trin enzyme .. ~ Kristian Andersen 14:13 !a this p.3rt of the g.enome is very'acfr.e' ¥ v-.4lich cs super freaky.because are we ;ustwaitiog '¡'othof SARSálikeCoVspoppiriguJ)thal haw pandemic poten1i31too. 1 don't think any of this new knowledge goes, aga nst lAflat we said in the paper, bllt h cloes make our-oefmltely not passageá argument weaker. 1 .. voukl bo very intcrcs.tcd in seeing some vtry in depth stvdi-es of high coverage ,..;,al scqvcncinc: of mild vssevere cases.I wouldn't be surprised if WfJ mightobserve loss c#the furin site in more sevue caws. ______ I REV0003014 Robert Garry 1. 21 . Y<.¥ahádcflnitelv foOd for sott tOOu~,1 ¥ aod wv c.M do rnild vs stv(!r<.¥. ¥ worm k>oki,.gat high ir~tt.-oSity hun\'lll p.bsag<> as \"4('fl. Vic have a bunch or s.arns,lcs from a nearby psyd1iatrie hOSJ:,italwi:. are testing today is having aserious (hei.lrtbreJkin;) COVID prob'em (inm.ates and st3ff) ¥ not sure ;:,00\t the irb issues for sequencing. but pote,,tial to get a waiver i suwose (we .Jlre.JdY have a waivtr fo, t.xctss deidenti6ed). Wlil KristianAndersen tA2S ~ Ye-ah. I think th~ studies will bevctYinforinativ~. ThetRBis ~&d up on vour end f0< now. not Otl'.f'S.corroo? Robert Garry 14-31 . not held upw~ arc planning on shooting you a bunch of Mardi Gras samples ptus veropassed nCoV¥ 19 mid week. ~0 Robert Garry P-44 . i am thinking for teut the hypoUltsis that kooc:ki~ out the fufin site is being selected in cells and n SOt"leP3tients but b3sidlv it needs it to successfully Yled in the lungs and/or infect the next lun,g~? ThuswithoJt it it is more S.ARS lik.t in iH lr~smiu:fl)ility. Aprll5th. 2020 ,. Robert Garry 1:i'24 . This is massiv<.-ty imJ)Ortant.I ver')' much ag,ee with the hypothesis ¥ needs to be tested in animal modes ASAP. ~ Kristian Andersen 17:32 &\9 @Andrew Rambaut -ye.ah. reasct'lable hvi>othe:ses and vou can see a DOSedsomtthinl? similar' above. h's oossible that a lack of Ult fur'n e:leavaa:e site mi~ht 'drive' the virus deeotr into t~ lullj!S ttence leading to more severe disease ¥ the opposite v-'Oold then also betrue, bvt could then lead to more spre(ld. I'm not corwirw:,ed pas~gc pc, sein tiswo cultutewill lcad to the dcletk>n of the site. I think this is likely going to be highly dependent en wh:it cell line it's bdng passaged in ¥ e.g.. Vero celts arc (inonkoy)kidn9yqpith@l~I ~11,. so likdy JXGtty difforiottt thon tho ~inoou, HCoVwouldtypic..>llyinf~a ¥ vn!ik9, q,s .. lÈ".'.18QOf'I lms oolls. Somo of tl\.Qoxpc:rimont5 8qb ond I diS<:us.,W.abQV9 CO\lldbe veryilluminating here and it'd definitely be inttrC'Sting to do a clinical outcome association study with abscnce/p~enceof furin site. Kristian Andel'len 2<>.25 ~Andrew ftambaut one question that Just occurred to me¥ did they grow the viruses In the prestnce or absence of tl)psln?{SARS needs u¥,-psln, HCoY docs not, but If this was done ~Im liar to SARS then they might have added tf"YJ)sin to the culture 4 which could drive the deletion of the furin site). e Andrew Rambaut 20;56 ¥¥ Yes -I think we dswssed this earlier~ the thread some ..-mere. I bem~ve they did use trypsin in the eel medium (this is oormal I think to stop the cells buncting?). ~ Krist.tan Andersen 210.t E£! Interesting¥ I think this might dfile it. Yes. oypsin is often used to disJodgc dle cetl-s when you split them¥ but th.en it's typically ...vashed off pretty thoroughly. so 5hooldn't really be p~nt at a fligh k-vel in tho coltvre itsdf -bt1tit might be sufficient here. Vel'O$ c;in be split withotA add'.ng trypsin though ¥ just by scraping the eels off. If possible. it'd be very intetested in seeing an exp~riment with or without trypiin to g~t :, ,en~e of th,:,t might dl'h-C th~ pheootyp~ . ... Eddie Holmes 22:11 ,...._ And on it goes:átraJ-le.ading back¥to¥wuhan¥l;abs/ Nt National Review The T,-,:,rJ Le:,din:g O~k to the Wuh:,n L:a~ I N~tion:,I Review There's no proof the corcoaviNs ~inated in ;alaba-atory. but wecan't t.'lke the Chinese govemmenrs cSeni;ils at face value. Acr J,d. 2020(1Ç kB)¥ Robert G:srry '22'.Y.! . yes¥ good idea K -pa~aging with and without trypsin I wlliilKrlstun Andersen 23á32 f'n @Eckle Holme:; we ;:)fflO:;t hove;, 30k Alt metric. ~ore :;o I wclc.omc ~l'IY "ill'Y theory :I r'W [ddlci Holmes 23.47 r,-,; Good point. let's keep pusfi¥\8 for 30k. April6th. 2020 .., REV0003016 ,...._ Cid you see this bollocks?'7¥new¥res,e1rch¥sugg~s-industri;:i,Mivestod<¥not¥wet-ma.r1rigin¥of~covidá19 gl'#lln,org New research suggests industrial livest0<:k.not wet markets. might be origin of co,,;d-19 Let') be deilln there i$ no $Olid evidence that the ori,&in of the SARSáCoVá2 virus.. which is 1hc uusc of thecvrrent Covid¥19 disease pandemic, isan open seafood mark(:l in Wuh3n that al:!È ttades ir, domtStic and wikt anim;-,ls. All lhal we kno.v is that early c~es o( people dUgnoscd with Covid-19 either wotked .at this rl\i'tket or shopped there tn the days preceding their diagnosis. ~ Kristun Andersen 1M1 fa eanát s;:iy rm a frequent reooef of but what a 1000 of bolocks indeed. A!ot of that going around. r"I EddieHolmos ~3,1 ,....._ NOughtit might be the face mosk study froin HKU bot tl\Jt is at 14.477 (bvl it orly e.1me out last week). WOJld be badii it was trot dire chlorOQuine study from Raoult ...aKristian Andersen t6:S6 t.t!I We need to trxk these h.icters down ¥ crossed the wron,g people they didl e AndrewRambaut 16S9 ¥¥ Not R,oulc l!I Rel)Ort for: Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COV1D¥19: results of an cp,enábbel non¥r'andomiz:ed clinical trial lo the: top 5'Xiof all r~ardtootpob ~cored byAltmetric Lets publish somelhing evell mote outrageous. I Ro~rt Garry t7.s.J April8th. 2020 .. . ¥Lets publish something evtn more ootrageous: Allforit! P.Eddie Holmes U:li Th¥.--. ,... th.t. 11,,H .-. .t.xrt. tlio¥ ,.,.,..,lv¥l ol t.._ vJ.~.,, on ,,..,..fHᥥá ,. "Aetosol and Sud~~ Stability ol SARS¥C0V¥2 as Compared with SARS<:oV¥l ". Can't hnd lht Altl'netric. Acccrdlllg to NE.JM it is thefr #1 p.1perbut it ranks 3rd of Mieles: in atl joumals ... li!II Kri:stianAndcncn 1&4i la Oh, aftn0s-t ¥ that ooe is close (113) ... https:Hwww.altmttr''7'769'939. ?src=boobnal'ldet#stom R Report fc;i,r:Aero1ol and Surf~e SU!bility of SARSáCoVá2 H Com~red with SARS.CoV¥1 In the top 5% of all re-search outputs scored by Alt metric I wa-s thinking mivbe C.hrisloptieás paper¥ which would maJGe me kinda happy., Need to c.he20 .. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 12'.SS ¥ . This Question ... ¥~11115. __..............,_..._. ___ .,........ ......~...... ~. & .,.._..,.f'Cf:¥~t>tCO\IIO.o.;.,¥uts#'4t1-~1illl--l,_ ... -...---...---~-..... ~..... ~ .... ~'-¥"-"' .....¡"''"" make!seosa now ... I iinaaePllC¥ ~ Kristbn Anders.en 1300 la Haha.I think he might havedone more." than just sequen-ce the genome of that 2011 project. ¥ Andrew Rambaut: 13,37 ¥¥ Yup. 'seQumced it' if vou know what I mean. man. I 0& Ap..CI 10.h, 2020 ., Robert Garry 07.47 . ~u,ence evidence for SARS-Cov-2 existed five -,ears.)80. SECRET¥mail ¥ l inkf-,http~ : / / ~n. b.aidu. co,,/ ~/lQnlJdV)S-ty! ¥¥¥n¥7Pl4l p.tSSIClfitllot. oca,ALL prorcssors. I h.we found ol.i: th;at the SARSáCová2 is existed in "A\.th3n in the ye~r 2015, 2017. 2018. The stquc-nce ~dcncc detected for P<)tients with infectious dis~asc is in t~ att~hcd fokfc!rs. I think you can do more similar work to the Stqucncc data submitted by guys in Hubci p,ovil'Kc. China. I think You ,1re right. SARSáCov¥ 2 is existed in H\bei fer along time, imybe lhe common coronJ virus rove some ,ommuniCJtion with other viruses such as novel8\lnyi virus on aenetic maleri.als. Maybt the environment in Hubei td~r so~ switch to speed up the evolution of SARS¥Cc,.,¥ 2, since high temperaturt envi'onment in Wutt-an, make the ecosvsttm there chaos. some food chains was d< ¥ phid\? ¥ Andrew Rambaut 07 SS I ¥¥ Strange link ill an ema1 from China'? Sure tobe legit. REV0003018 ¥ Andrew Rambaut 08<01 ¥¥ Mu')d '(Ou. I so wa,~t tose-e this. Perhaps I wll b(eak into anothe( off1ceand use a studenrs compute, ... Robert Garry Qr&.43 . Let us know what y00 find down the tabbit hole ... ~ Kristian Andersen 11).33 I.a Tile link is ltgit enough and there ar'e tastq flies in the~ ... tittp$:/lpi)$/1QnVdVJ3mmByo,MWm7P84A Pass:tlwm I find it kincla interesting th.t he emailed y'all sep,Jratety ¥ could be a Chinese whinleblovlef .., I'll OOwnload some of these and run a Kroken screen. beciuse why the he(.k not. (Mi~ e Andrew Rambaut .a . Cbdyouwtro-willing to takothebiJllct fOf' "'¥ took fotward to heafint about what y()U find . ....aKristian Andersen tl)SO ~ Alw~ count on me to do the dt.mbest thirgs. ~ Kristian Andersen 12.27 Iswear-there are f astq tiles in th~rt! ¥ and all named k>gically. Issue is. I can't bloody figur¢ out how to .00.pn11:.. _, ..______ _ ---á-.,_ ..__-.:.=:..-..-...... __ ,_,._,. __á-----. --á--_--:.=--=-=.. -=-=-¥-... Robert Carry 1S47 . Wowá kcq, c1fter this and k~cp u.s po,-ted áBTWá I think that thi$ individual pl'O'lided a fermk name .. did they R"nd U1c ITIC'l~c lhru ttn c-nc-rypted $ite? .Ml Krldhn Andorun 11,, c;, ea Yeah. this was a w::rystrange emdil so while the message itself wasn't <1lcrypted. I think this persoo went to some length to hide their nae ks. The data download is very slow so it'll take me a while to t.ake a look at the ~tual d;1ta ¥ I S\lspect these are just mi5Classihtah0ns.b\lt l'I defmitely take a look. ~ EddlcHolmc$ 11:20 ,.._ lean e.asilyget a Mandarin speakef to look at these Kristian.Justtet me know. 60f4iu\át£1)$ Do you want to try to hnd out who this pcr~on is! I catt ask aroord. ... Eddie Holmes 17:27 ~ The Chinese govt havt conuol 01my computer anyway so no wotries there. Whistlcblowe<, hoax.O( setáup? Remember.we looked at 8XJ mctatranscriptom.csamplesr,om Wuhan In 2018 and saw no knowSARS¥CoV-2 . .Iii KristbnAndcrstn 17-41 In We h.ive two guvs from Ch 'nll here .1t e>ur institute and they managed to start the downlo,;1ds. The;'re downlwding .aswespeJk, ,1lbeit stow~,. .!lllgni.1g. bot It IOOkS to methat tl'ICSCarc :,Ingle rca(h so 1'n0St likdy mlsc1as:s1ncat1on let's5Ç: orá.::e I rave tile fa:itqs r"I [ddi~Mofmecs 19:01 ,-..._ Make$ sense. Cockáupis always lhc mc>stlikcly c.plan1tfon. April 11th. 2020 ... wit.IKristianAndersen 00:08 fa PREDICT rcsurroctcd ..á,d-prCVt't'ltápmgram-coronav11us/1iidt'X.html Cl CNN REV0003019 Trump administration shuttered pandem~ monitorng program, then scrambled to extend it As earty indicationsof Clina¥s coronavirus outbreak emerged in lat~ Dec~bef'. t~ I Trum.padmlnlstrat1cnnotified congress It would st111 toJlcv1 through w1th Its pl.In to shutter a US~ency for lntecmtionaJ Qe\¥ek)pment wrveillance program tasked with detteling new. potentially dangerous infectiolS diseases and retping foreign labs stop emcrgingpaOOCmk thrcau arwnd the world. li'1IIII Kristi11n Andersen 1*. 1 1'.13Alrighty,t ee cmyread!:. ltlat mapped lo SARS¥CoV¥2. fi'iiii,:l&i-Q RobertGarry ,an . So¥ not .i tot3llyworthl-ess effort¥ sorn,ewhere in Chin:, ¥ orm3ybe elsewhere there 3,e tissve spe,cimens from people with \lnd~g.nosed respir3toiy illness-es. I h3ve to s.;ay th;at the nurrb,ersof people contacti"-t me with stories of multiple peopte coming down in a dep.1rtm-cntorbusi~ss v,ith COVID like symptoms make$ me wonder. Tht h~ad of p.ilmooology is (onvinced that student in the SMSprogra,m v-.ho workS 1n a path lab had ,t and passed it to him and several fctows.. She tndcd up on a oJCnt beforeJ navirusn<:ws¥ CNN The novd coronavirus has killed more than 102,000 people worldwi.1e. f,o,Howhere for livcupcbtc5 Af)f'.1tf\m0(100k8l¥ ....,,.,~.. u,,,..,.._., ilW Kristian Andersen t4'45 113 Yeah... This ctrtcinly doesn't help: https://(!;¥cOf'Onavrus-rtsear20(6Sk8}¥ ... EddieHolme, 21:41 ~ 01l(;e 1hls Is over me $lit w!II hil the tan. 1..Q¥sof .storle$wlll ne,ed to betolt'J. April 14th, 2020 "' Robert Carry 1501 . Hi Dr. Garty. Our episode on virus tivnting and bat virology for Short W-;ive, NPR''s daily scieoncepodcast. will publish tomouow at 4 i.m. EST. You'llfind it at the top of this web page hert: htt~//www.npr.o,i/podcasts.'510351/short-wavcorwherevtryoo get your J)odcasts. It includes quotes from yourself. Or. Unfa W,mg in Singapore-. :ind Or. Peter D,nwk (It EcoHe~Uh Allimce. Thank vouso rruch for ta!Cn_gthe time to weak with me. and I hor>e ,101.J'retaking c.Jre in Nev, 0-leam. áEmily Short Wave New discovCties. C\ICr'Vdav mysteries. and the .science bctlind the headlines -all in about 10 min\, every weekday. It's science ior eYeryone, usfl& .t k>tof creativity and a little humor. Join host Maddle Sof1afor s,c:lence-on a different ,vavcteogth. Kr'i:,.tion ¥ I hope you (Ire provd of whtit yo1,.1got rne into tltf't ¥ LOL ~ Kristian AndeHen 1S06 !rn I hope so too Bol:>. I hope so too_, r"I Eddie Holmes 18:16 ~ Did you lot set lhi~? 5oe-t-n$hot 2020-04á15at 8.lo01 .:.n,png ... á-á----¡""----~--1,a =.-a-:a.=.-===.=====~....:::::-=áá to.._, ______ _,. ______ .. __ =-~~-===-===:.-:r;:....-:::.. c.., ___ ,.. __ .,. ____ _ --4 .. _,._,, __________ ,_ ,______________ .,... _____ ,.______ ....,,___ _ _ .'li-11::IH. REV0003022 Ap,il 14th. 2020 ´ rm not sure what The EPo(.h Times is W!IJKris&n Andersen 18:19 1£11didn't ge,t this particular one-. but I have had several othe,rs mentioning Epoch Times. It's complete ttash ¥ I don't understand why news outl~ts have to follow up on all these complete BS papers (e.g.. PNAS paper,.,) and 'nCINs' stories, Not that the Daily Mail is the bcn of papers. mind you .: r--1 EddieHolmes 20:-0S ,-....; Because the currency for Journ.:-ilists arc stories, not ncccssan1y the-truth. They look for every crack and thc-o try to wedge-It open. ll!WIKrfstbn Andersen 20:57 ra Or. K has a point "Whenone conskkrs rh~decodes lf not loflser. 1ho1the Chinesepopufotion hove been consuming variousmeots. I fu,d ,t moretMn surprising rhot o,,.swus suddenlytook ott: Silty us not COflsi<:lerinJ; -so mysterious. that ~rt I Ap-ll 15th. 2020 '"' Ap~ 16th. 2020 .. ....aKristbn Andersen 00.55 ~ Front page ...áchinese¥lab/index.html l!:ICNN US explores possibility that coronavirus started in Chinese bb, not a market US intelligence and national security offu;ials say the United States government is looking into the possibility that the novtl coronavitus originated in a Chinese laboratory rather than a market according to multiple sources familiar with the matter who c;iution it is premJture to dr~ .Jnvconclu$iolls. I r-11 EddieHolmes 02:53 ~ Isit kicking off agai,1? Could we get #1 spot back?? .£. 2~les U,t,oeplv3y,'i-a80 ... Eddie Holmes 03:44 ,....._¥state~¥trump~investigatin.g¥o;;ource¥of¥coronavirus¥in-<:hina/db10f008á9ea0¥4434¥bf69-748d63f9480e¥us-coronavirus-theory¥china https;//áprobtem-s/us-urgcsáchinaácome-dcan-onám.)nmaclcávirusárumoor/ncwsástory/adlc75545fb8484d08bded54e06027d5 https://\"$/sourtesábelieve-covid-l9áorigin;:itedáináwuh;m-1Jbá.1Sá?,,lrtáof-ch~s-efforts-to-compete-with-1JS .. Breaking Australian and World News Headlines¥ 9News United States investigating '¡urce of coron.avirus .as Pence calls on 'Chinese government to come clean' US Preskler1t Donald Tr\HYlp sayS his government is trying to determirle whether the coron.avirus emanated from ... (49 kB} ¥ I I (B the Guardian Trump fans flames of Chinese bb coronavlrus theory during da.lty briefmg The ~sident attacked those who favored China. including the WHO. for which he previously announced a hold on funding Ao, 15UI. 2020 (80 kB) ... REV0003023 NX !5th. mo(8:)k8l¥ April 16tti. 2020 .. ¥ NewsComAu US urges China: 'Come dean' on virus The US i1 vrsins Ctin.t to ¥c~ c;le~n¥ ..-bovt ttie origin ot COVI0-1 ~ ~., c;tty ok1$;int. bvt it'&. (vnfortt.1n3tely) efmti,.,., I w~nt O\lt, Anybody h_,.s tontxt&. in Norw3y? e Andrew Rambaut 10.31 ¥¥ A colleague is fran Norway. But he is, bit concerned ibout the rise of the ,ight ¥wing there too. Robert Garry 1033 . ABC ¥ national n,ews ¥ so 3 st.lrt. ¥ Hi Or. GJrry! I hol)e y0u'1e doing w,U! Asconspiracy theories continue 10 posit that SARS.Cd/á2 is anthr(){)Qgenic. I thought it could bean apt time to r~visit your te;im's fmdhgs ;ind h0tv y0t1r thc;x,1ghts ~yhave evolved o,oer the p.astftwwms. wnat are you aM Y01.I'colleagues thinking an<1hearing? Has new evidence surttKCs%3A"2F9''62Fpolitics"2Fcoron.avirusáwuhanál.lbác.hinaácompete¥l.lsá souÇes&:data¥02%7C01%7Crtga,<17e2e31306%7C9de9818325d94b139fc34de5489clf3b%7C0%7C0%7C637227337228352836&:s data¥TJUNUjpxiZygqeolaFMxS6KzNkT5HfDF95iul93941E%30&res.ct'\l(!d-"'O ~ Fox News Source$ be4ieve coronavirus outbreak originated in Wuhiln lab as part of Chinaás ~fforts to compete with US The-re is increasing confidence that COVID-19 likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory not as a bioweapon, but as part of ChiM's effort to demonstrate that its efforts lo identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States. multiple-sources who !lave been briefed on the details of early actions by Chinaás govemment ;ind seenreh?vant materials tell F'ox News. Coronavirus: Is there any evidence for lab release theory? B8C News examines alleg,11tions th.It the coronavirus was accidentally released lrom a Lab. ¥ SBCNews Is there any evidence for coronaviru.'i lab release idea? BBC N~ws examines alk!gations that the co(onavir'us wasaccidentatty released from a l¥b. (67 kB)¥ I Foxá BBC it"s realty hard to tell the-diff .-...I Kristian Andenen 1~57 r.l! We aregoing to do a proper pa~r On the origins and spread of the virus @Andrew Rambaut -ple.ase keep U'i po<_;ted -I'd love to be part or thi'i if I c.anbe hctpful {or even if I can't... -~ , Okay, so about the cur1ent news. Is there any reason to believe tllat they might be onto something. or is it all smoke and mirrors? @Eddie Holmes ¥ any insights on the ChiM side? The main things from my perspective-: 1. 8ioweapon and engineered totally off the table 2. If there is no engineering and no cu11uring, then it means that somebody magically foond a pre-formed pandemic virus. put it in the lab. and then infected themscl~s. The prior on that V'$ somebody coming into contact with an animal sourcc infc-clcd with the virus is as dose 10 zero as you can get. Humans come into contact afJthe time with SARS-like CoVs. but the-likelihood of somebody finding exactty that pandemic virus and infecting themselves is very very low !make no mistake -if they did fmd that pandemic virus. then they wourdget infected if they grew it in the lab¥ but the likelihood of thtm finding it in the first place is excttdingty small (or so one woold hope ¥otherwise.good tuck World avoiding futur't parw:tetnic). 3. But hctc-'sthe issue-á I'm still not fully convinced that no culture was involved. If culture W(lS invol,,.cd. then the prior completely changes -because this could Mlle happened with any random SARS-l1keCoV. of which there ;,re very mJny So are we absolutely cert:J1n no culture coufd have beeo involved? What concerns me he1eare some of the comrnents by Shi tn the S<.,Am I article (~I had to check the l<1b" etc.) and the fact that the furin site rs being messed with in vitro Yes rt fosesit but that could be context dc:pcndent Finally. the paper that wasshal'edwith us show,ng a very s,mrlar phenomenon (exactly 12bp mscmon) 1n other CoVs has me-concerned https;//joumals pk>s.o,g/pl0'-'onc/art1ctc'1ds 10 1371/journal pone 0052752 -best sommanzed here: http'#\flrolog1cal.0'1,/t/1dentificatioo-of-aácommon--clefenon-máthe¥sp1ke¥prote1náofás.ars-cová2/451/6 I really really want to go out there guns swinging saying "don't be such an idiot bchcv1ng these dumb theories -the president is deflecting from the real problems" but I'm worried that we can't fully disprove culture (our Jrgument was mostly b.lsed on the presence of the 0-linked glyc.lns-but they could likely ~ily a diffe,ent role: https:l/ We 3150 can't fully rule out engineering (for basic rcsca,ch) ¥ yes. no obvious signs of engineering anvwhcre. but that fur in site coo Id still have been inserted via gibson assembly (and dca,ty creating the ,cverse genetic system Isn't hard -the Ge:rmans managed to do exactly that for SARSáCoV-2 in less than a month). ¥; April171"-2020 .,. The Roleof Vlral Population Diversity in Acbptation of Bovine Coronaviru.'i to N~w Host Environments The high mutation rate of RNA viruses enables a diverse genetic population of vir.11 genotypes to exist within asingle infected host. In-host genetic diversity CO\Jld better position the virus population to respond and adapt to a divcrsc-array of selective pressures such as host-switching events. Multiple Ile\"/ eoÇ>naviruses.including SARS. h.ave been idcnrifie?'d in samples just within the last ten years, demonstrating the potential of coronaviru.'ic-s as cmergc-:nt human pathogcn.'i. Oc-cp seQueocingwas used to characterize genomic changes in coronavirus Quasispeete-s during simulated host¥switc;:hing. Three bovine nasal pmplcs infected wlth bovine corona...iruswere used to infect human and bovine ... Show m01e: O Vtrological Identification of a common deletion in the spike pro(ein of SARS-CoV-2 The J)l'esence of inserts or deletions in consensus sequenc;:es of SARSá or .-s 11rari<1nts like coronaviruses is also observed in bovine coronavirus. also a memb~ of bct.lcoronaviru-s (https:Ujournals id¥10.1371/jourrol.pone.0052752#pone-0052752-t002). For exi;lmple, ,1fter passing 3 different naturally infected bovine nasal sample$ in different cell linc-s we obscNCd the consensus scq1.Jcncc-s of many ,,.iral samples acquired a 12-nuclcotidc.insert encoding 4 amino Jcids (Sef, Arg. Ar ... REV0003026 Atw.incbi.nlm.nih.go, Att:unatwe cleavage of the bone morphogenetic protein(BMP), Cbb, produces ligtorlly before we detectt..>d iL The rnark,l ts jtr.,t too coinc.kkmtal to ignore. All lite compoutmt bils of this vim\ arc k>u1'l(Jin nature and I sec no reason toinvoke lab escape whatsoever. I'mv-ervconcerned that Ebnght/Upsitch/Bcrgstrom are going to try to use this to end GOF resea-ch wh¢n I think this is goirg to be tim~wt need it most. ~ KristianAndersen 1ss1 !IS Shi didn't do anyGOF\vortcthat I'm av,arc of 4 but GOF WOfk Isn't theconctrn htre. $1)e did A LOT orwork 1hat Involved Isolating and c-ultu1lng SARS¥llkc viruses from bats tin 8SLá2) and that"s my main concemirtg.scct'lario (we cite several of those in the paper ¥ if y0u haw a look at those origi"11 puMcations. it's deflnitEiy coocetning work. no question about it ¥ and is the main reason I have been so concerned about the 'culture' scenario). ~ Eddie Hof mes 1':00 ,...... Culturine inwh:1;? Why wookf culturire m;1teit more human adapted?The WIV eroupSeQ\lence so m.,ny of their viruses I just be anuM!d if they were doina experimeflts on one for which tllev h:td no publishÇ! thesequet'lce. and ill their virus~ art from Yunnan. TM closest bat virus to SARS¥CoV¥2 from that lab is RaTGl3 wt:ich ain't clost. RmYN02 ¥ vA'lkh isnot from WIV or anv lab h Wuhan ¥ is a bit closer to SARSáCOVá2in most of the gcnorne. we h.avea mini sci.Ce sample<1fbat virus in nature and al/OOSt none rrom Hu~t we know cnacpeoi:i1c do get r..atorally spill-over intected by bat coroo;wiruses. Surely this ro.,te istar. far mere likely th;m the IJb esQpe scen,nio? llfllilKristian Andersen 19:02 rl! Scre<-nShol2020 ¥ 04 17 at 16.02.10.png I ... EddieHolme:s 1,:03 ~ And RmYN02. a bat from nature.also includes insc-rtions at that site. ti!alKristian Andersen 19<>.3 PD Here are iust fot.r e)(,:1motes of some of the culturing work that's concerning ttt,ps:flwv, ttt~:Kwww.1,>mcd.120567988 hltps;V,w,w.ncbl.nlmJ\ tittps:, ¥>ncbl,nlm,n!h..go, Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS¥like coronaNirus that uses the ACE2 rcctpto,, ¥ PlbMcd¥ NCBI N.1tvre, 2013 Nov 28.503(7477).535á8, doi: 10,1038/nature12711. Epub 2013 Opened in that lab, Never. tlr'MIKristian Andersen 19 06 &I'!! That's my lhinking too. But tt\al's why I'm a little wonic99%] and H-.en by so,ne astrooomical chance gtmerateokingfrom my own self interest. ¥ Andrew Ram.baut OJ,¥2 41111. I ag(ct with Eddie here ¥ oocc vou ha~ ruk.-d ou1 the ,,s being anything odlcr than a virus di(CGt from a wild bat. the whole lab escape thing bc IshoUd the p.1pe< I was $ug,gesting woutl not bckle these hypotheses (cdW!fthan to te¥ite<3te the date estim3te fa the root of the tree ¥ has ~ready been estimated}. It ic.more to tackle the shit from Forster and other-s.itdit~ ¥ r-'I Eddie Holmes CM:12 ~ VERYhaw, to be on a paper that nuke!> Forster. I watcht"d YouTulx Interview alld it's llkie-SOfl'e sort of Monty Python parody. He's probably been locked In his room at Peterhouse k>r the last 25 ye.a rs and only out for tiffin once i day. Robert Garry 09:32 . -What arethe odds that the virus thenfirstappe.irs in the very p~ce ¥ awiklllfc market-wherev,e exactty expect a natural specits ;ump to occur?Whynotin a f,u more crowded place in Wuhan o-fwhith there aremany:" This is the one I stillCiln'tget mvheadaround. f(om ;he WU South Chirta Mornir,g Pou t.usgiQtJ have ruled out the vlro.sbcil\g anything othtr than a .,,;rus d.-Cct from awl Id b.>t¥.I tota'ly agtee. the Issue is thlt wN!c our c,.,.l~fonceagalnst ci-elneÇil"\g kvcry(vcl")'!} strong, our cvidc,ncc ,1g;1instculturing isn't llhe p-esence of 0-liªed glyc.1ni probably controls activity of the pol)-t>o1sic site ,mdisn't a mucinlike dom.1n as we describe)¥ this is especi.:1lly true gi'.¥en the paper showing, 12bpinsertion and the newpap(fs showing that the furin site is being messed with in tissue culture. 811t I agree with atl the pcints that Eddie is rraking ¥ if this had accidentally infected somebody ~t w,v. whv u~ neck would the OUlbteak only sun (Of be detecte(f) al a wet .,,...,v,..,':"''''""' "'~into Uow¥up and e.irltef point ~The earfieit known per$0n with symptoms wasl;iter diseo'leced to h;Ne falen i1ton l December 2019. and that ~''¡n dkl no! h:ivo vklhl¥ ~nn..etiot$". W11rolhMt.i symptom< on DÇ 1 rfr.'.lilly COV10~19? Do""¡' know tlul lhfydidl'l'l tu~ eor.t.:aclwilh tc>i'nOOnehow wodced :Ill tho, m.:trkot? U't. ~n i.mJ)(lf"t~l'll data point. but I would also arguta vatueone. ... Eddie Holmes 17:16 ~ I am enjoying ou, 2nd¥wavc on AJtmctric. ~@ .£.1 res,fy 3 ~ars ago REV0003029 Robert Garry t 7-18 . True enoughá as is the-possible case-hom mid Nov. If I had a nickel for e~rv pe-t!.Onthat :said they thing they had COVID¥19 in Janucn-y or eatlier ... well I would ha.v@' a c.oupll!!' of dollars.. But srill it will be interesting to test 'Some of these for antil>odies.. Yes -'l"tcll over 30K now-can't s.cchow #1 could be all that far ahead at this.juoction. (edited)!rt Garry 1s.1a . l"m a little dis.appointed my smackdown of Montagnier, who was pushing the HIV rccombi.nant engineering memc. got s.o warercd down. Maybe it was just the trat1'Slarioo to eheue e11?i,,t so e. de , o I c, 104goose Frerich. r, Eddie Holmes ta:S9 ,..._ It is s.o like HIV U,ough, A buoch of conspif'.KV theories over its origin that were resolved throogh more SJmi:,ling of widlife, AQril lli'th. 2Q20 .. ¥ Andrew Rambaut 04:1CI I ¥¥ Also UkeHIV there will be those that just continue to spout nonsense but they ~viii be i~reasingly irrelevant. R.obcrt Carty 09:.02 . /articles/PMC4:26S93 l/ (Nim!] Very insightful ¥ HIV corl'Spiracies used politic.-.lly to majot effect a:r\d wry damaging.á1S This p::1per mvking the rounds on the conservative underbelly of the Internet¥ cited as proof ot intentional/accident;il release of NCoV¥19 . .. mBio The Reemergent 197? H 1 N1 Strain and the Ga in.-of¥Function Debate The 1977¥ 19 78 influenza epidemk was probably not a natural event,. as the genetic scQuence of the virus was nearly identical to the seQuences of dcc.adcs-otd straiM. While there .are several hypolheses that covld explain its origin. the possibility that lhe 1977 epidC!mic resulted from a laboratory accident has recently gained popularity In dtscusslons aboul the blosafcty risks of galn-oMunctfoo (GOF) Influenza -Ylrus reseJrch. .as ;,n argument lorwhy this rese;>rch should not be performed. There is now a moratorium in the Unitt?d States on fonding GOF research while the bencfrts and dsks, including the potenti.rl for accidont. are analyzed. Given the importance or this historical epidemic to on .. , Show more 5f,ph1 20!S ¥ Andrew Rambaut u.3e I 41111 . Founc1number 3:'scorc ~ Report for: Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-Cov ..2 as Compared with SARSá CoV¥t In the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric April 19th, 2020 .,, .. altmet,k ¥ Dimensions Re..imogining discovery and access to research: gmnts, d;ita-sets. JXJblications. citations. trials. patents and policy documents in one place. With mor"e than 100 million publications. and l billion citations freely available for personal us.e. Dimensions provides studerits .lnd reseiJrchers uc.c.e5s lo the dab and information they lleed ¥ with Robert G.any 1 HA . I find myself rooting for POTUS to say more dumb stuff abollt the origir.s of the-China virus. po,ss.ibly poisoning Sino-American tela.tionships Does this make me a bad pe-~on? r-11 Eddie Holme5, 17:2:3 ,....._ Keep rooting Bob because il is. working: nQ'l,á1 at 31.175. What is #1 though? lt'S c:~arly somethrn,g over which Twitter has gone mad. I April 20th. 2(120 " KristianAndersen 13.lS l reallvwant to know who's #1 too ... Gotta be quite a wack'I l).lpet!! Separately -this is from Ed Yong -any idea? ¥0o vou rec a If a l)(lp,er or (lsure recently show ins toot bats don't octualrv harbor mOfe viruse5 than exu,ected for a sroup oftheir sve,ros;ty?" Rc~rt Garry 13:53 April 20lh, 2"Cl20 .. ¥ Not s.urc that's the rlgh( word -maybe somcrimc about the number5 of bat species? ~pnii: .. ~~--. it:'11'~4. --á..-á---á 'OTl -===-..-..=.::::.:::--..::--...----.~á-,. ,.,._.,__ ._.,. ___ _ vir------------¥--. áá-á------á. ¥p,1,elo1/ty __ .,_,,_., .._., __.......-...---.. - .........__----...-....á--~-... I ---___ .,_ _., ______ .,____ ,._ ..., ..... .,._,.._., ____ ..,_ ..,--~-... hrtps://¥1callrdoáh.1rborámotc--dangcrous-vi,uscsáothcr-spccics REV0003030 , Science IAAAS B:ih; t"eally do h,ubcr more dangerous ,.,iru$,e:;: than other !ipecies A n@w s.tudy is se-t to end a long-running deb.ate amon& vfrus. ecologi.sts Jt.m2bL2017{192k.B] ¥ htlps;/l-.w,;,rtit.les/n;:iture2297:5 I Nature Host and viral traits predict :zoonotic spillover from mammals Zoonotic viruses, manv originatins in wild mammals. pose .J serious threat to global public health. Peter Dasuk and colleag\Jcs c:reatc a comprehensive database of mammalian host&.#8211:virus rdatfonships. which they ;;,nalysc to dctc-rminc patterns of virus and zoonotic virus distribt.Ation in mammals, They identify varioo,s factors 1hat influence the number and diversity ofvirmes that inkct a given S?('c:ics as wall as facto~ that predict chc proportion of zoonoric viruses pct s,,cdcs. In doing so. they identify miJmmalian species and geographic locations where novel zoonoses arc likely ro be found. Kristian Andersen 13-Sb Yeah ¥ thos.e arll!: tht PREDICT HudiM and they baskally show the oppo!dte of what Ed's asking. Robert Garry 1.11-00 . I'm thinking the bats are not special bit came from Da'SZak. From the KK article-: ''Wang has spent many yf'ars arguing whether bats are special wlth Daszak, and 5.lyS h's e.xciting that the new papet I comes from his groop. Daszak. meanwhile, is gracious in defeat: -unfa was right 311along." hes.av-;:," Robert Garry 1-11;11 . https:l/wwwnc.cdc.govlcid/article/11112/05á0997 _article Emerging Infectious Diseases journal Host Range and Emersing and Reemerging Pathogens An updated literature survey identified 1.407 recogni~ed species of hum~n pathogen, 58% of whid1 are 2oonot-ic:. Of the-total, 177 are regarded as ieme-rg ... (132 kBI ¥ EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES ,r...1.....iJoom11 .. m,mcw,,;.,o;,,,,,1no1, be ~per by t.hi'Sgroup Woolhouse. (cd4ted) Robert Garry 111:st . https:/,com/:search#('o,der'-O_'contex.t¥-fcoUection'-rid'-'d6ba10ea-809d-4f28-96b9ád2ed47Sec319'_'kind.--OL0kind'-t 1L 'v'-3_ 'kind'-77) So 111 may nol be a COVI D p:.per Kristian Andersen 1 S: 10 lnte-resting... If I sort all papets on that tesource-, our papil!f is :11!1: htttis://'www.sciel'lceol'@",arch#c:ontent So # 1 may not be a COVI D p.1per ~ril 20th, 20:20 .., Kristian Andersen 15:to lntcrcs.ting ... If I s.orta.IIpapcarricrs possible. Andersen 15:"19 Wewin!l I REV0003031 April 20th,2020 v Robert ~rry lS'.Sl . OMG THAT IS 109M PUBLICATIONS. r'li Eddie HolmH 18:30 ~ Catching up. The bats arc not special is a new paper by Daniel Streidr:cr in PNAS. r'li Eddie HolmH 18:.36 ,-...; I've sprot most of my waking hours over the last w¥cck trying to work out who might be #1 and I can't ftgure it out. So. those websites make sense. Perhaps we can contact Altmctri<:? Robert ~rry 2~"41 . "The bats arc not sp~lal is a new paper by Daniel Strcickcr in PNAS." Does this mean I can start taring bat soup .again? ii!lil Kris.tbn Anders.en 22 55 ~ 11vou want to go down a rabbit hole: https:Qprojcct¥tvldenc, {Disclaimer ¥ all concerns they bring up we have already discussed and considered, They also make a number of mistakes, but hey}, r"I Eddie Holmes 23:38 ,-,; I assumethat is Ebright et al.? Pathetic that they want to remain anonvmous. llil'lalKristian Ande,sen 23:56 ~ Ah.yeah. didn't think of tllat ¥ coufd be him I Aptll2 ht. 2020 v e Andrew Rambaut 00<12 Al. Someone uploaded this document and then deleted it again (Github tracking everythin.g of c.ourse). Worrl Oou1mN'lt ¥ II Response to Proximal Origins paper edits April 8 .. WordOooJITlffll TlPcer cont~minated cell lines¥ why didn't we think of that?). in a joumal somewhere. How else [except for having Trump dirtttly tweet about the papet) ace wegoing to drive this Altrnetrk score past 40.000? ~ KristianAnders.en,11á37 &I! IsPubPccr indC.l(cdbv Altmetric? It should be '-4.How in the name of the lord a myc:oplasma coáinfcction would lead to insertion of a furin site into .a vil\ls I do not know -thal's not cxaetty how recombination worksá but at least he didn't suggest HIV, so it's a novel idea. Points for that. Robert Garry 11-5.9 ¥ NIH might consider sorne 2-fac.tor autheoticatfon for Blast as well ¥ keep that tool out of the wrong haods. r, Eddie Holmes 1843 H ii I+ifI ,..... 2áfactor authentication for Blast is a g, ide.l. I also propose that all human geneticists go through an intensive period of de¥netwcrldfcation befo~ they are.allowed to we-¥.:-;.._---~ _, . ~ Kristian Andersen, 1a.s1 ~ I think 3áfac:tor authentication might bC'betterá 1, Password, 2. Temporary code. 3. Ptof. AAdC'rsen's approval. That should work wC'IL Mal Kristian Andersen 22'.44 ID It's an eel!! Eel!!! Doh. Em.ail fromSl.1CtforGmsi ¥ SARS¥CoV¥2 ¥ Horizontil tr~nsfer from As.ian eel /\pr21>t. 2020 From Bradley Porter (No content} r-11 Eddie Holmes 23:42 ~ I was just about to send that to you!! He's got apoint though ... the Loch Ness monster t\Jrned out to be eels. (iv 0 r'lil Eddie Holmes 23:S9 ~ I was diSJwointed by Loch Ness. I was sure it was scuOO camels, I REV0003032 ~ Kristian Andersen 0005 tB I believe that theory tS5till beingexplored. Robert Garry 01-.11,1 . Seu~ camet.s is defmitely tt thing. It's in E.gypt. where they have fn.iit bats. IIRC camels do have a little bet;icoron;:ivirus. Like Fox news said about WIV the dots are fallingin place. l'r&"""" A r-111Eddie Holmes 18:29 April 27th. 2020 w ,......._ Charming. Screen Shot 2020-04-28,n 8.28.47 am.png ¥ -á---IM'. . ~ Kristian Andersen 18:33 mt! Okay, traitor. so how much orethey actually paying you? I think they got me kinda cheap. so maybe I could have made a better deal. r"I EddieHolmes 18:41 ,-.... Hc'.tl/c-a cent. although I did ge:t that preslde:ntial plate and a woodc-n elephant from Yunnan. In many waysI found the: following cm.iii cvc-n morn disturbing: never paid~ Scre4:-nShot2020-04á28 .it 8.38.30 am.Pfli: ¥ _____ ..,_ . _,____ .,________ _,.....,.. ------~.. _______., ---á-.,. __ il!tiil Kristian Andersen 18A8 I el! Well, t can't really blame-these pec,ple ¥ I mean, I live in a country where the p~ident suggested we treat thrs by drinking bleach. And blasting it with UV -inside the-body, or maybe outside with very strong light''.So compared lo thal John'-sa fucking genius¥ I mean. BLAST "'adv<29.,..¥Ml1 ... ltf"...., ¥ ...,.,.. ¥ ....,~..,.ln1u ¥~p"'1ollhcirprub ..i.mi.o;..I 5,,.. """'¥"" ,w,c...,li,, ,_..,..,n.,.,..., a, ~jo;.,i,, A,..._.,.._., ..... 1.,"..,...,."'""'""'""'á Sorry. the cover is the best bit: April 29th, 2020 .. I Such shit. Thi"i guy did ii bit of his PhO in Au5trali.01 ~ Yeah. Paul Sonne? Just talked to him. I pinged Ed Yong about potencialtvwriting somethingá I really would love to see him write an article about this as I know he'll do it right Robert Garry 1&19 April30th. 2020 ,. . Yes¥ Paul Sonne. Tricky to stay in the science lane and not venture to much into the political brea. 174 kB)¥ ~ Kristian Andersen 19:43 ~ Ye-syes, but our Great Leader sets the record straight with some clear language. Screen Shot 2020á04-30 ,!JC4.41.45 PM png ¥ I What did PresidentTrumpsay? ,. .. wi.HiluN011~~~'"'41---ll't¥"'IIO'W"~,OU._.,.,._,,_,.pglriY,.'f'WM'J(lll¥fllrll¡'9""'(11~M .. \'ll\lw,_...,,lg,,oolltw-l"' TlltllfOll,WIJtOd;oll;"Vlt,llwwe -I-Ndl-.NWDr1dHNIII ~ll'io,Mlla-~__..,...,._....,...lh.,_p,,11111:1 """"'-~IDr¡""'-" Ha..., ~.....,.t<>nJ-¥-................ . _,'ld_,..,__ _,._a.-di,-,lb__.w,oo,, ..,.., ,.,,,,~IIO#~f'IOor----l...,_,ffllo.,,.,_dC..... Ol,t~--~..-..... oi ... ~~--.. , ¥¥ """"¡"' 1;,,--10--á REV0003038